Walter De Veer 2005 - Form Guide.

See you all in Illawarra going up tonight and the Vic's now have thier shirt's ( so no topless bowling between Vic and SQ :lol:) thank goodness.

Oh Gary you just spoilt my day !!

I was really looking forward to that game - it may be the first time the bowlers are wanting to sit out of a game. :D :D

NT 10-1

With just the six players like their mens side, I think they might struggle. Have also bought well in the draft, with Broni Morgan joining their side with a point or two to prove. Janet Marriot will supply some experience, as the only team member from last year.

some one should check there info n do some more reserch as there are more then just janet in the girls team that was there lst year!!
And it might pay you to take extra care whilst driving today.
Some of the SQ Team are on the road now and one of the co-drivers has never been South of the Qld border. (Michael is from the country and has never seen a traffic light before.)
Plus he is in the same car as Spanner who will probably not stop talking all the way down.
Andrew S. said:
And it might pay you to take extra care whilst driving today.
Some of the SQ Team are on the road now and one of the co-drivers has never been South of the Qld border. (Michael is from the country and has never seen a traffic light before.)
Plus he is in the same car as Spanner who will probably not stop talking all the way down.

Actually .. whoever lost the toss had to sit in the passenger seat in Speedbumps car. There is only so much Celine Dion they could take in there, so they had to swap around.

We are really proud of Michael. He hasn't had a beer yet .. but we have still got a week to go. The Road Trip Virgin has had his photo taken with the Big Banana ... we will get the Big Prawn on the way back.

But we have made it safely. Intercentre Cup tomorrow should be interesting. The young fellas were itching to get on the lanes.

Will report in daily if I can.

Apologies to those I left out of the NT side. You are now the favourites.

Remember, Childish and Juvenile are two of the things I do best.

Well hi to all from an ex De Veer bowler & captian just wanted to wish all the Vic side best of luck dont forget to savour the moment & be proud & enjoy yourselves,meet new friends,see old friends,bowl well, support your team & bring home the cup!!! Hiya Speedbump ya have ta call me soon buddy;) P.S hey Tommo keep them in line like you did with us....REMEMBER:rolleyes: AGAIN GOOD LUCK TO ALL & GO VIC'S!!! Carl Barbara
mannah said:
Hopefully no lurgie bugs at Illawarra. Who planted them last year - couldn't tell as every team was affected.
Yep - I hope there isn't the same lurgies as last year. Never been so crook in all my life.
Good luck to my former team mates and GO SQ. Keep them going Pete.

Have been watching all the action on the TBA website and well done to all so far.
On a different note, I have been speaking to some of the members of one of the state teams (I won't say which, but they'll know who they are) and have been told that their coach has told them to "manage" their averages in order to gain an advantage when De Veer starts. This included the Welcome Squad. I may be wrong but surely this is against the rules (502b in the TBA rulebook I think)
(a) Conducting himself or herself in a manner derogatory or prejudicial to the best interests of the game of tenpins
or to the objects of TBA. Including (but without limiting the generality of this provision) conduct prejudicial to
the good order and discipline of TBA.
(b) Placing the game of tenpins in jeopardy of unfair criticism by the use of dishonest or disreputable tactics in
connection with the game.
This is precisely the sort of thing that does not help tenpin bowling or the De Veer tournament standing and could well help to kill it off, as if it isn't already in it's death throes with the 'superior' Rauchuig bowlers demanding more for themselves every year.
This in no way reflects on the bowlers from this particular state as the ones that I know have said that they will bowl to the best of their ability regardless of the coaches requirements. If their actions result in some of these players being "benched" for the entire De Veer tournament there will be some very upset people as they will have spent $2000 minimum and just sat and watched. I know I'd be a little angry with that. I just wonder if any of the other states are using such desperate measures to get a win or are they bowling in the true spirit of the game.
Scarlet Pimpernel should you not take this to the TD? This sort of innuendo casts a reflection on all the other State Coaches.

If you wont take it to the TD, then either name names or have your post deleted.

I would also like to ask you to enlarge on your comments regarding 'superior' Rachuig bowlers demanding more for themselves every year.

Who are these bowlers and what are their demands?

Putting it bluntly either put up or shut up.
Scarlet Pimpernel,

I have been involved with WDV since it's inception. My only role this year is to watch the results on the TBA site however as I have had health problems.

I am not sure that what you mean as "manage" and what I interpret it to be is the same thing. However, let me tell you that every year there is a complaint about some of the states (and every year its different ones) trying to get an advantage by so called manipulating or what ever word you choose to describe it, their averages.

Firstly, I think if you are going to make a statement, then you should be willing to put your name to the post so everybody knows who you are.

