Walter De Veer 2005 - Form Guide.

My reply ( have not read it properly in this forum but know what has been said at De Veer this year ) the biggest person complaining is a person who has not made WDV for Victoria ( she drafted this year ) for the last 2 years for Victoria she bitched when she missed out about other bowler's ( 2004 ) and has bitched now 2 years in a row she has slagged people off and upset people to tear's with slanderish comment's, comment's like that i have heard over the last few days will only kill off De Veer and we do not need people like her trying out for De Veer:mad:


Ps...We played by the rule's and off the cuff one bowler went up by 21 pins another by 14 pin's and my self by 8 pin' our team ( Team is a key Word )
Scarlet Pimpernel sound's very much like the person i have mentioned ( or a close friend ) i was at that meeting u were not i know for a fact what was said as i listened.............:mad:


Ps: u are so of the mark people like u are totaly against the spirit of WDV......... GO AWAY

PPs Put your name to your post's.
I am so sick and tired of hearing about teams managing their averages(sandbagging whatever you want to call it) At some stage or another most bowlers will do it to achieve what they want. and I say most not all. So get over it and lets just get on with what we enjoy. Bowling and life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In regards to what I just said. There has been alot of talk over the past week and I am just so sick of it. I get really heated when people go around accusing people of managing their averages. I myself was accused of managing my average which I wasn't. So to everyone I do apologise. But let just get on with it all. Live to bowl and bowl to win.
grumpie said:
The objective of a coach of a team is to win. How the coach goes about it is up to the individual coach. If the team wins, they are a hero, if the team looses they are the worst people in the world regardless of tactics.
Just like to say to all I am up here bowling and agree with all that Sp has send just look at the ave and tell me they are right so let see what happens at the end of the day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me see,oh yes the team did win. So who got it wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry folks just couldn't help myself.;) ;) :D :D
Has anybody noticed how good I've been???? :D Haven't said a word bout all this controversy! SEE, I can shut up and stay outta trouble!!!!!!! I am just so proud of myself! ;)
Charlie Brown,

this is your WDV member,whom you shared the room with. This is NOT hear say, this is FACT. From your very mouth you told me that you did not manage your singles entry, but you managed your teams and doubles as requested by YOUR coach and manager. You were also observed by many others, that every time, you threw off on your shot and missed, you looked up at your coach, who was on the balcony at the time, and both of you passed approving smiles to each other . Do you want more disclosed on this site or shall I keep it private, in my report to the appropriate official BODY, as I have been requested to do. Not only you but most of the Victorian team, both men and women's, have bought this game into disrepute, by not giving of your best, from the onset. All of you that are guilty of this shameful, disgraceful conduct should all hang your heads in shame. I have first hand witness knowledge that has already started to be passed on .

I am using JAY K log on as i am not home yet, and am having difficulty in accessing this site.

I've been reading this thread for a while and resisted on commenting on it but now it has gone on too far.

If you have got proof of that, you should that it up with your state body and not in an open forum such as this.

This is doing more harm to the sport of tenpin bowling.

Daniel Simpson.
For as long as there is a DeVeer tournament, there will always be controversy with regard to entering averages, from both spectators and participating bowlers alike. It has been no different this year, though the "speculation, theorising and finger pointing" this year has probably been the worst I have seen :( .

The passion for this game and tournament is what compels some people to stand up against what they believe to be annomalies within the event itself. Unfortunately it is the reputation of the bowlers, and of the game, which is damaged in the process, something which none of us takes lightly, nor particularly want for this sport which we love. The DeVeer tournament was designed for all of us - run of the mill, average league bowlers who thought that they just might like to pit themselves against other run of the mill, average bowlers from across the country. Some of us dream of one day being good enough (whilst still young enough:rolleyes: ) to make a Rachuig side...others are simply happy representing for DeVeer and waiting to age out to ATBSO. Whatever our goals, we still have to abide by fair play and sportsmanship - something which the last 10 years of DeVeer have accutely portrayed. Yes, there is rivalry, but it has always been a friendly rivalry, and players earn the respect of their peers by participating in the spirit with which it was intended.

I think not -
please let us get on with the job of bowling - and being good sports at the same time, else that could become a real possibility.

For what it is worth, I firmly believe that DeVeer (and Restricted Cup) should be scratch - it is already a restricted event by virtue of average capping, and the results of the last few years clearly indicate that A, B & C grade bowlers have the capacity to bowl well over their averages when conditions suit. If the event was scratch, there would be no need for handicap management (if indeed there is such a thing now) and the results would perhaps be more reflective of the individuals overall improvement from the time of making the team, to the actual event - the term "sandbagger" might possibly be removed from our vocabulary all together:shocked!:

just my humble little opinion

Broni Morgan
WDV veteran/too old and not good enough for Rachuig/not old enough for ATBSO and proudly an average, run of the mill league bowler:p
Hello Cheryl Nalor
You and Jannette are good friend's yes.........
point 1 you only got 4 game's and are upset
point 2 Jannette has never made a WDV team u 2 love to be negative and love having a go at people who u think are weaker than you.
point 3 you two have done more to bring down the sport of tenpin bowling for the people who can not quiet get to the top of our sport by your action's in the last week i am so disgusted by your action's IF U have proof bring it on as you two are full of jealousy of good team bowling.


