Walter De Veer 2005 - Form Guide.

Another point I wanted to make....
To me the whole point of announcing team early (here April) is to pick the team, train the team and improve the team. This year's format made all that training (which was a four hour each way drive) a detriment to the team at De Veer. It would be good to see the team that trains hardest and improves most from April to October be rewarded for those efforts.
Sorry guys .. I cant see making it a scratch tournament would make it better, and I think of 2 certain bowlers whe I make this remark.

Thahn Tu (WA) and Andrew Godkin (NT).

These two guys who bowl under difficulties none of us could imagine have been at the last 2 De Veer comps and epitomise the spirit of the whole damn thing ... everyone on equal footing giving their best, and everyone cheering them on while they are bowling.

These two guys live for this week. I dont want to be a part of taking it away from them.
Hi Guys,

I’m with the Spanner On this one I don’t think making it a scratch tournament would work.

This Year I really thought it was going to work. With taking the highest average you had either year book, Roll off average, average as of a certain date and then all events average.
Next year they could also put your state Championship all event averages to it. Or they could just take you highest average from a tournament weather that is something just held in your centre like Masters or something.

This Year I qualified for De Veer by only a few Pins but I thought I would rather do De Veer for one more year to get some more Experience before moving to play with the big boys and Girls. I now have no say but I am looking forward to the challenge.

I did my all events and came from them with a 183 average I was that excited with that. Yer I had to work hard to win my points just like everyone else but it made it for a very interesting three days very upsetting to lose a 213 scratch game but that happens but then I won with a 160 game.

So let’s just stop this Finger Pointing and get on and bowl and have a really good time doing it because you only live once remember.

Seeya Round Guys
"The Bitch"
Gary said:
I was never told i would get 18 game's but i'm ##### enough to say i whanted them and i got them cause i did my job and i bowled 18 because i whated to bowl all i can bowl in comp's
as i will be this week at Dunn Shield.
Jay K can u not fight for your self or do you relaise u two are so disliked by Victoria WDV ...........................and i mean all of us.........Gary.........:mad:

I upheld good sportsman like conduct, throughout the WDV, I supported the womens & mens team, I attended all that I was asked, as I believe that you don't have to like whom you are bowling with, but, yes, you do have to work as a team, and with this attitude at the forefront of my mind, I did support all of the team. You seem to want to make this a @personal@ issue, on a personal level, but I want to see WDV clear and free of people who only want personal glory. The very essence of bowling and what WDV represents, is at stake here. Did it not get your attention, that through out ALL the presentations to Victoria, the rest of Australia clearly made their sentiments felt. Very little applause, and certainly no cheering, only the bare minimum of what is required of a good sports attitude. If you want to live with your head in the sand, like an ostrich, fine, but I will be trying to improve and move on, and I want others to have an opportunity to do the same. Than and Anthony epitomise exactly what WDV was designed for. Not for sandbaggers to stay and steal the glory. What you think of me personally, doesn't bother me, as I have NO respect for you at all, especially after this WDV. Shame, shame, shame. This is my LAST posting, on the matter. I believe that a national register of tournaments averages should now be put in place, and all tournament results could be posted and updated, like the scratch bowlers ranking system.
Cherub. (Cheryl Naylor)
Cheryl and Gary,

Could you to please sort you’re differences out some where else. People are reading this hoping to make their state team next year for the first time and your attitude will be turning them away. We don’t need that

What ever Happened in your Camp should remain in your camp and not for the rest of the states to hear or read about.

Now let get on with Promoting De Veer so we can get more people involved. After all that is what we want isn’t it

Big Bitch
missJamie said:
Cheryl and Gary,
Could you to please sort you’re differences out some where else. People are reading this hoping to make their state team next year for the first time and your attitude will be turning them away. We don’t need that
What ever Happened in your Camp should remain in your camp and not for the rest of the states to hear or read about.
Now let get on with Promoting De Veer so we can get more people involved. After all that is what we want isn’t it
Big Bitch

Well said.
missJamie said:
Cheryl and Gary,
Could you to please sort you’re differences out some where else. People are reading this hoping to make their state team next year for the first time and your attitude will be turning them away. We don’t need that
What ever Happened in your Camp should remain in your camp and not for the rest of the states to hear or read about.
Now let get on with Promoting De Veer so we can get more people involved. After all that is what we want isn’t it
Big Bitch
We need more people trying out for De Veer and this sort of in-fighting will not help our situtation.

Jamie-Ann, I couldn't of said this better myself.
:snipersm: :agrue: =;
Daniel "Speedbump" Simpson.
It looks like common sense is starting to prevail...Jamie-Ann and Speedbump have got it exactly right...Lets look for the positives that have come out of De Veer, we all had a good time, lets keep that spirit going...Next year will be even better with a little effort...
Well done everyone...
Den (NQ)....:D
Walter De Veer 2005, where do we go from here.

Firstly there have been complaints of people saying things without revealing who they are so let me state as my name here suggests, I am Anthony from the Walter De Veer Northern Territory team this year 2005.

Bitching, moaning and complaining doesn't actually achieve anything and I have been thinking for a long time about the best way to resolve a lot of problems that have been occurring at Walter De Veer.

The bowlers from the NT got a really raw deal this year and I don't think many of the people here realise how hard we had it. To go to the tournament from the NT cost us about $2500 a piece. When we arrived and did our qualifications all the members of the NT squads bowled their guts out to do the best they could.

