The Wrestling Thread

Batista as Champ again is what Smackdown needs. Both Raw and Smackdown have their machines and Batista is Smackdown's.

As for Kane..He needs a title. He is a monster..a great wrestler and entertainer. I havent seen him hold a tiltle in ages. I think it would be good to see him be Intercontential Champ. Becuase Jeff will become Half Tag Team Champ with Matt.
well i couldn't agree more about smackdown being the place for batista and him as the champ again even though he never lost the title is great he should try and carry it to the next wrestlmania but we will have to see as for kane and the IC title that would be good if only he was still on raw and havin him on smackdown to me is a good idea maybe the reuniting of the brothers of destruction again hey DEADMAN INC that would be cool kane and the undertaker together again after three or so years
Batista as Champ again is what Smackdown needs. Both Raw and Smackdown have their machines and Batista is Smackdown's.
Hardy Boys reunited, Its great! Its been 4 years since us fans have seen them in a match together and I really think that its about time they became champions again. Edge and Orton..Geat tag team but really..who would u rather??
MNM..Yeah it was good to see them as a tag team again. They are very stong and with Melina and her screaming..I guess it just tops it off.
Cena accepting Umaga's challenge was the best thing. That match will certainly be awesome to watch. Being the size difference between the two..I dont think that will get in the way. I think Cena will give it all he's got. As he is the best WWE Champ the industry has ever had.
As for Kane..He needs a title. He is a monster..a great wrestler and entertainer. I havent seen him hold a tiltle in ages. I think it would be good to see him be Intercontential Champ. Becuase Jeff will become Half Tag Team Champ with Matt.
P.S Lukey.. Am I right or am I right???? :p

Batista as champ is a small part of what Smackdown needs - having a great set of matches/storylines is the first thing SD needs. Batista has a lot of work to do - his matches have kinda bored me since he came back. New life is needed in this show. The card for Armageddon looks to be a promising start.

Hardy Boys return is great, but hopefully it doesn't last for too long. Their style was great for the era up until 2002 when they split, unfortunately their style is still stuck back there. You can only watch Jeff Hardy do a swanton so many times before it starts to get a little boring. So to answer your question young misguided Taya, who is better? Edge and Orton... no doubt about it!!
I really wished they continued with the Orton/Carlito feud a bit longer. Those matches were a true highlight for the year.

Cena accepting Umaga's challenge may have been the best thing. They been doing a lot of Raw house shows with Cena v Umaga as the main event. All with the ending of Cena winning by DQ - wouldn't be surprised if they do the same thing at NYR07 (maybe even have Umaga winning the Royal Rumble - if they feel he can reach main event status). One other thing of last week that I was quite happy with was the fact they're giving Victoria another push for the women's gold. She used to be one of the most talented female wrestlers before when she came in as "Trishs stalker" (sound familiar 3 years later??). The hardcore match they had at SS02 was amazing. Mickie v Victoria hardcore would be something I'd look forward to seeing.

Kane would be alright as US champ, but doesn't have the crowd pull anymore that other WHCs have. Tho I agree they should have gave him more than just a 24hr run with the title back in 1998. That was pretty pathetic - Austin still would have drawn crowds/money even without the title for a while.

Now I know I'm right Taya :p
December 2 Dismember was a bit of a flop. Couldn't really get into any of the matches - even the Extreme Elimination Chamber. Hardys/MNM was a slow but decent match. Matt Striker / Balls Mahoney - eh.. The highlight would have been the total p*sstaking from Joey Styles and Tazz when Striker had a picture of his own face on the back of his trunks - prompting Styles to call "I've never known a man that likes to sit on his own face" or something to that extent. FBI/Terkay+Burke - decent. Dreamer/Daivari - borderline good. Mike Knox + Kelly Kelly / Kevin Thorn + Ariel - entertaining, especially when Knox walked out on Kelly halfway thru the match due to her public admirations for CM Punk.

Elimination Chamber - Sabu got taken out early, replaced by Hardcore Holly. Highlight would have been Test throwing RVD off one of the holding pods by the hair, placing a chair over the face of RVD, and proceeding to climb on a pod to deliver a massive elbow to the canvas. Lashley as champ will bore me. Hopefully he's just a transitional champ. He's got the same amount of moves as Cena (single figures) but doesn't have the mic skills (the reason I like Cena). CM Punk was first eliminated - should have been one of the last eliminated. Would have liked to have seen more from him in this unique enviroment. Has not come close to recreating the style of matches he had in ROH.

Thankfully the WWECW PPV was only 2 hours - don't think I could have sat thru a 3rd hour of it.

(If you haven't watched RAW this week don't read further)

RAW was a good show. Cena was a dead crack-up again. After wanting to get it on with Umaga right there and then, Melina comes out to interrupt and promote Cena v F-ked on Jan 1. She shows a pic of F-ked, oops, i mean K-fed :rolleyes: Cena interrupts her, points to the titantron "Now kids, this is the main reason why you should always practice safe sex". I lost it after hearing that. Next week should be interesting, Cena v "Armando Alejandro Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrap-on-some-nuts-cos-you-aint-got-none"