As for me if i sandbaged why bowl a 619????????????????????????

As Sped bump said
This is doing more harm to the sport of tenpin bowling.

Daniel Simpson said:
I've been reading this thread for a while and resisted on commenting on it but now it has gone on too far.
If you have got proof of that, you should that it up with your state body and not in an open forum such as this.
This is doing more harm to the sport of tenpin bowling.
Daniel Simpson.

Is that not what I said, to charlie brown! There is indeed, several letters being composed, to send to Victenpins. It has already been mentioned to the appropriate people, that it is forth coming. Once it arrives, it WILL be acted upon. I don't like liars and/or sandbaggers. The game is bigger than the individual.
p.s. Yes, Ice, you have been very good, and if you want some medals, I have two gold ones that you can have!!!!!
Thanx Spanner, for the escort home from the Kiama RSL, the drinks, the laughs, etc and Ice, tell Roomy, thanx once again.
p.p.s. Gary, as for your aspersions against Jay K, it IS NOT sour grapes, for missing out on making the Vic team twice, she gave it her best shot, and she was happy with that, and the added bonus was she put in for the draft and was snapped up by the NT womens team. She bowled 16 of the 18 games, sitting out only when Vic played them, but hey, she wasn't guaranteed the full 18 games prior to the start of the event, like you were. What does that say!!!!!!!!!

Cheryl Naylor
I was never told i would get 18 game's but i'm ##### enough to say i whanted them and i got them cause i did my job and i bowled 18 because i whated to bowl all i can bowl in comp's
as i will be this week at Dunn Shield.
Jay K can u not fight for your self or do you relaise u two are so disliked by Victoria WDV ...........................and i mean all of us.........Gary.........:mad:
Gary this has really hit a nerve with you!
Just wondering have you been voted as spokesperson for the Victorian WDV team? Seems so. Unfortunately a few "bad apples spoil the whole barrell" and that appears to be what is happening to the WDV team.
I'm sure you all tried your best when competing in the WDV tournament, but can you say that about ALL your bowlers prior to that.
I was told at by Charliebrown some weeks before the tournament that she had been told to manage her average, she seemed quite annoyed. However she now seems to admit to having done so. Her statement that most bowlers do this manage their average at some time, I find to be ludicrous, MOST bowlers would not even think of managing their average or "sandbagging". What is the purpose in it, to get back into the WDV team next year. Do they lack self esteem? Why not try to achieve something greater, try out for Rachuig, you may not make it but give it a go!
I agree with BM2 why not make this a scratch competition, might alleviate some of the problems that now exist.
It's quite sad to think that a minority of bowlers can have such a detrimental effect on this loved tournament.
Hopefully something positive will come out of this unfortunate saga.
Thanks Cheryl but you keep em, I think you deserve them and I got 2 silver medals from last year and they mean the world to me because I worked very hard to get them. Besides I decide to say something now!

I agree with the comments made about making De Veer a scratch tournament whislt maintaining the entering average caps. Kind of a B Grade Rachuig. Whilst I understand some people have no desire to take their game to any further levels and are happy to bowl De Veer for the fun of it, (that's great and I'd never want those people to stop coming because they are such great people) there are some of us who are very serious about wanting to work our way up and it would be good to see De Veer promoted as a valid stepping stone for Rachuig. To ensure the future growth of the sport we need bowlers to continue to step up. Lets face it most teams had both bowlers with high end and low end averages and things would be matched up when posting the line ups.

Look we all have our opinions on the changes made this year and whether they were succesful in stopping sandbagging or not but the fact that the powers to be listened last year and tried to improve things needs to be recognised and applauded. If anybody sandbagged they know, they're friends and team mates know and probably the powers that be can see that also. It's too late to do anything about it's done. Seriously, we all THOUGHT about how hard it would be if we didn't and everyone else did and we made a choice. If someone sandbagged they have to live with that not you, and if you didn't sandbag be proud and accept this is the price you had to pay for having integrity. I came home very proud, I love bowling too much to not give 100%.

I understand emotions are running high for some right now but try to be diplomatic and constructive in your comments. Please put forward your ideas on how to improve on this year instead of arguing about what is already done.
I don't bowl De Veer, and I'm not elligible. But here's a thought. Why not make the rolloff's scratch in each state, and then use the roll off average for the De Veer Tournament, instead of league or nationals averages. If necessary, set the same pattern for every rolloff venue in every state, on the same lane surface type (ie - hpl or anvilane synthetic, or wood - depending on the nationals venue lane surface type). That way everyone tries their best to make the team, which minimises the chances of anyone "managing" averages.

Sounds fair?
Then do it on wood, it doesn't really matter. What matters is integrity of averages. The only way to stop the problem is to make it scratch at some point in the process. Why not start at the source - the team selection.

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