My current league average is 154. After taking our highest all events averages I was regraded at a 189 average, which stuck with me the entire time I was there. Now I had it hard but compared to Jason on our team I had it easy. His current league average is about 170 I believe. After qualifications his average was re-graded to 219. Can anyone tell me what is fair about having a 219 average in a restricted tournament?

I take my hat off to Jason, he has more than earn my respect this year. He bowled more over his true average this year then any other bowler and he got nothing for it.

Every member of the NT squads was re-capped at 10-50 pins over their actual average for trying their hardest. All the rules this year have encouraged is for people to not do their best during any of the grading process because if you do your best you will be punished and punished badly for it.

The reason people "sand-bag" and continue to do so is because the way things are at the moment, other than having a clear conscience there is no benefit for bowling your best in the trial period. If you bowl badly you get rewarded for it. The only way this is going to stop is if people get rewarded for bowling their best at all times and there is some sort of penalty for people who are proven to be "sandbaggers".
As for methods of proving someone is a "sand-bagger", I am all for suggestions and have a few ideas myself. You do not want to label someone as a cheat if they have done nothing wrong however, but I ask you this: "How is it that we see some of the same people every year at Walter De Veer?". I don't understand how some people who bowl in scratch tournaments and win, or come close to winning can bowl in a restricted event.

My pet hate this year was the last games I bowled in the restricted challenge on the last day after Walter De Veer. I want to know how I can go up against one of the NSW's "best" bowlers, who is my opinion is just as good as me (if not better) and give him 34 pins a game in Handicap.

I want suggestions from everyone here on ways to prove people are modifying their averages and appropriate punishments to stop people from doing it. Without dis-incentives people are always going to put their own personal glory first and not the game.

The NT men’s bowled well enough this year to win it and we came 6th as a reward for the hard work we put in. Did we have fun? I can't speak for the rest of the team but let me say this. The last 6 games I bowled in the restricted cup I bowled a 190 average. I should be thrilled but because I got knocked out almost straight away I have this awful bitter taste in my mouth.

I would like to congratulate South-Queensland on their last day at De Veer. The bowling and spirit they showed on that last day was what De Veer is all about.

I will be back next year and things will be different, I am out to prove a point that the system just doesn't work. Once proven we all should all work to fix it or I can tell you now, there will be no more De Veer. I like Walter De Veer but maybe only the prospect of losing it will cause people to do the right thing.

Anthony Lenz, NT bowler for Walter De Veer 2005.

P.S. I apologize for any complaining I have done but the NT was punished for trying to do the right thing for the sport, I will complain only once.

P.P.S. This is my first Walter De Veer Tournament and I consider it a great shame to come out jaded.
Anthony, you and your team should be so proud of yourselves. You have gone to the Nationals putting in your best for every event, not just WDV.
OK you didn't win a medal, but you have WON in so many other ways.
Perhaps another criteria for next year's WDV should be averages from the actual WDV tournament for the previous tournament. This should sort some of those low averages out.

You have nothing to apologize for, so lets get that straight right away.

The way they did the averages this year hammered a few teams, NT and TAS in the mens and the SQ ladies in particular. That's an unfortunate part of this year, but i think it was better than in previous years. The idea of it was so that the winners would have to bowl to the best of their ability to win, thus use the higher of the averages.

QS Men had the best average of the tournament - a mere 223 (3 pins over average). We had our chances and bowled well, but we didn't win the big games. We are more of a team of party animals with a bowling problem than serious bowlers. Congrats to the winners, and thanks for your comments.

There are moves next year to take the average of those 4 criteria mentioned earlier. I think this could be a good move too.

NT and Tassie did the right thing, as did many others (I know we did). It's unfortunate that there are accusations of sandbagging, but it's talked about every year at De Veer.

And yep... we see the same guys in the restricted masters field every year. I tried to get into the field, shot 40 over my avg and never looked like getting a run.

My current league avg is 183. I bowl at a newish centre with good conditions that make for good scoring. If I went down the road to bowl at another centre in Brisbane (no names) I'd probably buy myself about 20 pins. I wont do that, I have too much pride in being able to say that my avg is over 180, and a lot of people are the same. But ... why should I have to give someone who is of equal ability 20 or 30 pins just because they bowl somewhere thats hard to score at?

Maybe we need a committee of one person from each state to handicap the other teams properly? Taking into account league averages, roll off avgs, state and national all events and previous De Veer campaigns.

Just an idea.

Mate, I hope you will be there next year. I hope to again be involved in the SQ team. And I'll buy you a beer next year at the DD. Just don't try to steal our Monkey, like those girls from NQ.


Peter Martin.
Anthony, Pm me and we'll devise a plan to kidnap that monkey again next year and how to get drinks outta spanner for the whole team!;)
Ice said:
Anthony, Pm me and we'll devise a plan to kidnap that monkey again next year and how to get drinks outta spanner for the whole team!;)
Drinks for the team - $50
New Monkey - $30

It's not looking good for you, Ice. You have about as much chance of getting drinks as Daniel Simpson has of beating me at Air Hockey.
Such a sentimental guy!!!!:p
Maybe we'll just kidnap Spanner worth more than $50 mate?
Anthony ,
could not agree more I had a ball and bowled with some of the best as I have said Jason what an honour to have bowled with you and the rest of NT you all kept it true. I will be trying out again next year and even if I do not make the team, I will put in for the draft and still be going to the national . To all the new friends made and past one really nice to see you all again and will see you all in Tassie.
Peter this could be a solution to the problem as in league why not regarded after every 3 games would that not make it a far game across the board just a thought and are you going to do the mixed doubles interstate team
first drink on me in Tassie and please keep the hand of the monkey

Jeanette :rolleyes: :cool:
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