The Wrestling Thread

New Years Revolution. Who watched it? I thought it was good and a good way to start ppvs in 2007.

I was thinking why cant Ric Flair move on from wrestling. He is 57 now. I think he should retire from wrestling and have is own show " Ric Flair knows best" lol just like Hulk Hogan.

The DX Rated RKO match was good. I have never seen anyone on the wwe bleed as much as Randy Orton did.

The Umaga John Cena match was good. I think it was funny that John Cena couldnt pick Umaga up for the FU so in the end he just beat him with an inside cradle. You might think im a bit stupid or dumb to just relise this now but I think Umaga is the same guy as Jamal on the 3 minute warning team a couple of years ago.

What ever happened to the Spirit Squad? Kenny has now taken his single career a lift by defeating Ric Flair.
new years resolution was pretty crap. the umaga cena match was great until he won by the inside cradle, stupid way to finish a great match. hardy and Nitro was a good match great way to start of the ppv. dx verse rated rko was good but wat happend to hhh's knee? gave out or something? would of been better if went for longer and rated rko won lol. all i can say is i cant wait till cena loses the title hiz had it for too long hopefully loses it at the rumble and never gets it back. would like to see dx brake up, 2 heavyweights as tag team? Triple H is a wwe title contender not a tag team title contender. Hopefully they brake up soon
Umaga is Jamal from 3MW. People may not think it was the best way for the match to end, but it actually was. Cena keeps his title. Umaga still looks as strong as he was when undefeated due to him not being comprehensively beaten. Still it would have been nice to see the result reversed. Estrada is the mouthpiece any good champ needs!

DX/RKO - very very bloody. Again it was a great way to end the match with DX going completely psycho on Edge and Orton.

I read somewhere that WWE had already decided who they want in the main event for WM (only rumours so far). For SD main event they looking at Batista v Taker and RAW they looking at Cena v either Orton or HHH. Cena v Orton (with Orton winning) would be worth the event alone

Oh and for ECW they looking at having Lashley v Khali (well if this happens I've just found my toilet break!!)
Umaga is Jamal from 3MW. People may not think it was the best way for the match to end, but it actually was. Cena keeps his title. Umaga still looks as strong as he was when undefeated due to him not being comprehensively beaten. Still it would have been nice to see the result reversed. Estrada is the mouthpiece any good champ needs!
DX/RKO - very very bloody. Again it was a great way to end the match with DX going completely psycho on Edge and Orton.
I read somewhere that WWE had already decided who they want in the main event for WM (only rumours so far). For SD main event they looking at Batista v Taker and RAW they looking at Cena v either Orton or HHH. Cena v Orton (with Orton winning) would be worth the event alone
Oh and for ECW they looking at having Lashley v Khali (well if this happens I've just found my toilet break!!)
Do you have a website for where you get all this information from? seems very interesting
Umaga is Jamal from 3MW. People may not think it was the best way for the match to end, but it actually was. Cena keeps his title. Umaga still looks as strong as he was when undefeated due to him not being comprehensively beaten. Still it would have been nice to see the result reversed. Estrada is the mouthpiece any good champ needs!
DX/RKO - very very bloody. Again it was a great way to end the match with DX going completely psycho on Edge and Orton.
I read somewhere that WWE had already decided who they want in the main event for WM (only rumours so far). For SD main event they looking at Batista v Taker and RAW they looking at Cena v either Orton or HHH. Cena v Orton (with Orton winning) would be worth the event alone
Oh and for ECW they looking at having Lashley v Khali (well if this happens I've just found my toilet break!!)
Fair call Luke. Unfortunately major changes have just come through in WWE.
Khali is now going to be moved to RAW, and HHH is out for up to 6 months with a torn quadricep (again), done in the match against RKO at NYR! The Tag Titles were supposed to change hands but Hunter knew he was seriously injured and they changed the plans mid match to the no decision result.
Batista v Taker is still planned being a WM Streak Vs Title match. This could be the end of Takers streak and career. Big Show could be tipped for a return at WM to have a match against Hogan or else it may be Austin/Hogan.
Lahley may now face Snitsky or some other big heel in ECW for the title at WM.
Why?...I reckon that would be an awesome match

Lashley, to me, is the second coming of Goldberg (with an even more severe lack of mic skills). Have never really enjoyed a Lashley match. The one with RVD last week was the best one I've seen of his - still not too great though. All info gotten from - its a lot better than most of the other newssites out there. Has all WWE, TNA, ROH, CZW and other indy news too.

