The Wrestling Thread

nice so i take it was a good match then.. so im guessing that taker keeps the title

yep sure does when any champion and opponent are incapable to stand up in this particlar match it's a draw and the title can't change hands
Yeah, he keeps it. I'm guessing that they'll have a 3rd match, maybe Hell in a Cell.

either hell in a cell or there could be a casket match depends if taker gets a choice still i think taker will walk in there the world heavyweight champion and walk out as champion iam sure he willhold the title for as long as possible hopefully until kennedy cashes in his money in the bank and then he beats taker as much as i hate to say it but its one of a few more likely storyline then taker will probably retire with his 15-0 still in tact
it would of been cool if kennedy cashed in the money in the bank straight after the last man standing match...all he would of had to do is pin him...much like what edge did to cena when he cashed in his money in the bank
it would of been cool if kennedy cashed in the money in the bank straight after the last man standing match...all he would of had to do is pin him...much like what edge did to cena when he cashed in his money in the bank
but edge didnt keep it for long.. kennedy is so boring to watch i hope he doesnt become the next superstar and all that jazz
Kennedy is the next big thing in the WWE, and unlike the last "next big thing" (that being the uncharismatic, Brock "I gave up a multi million dollar wwe contract so I could go back to failing at football and now get my butt kicked by people that weigh half as much as me in MMA" Lesnar) Kennedy is here to stay for the long run. There is no way they would have had him cash it in because Edge only did the same thing last year. Its too early. Mind you I would love to see a Kennedy v Edge feud in the future.

Backlash was awesome. Best show of the year so far. Every match (i can't believe I'm saying this) including the Lashley match was done really well.

Benoit and MVP almost stole the show (AGAIN). I really hope they end up doing like a best-of-5 or 7 between those 2. I'm not a Benoit fan but these matches have been absolutely awesome.

Mickie and Melina was great too. Except for maybe the finish. Only because the reverse ddt is what Sting calls his "scorpion death drop" and well, Sting is TNA's answer to Hogan (should've hung up the boots a few years ago - at least Sting i decent on the mic, brother brother..... brotherrrr!!!)

How good was that opening tag match??? The Hardys stepped up a notch and Cade and Murdoch are improving truckloads every time. Apparently they (along with Kennedy and MVP) have been studying a lot of the old Japanese wrestlers. The improvement shows tremendously. Especially Cade's Urinagi (commonly known as the Rock Bottom) slam into a sitdown powerbomb.

Taker and Batista was a good match, but didn't exceed my expectations like the rest did. The 4way at the end, again was heading the same way except for the end. The end left me with my mouth wide open in surprise. Couldn't have been done any better.

Oh and one last thing, the promo with Cena and Orton was one of the funniest I've ever seen in at least the last year.

Orton: Yeah thats right. You'll be flat on your back with me on top....
Ron Simmons: DAMN!!
brock lesnar was awsome i cant beleive he didnt stick around..

taker and batista match was awsome still would have liked to see batista come out the winner..

laughed so hard when cena won the fatal four way. cant stand hbk he annoys me
Big News: World Heavyweight Champion, The Undertaker is injured.

Source: The Wrestling observer Newsletter

Mark "Undertaker" Calaway's expected long-term reign as World champion is in jeopardy, not because of a booking change, but because of a torn bicep suffered before Sunday's Backlash PPV match.

Calaway will be seeing Dr. James Andrews this afternoon, but is still scheduled to appear on tonight's television show which is conveniently in Birmingham, where Andrews' works out of.

He was in tremendous pain Monday morning after the match. Because of how the muscle has completely rolled up the air, the belief is he suffered a complete muscle tear off the bone, which will require surgery and he'll be out six to eight months.

The original booking plan was for a lengthy Undertaker title run this year, and him working far more house shows than in many years. That's one of the reason he trained himself into getting so lean, which gave him added stamina and quickness on this run.

If it is at all possible, Undertaker does want to drop the championship in the ring, but that decision won't be made until Andrews sees him today.

