Walter De Veer 2005 - Form Guide.

bm2 said:
Ah Peter......
Does this mean there is a calendar in the offing for next years fundraiser????:rolleyes:

Yes, well you may laugh Broni....

I'm just hoping that the Amateur Arthouse Movies that Daniel Simpsons' been making dont start resurfacing.
I would love to see Speedbump's movies - should put the SQ boys off their games - should be some rather embarrassing moments hopefully caught on film.
No.... - maybe it will put us all off our games - its hard to concentrate with tears of laughter in your eyes.
Are you sure you have the Vic ladies odds right,if it was me i'd have them at 5/2 they will be out there to win. Remember they did not loose a game last year and only 2 changes to the team,the main players are there to win.
Yes it is Sue Jones from the Vics bowling for ACT.
Last of all thanks for the mention of Dizzy and myself as missing people from the Vic team but i dont think i would be much help to the Vics as my league ave has gone up 15 pins to 189 and i have a toury ave of around 196 at the moment this may change next year but i'm on a bit of a high in my bowling at the moment and with averages like that i would probibly be a hinderance to the team not a benifit.As for dizzy not trying out she was a little sick at the time of the first roll off so we decided not to try out.;) ;)
I really think this year both the ladies and the mens competition will be very close. There is a lot of experience in most of the teams and quite a few new and very eager faces. It's certainly going to be tough but the WDV spirit will be there and the competition enjoyed by all.

Hopefully no lurgie bugs at Illawarra. Who planted them last year - couldn't tell as every team was affected.
Spanner, appreciate you doing the odds for the ladies - though I am disappointed that VIC is only at 5/1. But then again, it probably doesn't pay to go in as favourites! :)
Looking forward to going to Illawarra for my first WDV and making new friends.
Well done Spanner, you sure are a riot!
For the record QN are never going to fail a drug test, and no, we're not just going for the dinner...we're simply using the dinner to take your mind off your game LOL! Think red, low cut, backless, very low cut! And that's just what the coach is wearing!!!! :rofl:
Ice said:
Well done Spanner, you sure are a riot!
For the record QN are never going to fail a drug test, and no, we're not just going for the dinner...we're simply using the dinner to take your mind off your game LOL! Think red, low cut, backless, very low cut! And that's just what the coach is wearing!!!! :rofl:

I wonder what effects a spilt beer have on double sided tape?;)
grumpie said:
Are you sure you have the Vic ladies odds right,if it was me i'd have them at 5/2 they will be out there to win. Remember they did not loose a game last year and only 2 changes to the team,the main players are there to win.
We all forget that WA Ladies did not bowl last year and to this i dont think the Vic ladies would of won all of there games last year as they have not done to well against the WA ladies so i think spanners odds are pretty much on the mark and lets see how close he is this year when it all happens:D
I heard your all good now hopefully you might be able to bowl a good game:D
must have a good coach I think I know him.
see you there:p
regards nogum
Hi ,
Yes agree with the coach, seeing him today and I will be bowling a good game or two, see you up there.
Good Luck to all the bowlers in this years De Veer. I can't wait to get to the Nationals and see all of the teams for this year. The De Veer spirit will go on, long live De Veer.

Old friendships strengthen and new friendships forged.

See everyone at the Nationals.

Daniel "Speedbump" Simpson.
QS De Veer.
Best of luck to everyone this year at De Veer. I will sure miss it this year.
North Queensland lets go one better this year!!!!
Remember - Success is just a matter of attitude.
Michelle Duggan
Good to see some of our fellow bowlers in De Veer have done very well at the ATBSO Nationals.

Restricted Challenge

Roger De Witt 14 games 3020 :shocked!:
Glenn Lennell 14 games 2790
Anne Lenton 14 games 2786
Betty Pacher 14 games 2664
These are just a few I know of

No excuses for these people at De Veer you would think so :wink:

I think with amout of game's Roger is bowling we may well need a team of physiotherapist's to keep him going during De Veer:D

Keep bowling well Roger and save some for De Veer........

Having watched Team NSW practice over the last few months it must be said they will be difficult to toss on home turf.

Tillie Swan has her new Elvis spare ball, which as it is about to hit the pins sings "I'm all shook up" If Tillie doesn't bowl well then you will be hearing an announcement "Elvis has left the building!!!"

Wardy has his new "Tropical Storm" ball which is bound to strike up a hurricane and Jockey Archer will be telling his XXXX jokes at the back of the lanes, just to put the other bowlers off.

Speed Bump I look forward to seeing you and having a couple of Bundy's like we did in our room at Townsville a couple of years ago

Good luck to all at this year WDV at Illawarra Strikezone !!
Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish all the teams good luck next week. Gunther and I won't be able to make it this year. It's a bit disappointing as we always enjoy catching up with old friends and making new ones. We will be there in spirit however.

I am looking forward to hearing the reports on the men's match of VIC VS SQ. Spanner, no doubt we will get a colourful report on this one !!:oops: :oops:

Liz Fabian-Czmok
grumpie said:
I am looking forward to hearing the reports on the men's match of VIC VS SQ. Spanner, no doubt we will get a colourful report on this one !!:oops: :oops:
Liz Fabian-Czmok

It'll be like watching a live Manpower calendar shoot.
It'll be like watching a live Manpower calendar shoot.
Yea 20 year's after thier peak and not a six pack in sight but pleny of slab's.
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