Secondly, how do you know you have to full story? As proven previously people make comments (and may I say I have been guilty of that myself previosly) and only have half the story or hear something from some body who heard it from somebody else. Also as has been proven in previous years, a team member interprets a comment made by a coach or manager in a different way to everybody else and as a result starts spreading incorrect rumours. How do we know this is not the case again?

Liz Fabian-Czmok
Just to let everyone know, I heard this from several bowlers who were at a team meeting about two weeks ago and it upset several members of the team, so I'm either mistaken or more than one person has the wrong end of the stick or doesn't understand english. Everyone at the meeting was told the same. Obviously some of the more 'experienced' De Veer bowlers do not need to be given this advice.
I have deliberately not named the state or coach involved as I have been made aware that a few very upset people will be taking this further.
As for the 'superior' Rauchuig bowlers, yes they are better bowlers than the De Veer bowlers, as their averages show, but some would not piss on you if you were on fire. I know this doesn't count for every one, but there was an interesting post on one of the other forums about paying the Rauchuig bowlers and not any of the other 'lesser' bowlers (i.e. De Veer, Seniors and Handicapped). Money coming into the game should be for the benefit of all, not just the elite.
Firstly it disapoints me that bowlers speak to outsiders of what happens in a team meeting,whether it be right or wrong what was spoken of.That is why managers are there. Some people might find this a bit harsh but if i was the manager of a team and found out that a team member spoke to other people outside the team about what went on in a team meeting they would make very nice bench warmers.
As for sandbagging, me personaly couldn't and wouldn't do it because the only person you are cheating is yourself in the long run.
There are a lot of bowlers who bowl better under tournament conditions and i would include myself in that. Eg league ave 175 now, wdv last year i think was around 188, seniors is around 195. I'm not sure why this is but in my case i think i get pumped by whats happening around me.Does this make me a sandbagger?
As for elite bowlers getting paid,why not,people off the street would watch these bowlers, they would not be interested in watching a 150 game being bowled.So yes keep the top bowlers in the sport and pay them to perform, because they are the ones that will attract more people into this sport and the end benifit is that the sport will get a higher profile and more people bowling. Our so called elite bowlers are no different to you and me, we work we bowl. They just spend more time practicing and buying the best equiptment for there game. So in the end they spend more money than us on bowling.

Well Grumpie I would be more concerned that a "coach" was telling his players to "manage" their averages. Seems like some of these players have ethics, obviously the coach hasn't!
"Sandbagging" what a joke, we only have to have a look at the scores over the last few years, same bowlers coming in with their low averages and bowling out of their brains. Strange?? :confused: Sure some people may bowl better in a tournament, but you can't tell me they can't bowl any decent games in league.
If anyone should be benched it should be these bowlers. They shouldn't be able to try out the following year on their absolutely ridiculously low averages, but unfortunately no one has the guts to do anything about it.:rolleyes:
The only further comment I will make on this subject is that if
One - these bowlers were unhappy with what was said to them, then why didn't they complain to the state body? Why are they waiting? Will they put in a complaint or are they just all talk?

Two - Why is Scarlet Pimpernel getting involved if you are not part of the team? Leave this to the others to sort out. These sort of comments are not good for the sport also.

The objective of a coach of a team is to win. How the coach goes about it is up to the individual coach. If the team wins, they are a hero, if the team looses they are the worst people in the world regardless of tactics.

hmmm, rightly so Liz,by what i can see it seems so many people are jumping on the bandwagon criticizing De Veer,Rauchig,etc & the majority of them never even made the side!! Hey Gunther,you remember when we bowled in Canberra & Bankstown,how many bowlers had stupid averages yet at tournament time they seemed to bowl their brains out,well thats life it seems, we killed ourselves to try & win but with their handicaps it made it very hard for us,yet WE HAD THE STATE TOPS ON OUR BACKS & PROUD OF IT!!! So to all the critics,if you aint part of the State Side,keep you opinions to your hypocritical selves & if you are prepared to bag a coach or managerial staff,have the guts to put your name to your post or just SHUT IT!!
If i remember correctly CB300,wern't some bowlers calling you a sandbagger in Bankstown after bowling against you? But these same people voted for you as sportsperson for the event.
There is a differance between being pumped for a toury and sandbagging.

Now back to the topic on hand
Go VICCCCSSSSSS bring it back home where it belongs
grumpie said:
The objective of a coach of a team is to win. How the coach goes about it is up to the individual coach. If the team wins, they are a hero, if the team looses they are the worst people in the world regardless of tactics.

Just like to say to all I am up here bowling and agree with all that Sp has send just look at the ave and tell me they are right so let see what happens at the end of the day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grumpy could you tell me the definition of an elite bowler.As secretary of a league i find the people in this league to be an elite group of friends bowling together.??????:confused:
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