Credit: The Wrestling Observer.

Please, oh please, don't give the title back to Batista.
it better go to batista he is the best.. when does mark henry return

Mizzark should be back anytime now. He's expected to fued with Batista as soon as he gets back. Hopefully no one gets injured this time around.
ok cool.. dont like him that much he sweats to much lol... him and umaga to feud would be awsome or him and kahli
I won't mind if Batista and Henry feud. It'll give me a guaranteed toilet break during the PPV. Batista has gotten a little better than since he had the title. Its time they gave it to a few new people. Flair has said he wants to finish up on Smackdown when his career ends - give him one last reign even if its only as a transitional champ.

I'm kinda hoping that now Vince has the WWECW title, that Shane might turn on him. Shane O'Mac would make a perfect ECW champ. I could watch his "coast to coast" move all day.

Its good Taker wants to drop the title in the ring rather than just have it stripped. This could be when they give the title to Kennedy - hopefully during a PPV and not just on Smackdown.

Read somewhere that as part of Ortons punishment for trashing the hotel room in Europe he could get shifted back to Smackdown - which to me would be good news if he feuds with Kennedy. The Edge/Orton match on this weeks RAW was amazing :D
There's am independent wrestler by the name of Nate Webb that does the coast to coast, but instead of doing a dropkick, he does a moonsault dropkick. It's quite insane.
Have heard of him. May have seen him a couple of times while watching some CZW shows.

Matt Sydal is another guy that people should look out for. His standing moonsault alone is worth the price of admission.
PWInsider reports that ROH's move to PPV has been something the company has wanted to do for quite some time and have been working on getting a deal signed in the last six months. ROH met with every major cable and satellite PPV provider with all except for DirecTV signing on for a series of events. The feeling within ROH is that DirecTV will eventually come on board after the debut PPV on July 1 airs.

The PPV events will all be produced in conjunction with G-Funk Sports and Entertainment, who are based out of New York City. G-Funk Sports and Entertainment's President Ken Gelman has been at many recent ROH events in New York City and was said to be the connection between ROH and the PPV carriers during the initial meetings to get a deal worked out. As a result of this PPV deal, ROH has signed 12 wrestlers to contracts. While there remains no confirmation at this time on which talent signed, the deals are simply ROH's way to prevent performers from being signed by WWE or TNA. The contracts do not prevent talent from working independent events whose events are released on DVD by other companies and do not claim ownership of character name and likenesses.

Ring of Honor will be making some slight production upgrades for the PPV events as well, with events believed to be priced in the $10-$15 range per show depending on the carrier. The company's usual editing process will take place for all events, with the belief being that they will edit the show into a two hour PPV broadcast and edit the entire show for a DVD release down the line. The company is also going through the proper legal clearances for all music they use for performers theme music so they can remain the same on all upcoming PPV broadcasts. We noted earlier that this new PPV deal will prevent any TNA contract talent from appearing on ROH shows being taped for PPV, with Homicide and Austin Aries being the only TNA contracted talent left on the roster. It is possible that TNA could pull both talent from ROH regardless if the events are designed for PPV.

This is awesome news. ROH are the shizzle. Got quite a few ROH DVDs and it's great to see them take a big step forward.

If you've never seen any ROH, I suggest you check some out.
so the great khali seems to be the next challenge for John Cena's WWE championship...far out this guy wont make a good champion because he cant even speak english!
so the great khali seems to be the next challenge for John Cena's WWE championship...far out this guy wont make a good champion because he cant even speak english!

Didn't stop Scott Steiner in the WCW days haha - search on youtube and there's a video called "Huh?" - its 2 minutes of Steiners greatest miss and misses (there are no hits when it comes to him) on the mice, in the ring, pretty much everytime he opens his mouth. Best one (and probably the most well known gaff) is when he was feuding with HHH in 2003 - "I will be the next World Heavyweight Championship of the world" haha

classic stuff.

When Khali stays silent he still creates more interest than Batista on a microphone!!
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