Khali to RAW? Hmmm could be interesting. Who would he feud with? They're doing a decent job with Khali/Dreamer on Velocity.. oops I mean ECW (I get mixed up while watching as both shows have the great quality matches/format that keeps you on the edge of your seat [end sarcasm])

Snitsky on ECW wouldn't be too bad. He's really underrated. You could see the his potential during his feuds with Kane and Big Show. He was going to get a huge push earlier but then they released Goldust, and had Tomko leave, and the plans were scrapped.

Its supposed to be Big Show v Hogan at WM in order to re-create and remember Hogan/Andre 20 years earlier at WM3. The only way Show will win is if Hogan wants him to. Sad but unfortunately true.

Lashley v Kevin Thorn could be alright. He should be given a push soon (hopefully). Maybe even Test which would seem the logical explanation. Would love for them to turn CM Punk heel. If anyone gets a chance to see his work in ROH then do so! He is a master on the mic. Better than Cena. Better than Kennedy. He's being too held back at the moment conforming with the WWE style of show.

Who'll replace HHH? Maybe Cena should fill the spot, then have HBK turn on him. HBK as heel would be great. Like he was during Icon v Icon II (HBK v Hogan at Summerslam 2005).

I know I've said differently in the past but they prob should give Taker one more title run, but a very short one (until Judgement Day at the longest before passing the torch to Kennedy) Hmmm, have Taker as champ but with the stipulation that once he loses he retires. Its time they had a changing of the guard and take the title off Batista (he's never that good as a babyface - he was great as a heel in the Evolution days) Batista turning heel would renew my interest in his matches (The Batista/Booker feud bored me to tears. Even matches with K-Fed entertained me more!)
HHH is out for up to 6 months with a torn quadricep (again), done in the match against RKO at NYR! The Tag Titles were supposed to change hands but Hunter knew he was seriously injured and they changed the plans mid match to the no decision result.
thats sucks as theres rumors i heard that dx will break up from this that just can't happen as they were just startin to get good again
DX FOREVER HHH will be back and dx will be high flyin and kickin ass again
Guys check out . Its call the Pro Wrestling Report. Find it very good and quite funny.

Just watched that. Not too bad at all.

When it started, I thought the guy on the left was the guy that played the Clarence Mason character in WWE during the Attitude era (97/98 )
Speaking of TNA, they've got the round 3 of Joe vs Angle. Its locked at 1-1. This Sunday a 30min Ironman match to determine the winner between the two. Angle is a much better heel than face - hopefully TNA use him properly in this context.

Kinda reminds me of the Angle/HBK feud 2 years ago. Both won 1 each then a 30min Ironman match ended up a tie. Looks lke TNA could do the same as well!

Also TNA is home to arguably the greatest move ever (at least in the current generation) - Petey Williams' "Canadian Destroyer" - brings chills everytime I see it. You'll never see something like that in WWE - due to moves like that being banned.

Found a gif of it on here (see attachment)


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omg...that Donald Trump vs Rosie O'Donell match was the most lamest and stupidist thing ive ever seen!
complete waste of air time and money for them to show that now thats where i draw the line to carp wrestling that was the stupidest storyline that the wwe has made
complete waste of air time and money for them to show that now thats where i draw the line to carp wrestling that was the stupidest storyline that the wwe has made

Nah, wouldn't be the worst.... Gonna take a lot to beat the prostitution of the Guerrero name in crap ongoing storylines!
Nah, wouldn't be the worst.... Gonna take a lot to beat the prostitution of the Guerrero name in crap ongoing storylines!
Rosie/Donald beats it IMO. I've been watching wrestling for over 10 years and watching that made me embarrased to be a wrestling fan.
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