The Wrestling Thread

JR is the greatest. At first when he started I didn't like him one bit (around 96 when it was he, Vince and Lawler as a 3-man commentary). Now he is the true voice of wrestling in the world. He is the benchmark in broadcasting.

Cena getting his teeth dislodged was awesome. "The Kick Heard Round The World VIII" was awesomely done especially with the crowd being all for it. They should host more RAW events in Chicago. The crowd there is the 2nd most hilarious/vocal in the US - 1st is the crowd at the Hammerstein :D

HBK's turn on Cena almost made me as happy as when he turned on Hogan before Summerslam 05. HBK has all the momentum - hope they give him the title. I haven't been this excited about a WM main event match since Bret Hart v Yokozuna at WMIX
JR is the greatest. At first when he started I didn't like him one bit (around 96 when it was he, Vince and Lawler as a 3-man commentary). Now he is the true voice of wrestling in the world. He is the benchmark in broadcasting.
Cena getting his teeth dislodged was awesome. "The Kick Heard Round The World VIII" was awesomely done especially with the crowd being all for it. They should host more RAW events in Chicago. The crowd there is the 2nd most hilarious/vocal in the US - 1st is the crowd at the Hammerstein :D
HBK's turn on Cena almost made me as happy as when he turned on Hogan before Summerslam 05. HBK has all the momentum - hope they give him the title. I haven't been this excited about a WM main event match since Bret Hart v Yokozuna at WMIX

Hammerstein is brutal, but not as brutal as the ECW Arena is Philly. Last year they held an ECW House Show there, and there were as a fan that went to the show wearing a Cena shrit (Legit Cena Fan) and he got abuse hurled at him all night, then after the show they beat him up in the car park.

True Story :D . Seriously, how stupid would you have to be to wear a Cena shirt to the ECW Arena.
I don't think, for me, any chant will top "Change the channel" *clap clap clap-clap-clap* during Big Show v Fatista :D
A "Fire Russo" Chant broke at at TNA Destination X during the overly gimmick filled match between Sting and Abyss :D .

"Change the Channel" reeks of awesomeness but.
That was brilliant too... They should've added "Fire Sting" to it as well... Abyss was the best part of that match. A Sting match ranks right up there with a Steiner match!! :rolleyes:
One day left people. I'm amped for it. Just got through watching Wrestlemania 22 and this year's Rumble.

Bring on Mania.
Other than the 3 big matches (MITB, Fatista/Taker, HBK/Cena) no match really excites me that much. But having said that it should still be an awesome show.

Cena + HBK will tear the house down if the MITB match doesn't do so first!
Caught it late. Only seen it from Batista and Takers match.

Taker is the new World Champ. Vince is bald and Melina is still the womans champ.
Benoit beat MVP (retains US Championship)
Great Khali beat Kane
ECW Originals beat New Breed
Mr. Kennedy won Money In The Bank
Cena beat HBK (retains WWE Championship)
I won't say it was the worst wreslemania as i thought some of the matches were of a very high standard, for instance batista v taker great match, cena v hbk again high standard (even allowing for " i don't know a wrestling move " john cena's victory, got to tell you the only thing keeping him champion is the woman that drool over him, he is the most overated guy on the roster and really gets on my nerves that wrestlers in the past 2 mania's being HBK here and HHH at the last mania have basically had to carry him to make the match great. Shows you what great performers and wrestlers D-generation X members are.

Also i thought that the battle of the billionaires match was surprisingly very good thanks to some very smart impromptu appearances throughout the match to help out the 2 young wrestlers at this level. I must say that Umaga and Bobby Lashley were very good.

And finally the ladder match for money in the bank, what a great match to start the show and i have said it before and i will say it again, the next big thing on the WWE and wrestling in general and the winner of the money in the bank is MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDY KENNEDY

Michael Mclaren
tickets for short lol
Jeff Hardy needs to be charged for murder because he killed Edge :D .

Cena retaining, even though it was a great match, just annoys the hell out of me. It seems that WWE's reasoning of keeping him champ is 1. He sells tons of merchandise and 2. He's Vince's pet.

I'm not a Cena supporter by any stretch of the imagination but IMO, he doesn't need to hold the title to sell merch.

When he was on the chase for the title for a few months last year, I was actually starting to tolerate him a hell of a lot more. Why not take the belt off him and put him in a fued with Vince where Vince gets people to destroy him (Like the Austin days). That way the title scene would get the freshening up that it needs, and when the time is right, have Cena begin his run at the gold again.

That way the kiddies will still be behind him and still buy all his merch, and the smarks will all be happy to have a new champion.
From what i have read edge is lining up for another shot at the title at backlash
Edge is on the poster for Backlash so could be a hint as what'll be happening.

This year's WM was very hit and miss. Matches seemed to be a little short and slow except for the two main title matches and MITB.

HBK/Cena had higher expectations for but I did find myself abusing the crap out of Cena in the last 5 mins of the match everytime he came close to winning. Would have been great to see HBK win, but I can see why Cena is still champ. He gets a reaction no matter where he wrestles. People love him or hate him with a passion either way. He will always be a top drawcard and Vince has made the smart decision keeping him champ.

Taker winning was awesome. I had chills throughout that whole match. Even Fatista didn't put on a bad showing himself.

MVP/Benoit had the makings of another "Angle v Benoit" from WM17 at the start but then fizzled a bit. Shocked and disappointed they finished with the diving headbutt.

Kane/Khali - after MITB had no expectations. Was a little better than I thought it would be.

Melina/Ashley - sucked worse than Trish v Christy Hemme at WM21. Ashley shouldn't be in there. Hopefully Beth Phoenix makes her comeback soon and adds to the list of women who can actually wrestle. So far only Mickie and Victoria (Melina to an extent. Candice is getting there). They should let Jillian do her full capacity of wrestling. Have seen her perform a 450 splash of the top rope - why oh why can't they let her do it. Hopefully TNA will let her if she goes there sometime.

New Breed / ECW Originals - a match I was looking forward to, mainly due to the NB (especially Burke, Thorn... oh and Ariel ;) ). This bit the big one. An 8 man tag that lasted a whole 6 MINUTES!! Ridiculous. And itwasn't even a fast paced 6 mins either.

Lashley/Umaga - Can't stand Lashley. Match was ok. Good to see Lashley got a few boos from the crowd. Umaga was the highlight. Please oh please don't ever let Trump speak in the WWE again. His "forceful" words made me cringe. Come to think of it, it was fitting he chose Lashley - they're both sh*t with a mic in their hands. At least he got stunned - even if it was severely botched

MITB - AWESOME!!!! Kennedy winning it was the best way to start off the show, especially his rolling reverse samoan drop to the Little Bastard off the ladder. Orton's RKO to Punk off the ladder was another highspot. Hardy is suicidal. Never been a big fan of his. The move didn't get a huge reaction out of me but the ladder snapping sure did. Why couldn't he have done that move on Matt instead of Edge???
It would be nice to see if a Punk v Kennedy feud comes out of this match, like what happened two yrs ago with Edge and Benoit.
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