Masters finally got a bit of a push, even if it was for one night only. Putting Cena in the Masterlock Challenge - with the added stipulation that if Cena couldn't break it, Masters would be new champ. Damn I was hoping he wouldn't break it.
well i couldn't agree more about smackdown being the place for batista and him as the champ again even though he never lost the title is great he should try and carry it to the next wrestlmania but we will have to see as for kane and the IC title that would be good if only he was still on raw and havin him on smackdown to me is a good idea maybe the reuniting of the brothers of destruction again hey DEADMAN INC that would be cool kane and the undertaker together again after three or so years
Couldn't agree more. Soon to be Tag champs hey. I'd like to see MYP and Mr Kennedy against the Brothers of Destruction for the Tag titles. Thats the making of a great match
Batista as champ is a small part of what Smackdown needs - having a great set of matches/storylines is the first thing SD needs. Batista has a lot of work to do - his matches have kinda bored me since he came back. New life is needed in this show. The card for Armageddon looks to be a promising start.
John Cena needs to go to Smackdown. With DX, Edge and Orton there really isnt any room or any need for Cena to be on Raw. Cena could make a good opponent for Batista. But first Cena needs to lose the title to Umaga. I reckon Umaga could have the same impact Brock Lesner had after he won the title.
Cena on Smackdown would more than likely spell the end to his career. He's fine on Raw where he is and where he has a bit more freedom of expression due to Raw's target audience. SD caters for more of the family viewers and Cena wouldn't really be able to get away with saying as much as he can now.
Cena on Smackdown would more than likely spell the end to his career. He's fine on Raw where he is and where he has a bit more freedom of expression due to Raw's target audience. SD caters for more of the family viewers and Cena wouldn't really be able to get away with saying as much as he can now.
I guess you forgot that Cena started his career on Smackdown where he expressed himself a lot more with his raps and rhymes than he does now on Raw. And if Smackdown caters for family viewers then why would they show the Boogyman spitting worms into opponents mouths??
No I haven't forgotten that. Smackdown is shown in the US at an earlier timeslot and WWE have stated many times in the past that Smackdown is more a family orientated show in most cases - like everything there are few exceptions. Cena started his career on smackdown but if you have a look at his promos/battle raps they were a little more toned down that what his have been whilst on Raw. He didn't have as much freedom of expression as what he does now - Raw's taped live, Smackdown isn't and is edited before going to air

Plus have a look at the other wrestler's that have gone from Raw to Smackdown in the past, since the brand extension. They've either left the business or been shifted back to Raw after a while. Smackdown need to start establishing stars from the ground up, and not just rely on pinching people from other brands.

Batista has become less entertaining since the shift, Sylvan (half of one of the best tag teams on raw at the time) - now just a jobber with a fashion sense. Regal - was the same minus the fashion sense, at least now they're deciding to do something with him.

If they are going to put some Raw guys on SD then put some ofthe non big names and reinvent them to become bigger on a different brand. Guys like Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, The Highlanders, Kenny, and Super Crazy, would add a fresh breath of life to a mediocre show. Wish they'd bring back (or bring in more) guys for the cruiserweight division. As much as I like Gregory Helms - the "longest reigning CW champ of all time" angle is getting a bit stale considering it hasn't been defended in almost 6 months!!
Armageddon. Who watched it? What did everyone think of it?

Definitely one of the better SD PPVs this year. Still had the 2 or 3 dud matches like usual, but the other matches were hugely entertaining. A great way to round up 2006.

Kane/MVP - Infrerno Match. How high those flames got were unbelieveable. They said they'd get to about 8ft high, and well for once the commentators weren't exaggerating.

London/Kendrick v Regal/Taylor - Teddy Long comes out - match now becomes a 4 way ladder match with the inclusion of the Hardys and MNM. This match was 20mins of ongoing fecal chants ("holy sh*t"). Dfinitely one of the best matches EVER (let alone for this year). Mercury gusher was huge, almost disturbing. Broken nose, eye swollen shut, according to JR on RAW over 30 stitches. Absolutely amazing. This match was worth the entire PPV alone.

Miz/Boogeyman - toilet break

Chavo/Benoit - so much hype. Wasn't too great. The Vickie "womanbeater" line is getting passed its used by date.

Helms/Yang - brilliant. About time the CW belt was defended. Hopefully WWE soon realise that the CW division is truly entertaining otherwise the only jobs Super Crazy, Helms, Yang etc will be doing is getting Vince's coffee.

Taker/Kennedy - Again another great match. Insane spots with Taker falling off the stage. Kennedy chokeslammed on the hearse. This should have been given the main event spot of the PPV.

Cena/Batista v Booker/Finlay - not gonna bother say anything about this. Have seen (or variations of) this main event on Samckdown for the last 5, 10, 15, 20 weeks.


The ladder match got me thinking, and wondering about what everyone's top 5 or 10 favourite WWE matches from 2006 would be.

My top 10 (in no particualar order)
1 - Taker v Angle - No Way Out
2 - Cena v HHH - WM22
3 - Edge v Foley - WM22
4 - HBK v Vince - WM22
5 - Finlay v Benoit - Judgement Day
6 - Cena v Edge - TLC - Unforgiven
7 - Orton v Carlito - Unforgiven
8 - Hardys v MNM v Regal/Taylor v London/Kendrick - Armageddon
9 - Jeff Hardy v Nitro - Ladder Match - RAW
10 - Finlay v Regal - Great American Bash or Cena v RVD - ECW ONS
you forgot one of the most brutal matches in wwf history, Undertaker and Mick foley in the cage match, foley thrown off the cage onto the commentary booth.

will agree ladder match was one of the best, mercury nose was busted pretty bad, from matt coming around to safe his brother he accidently moved the ladder that his brother was suppose to jump on
you forgot one of the most brutal matches in wwf history, Undertaker and Mick foley in the cage match, foley thrown off the cage onto the commentary booth.
there is the part of the match also that was pretty brutal and that is when undertaker chokeslammed foley though the middle of the cage
and mick lost a few of his teeth as a result of him connecting with a chair on the way down
you forgot one of the most brutal matches in wwf history, Undertaker and Mick foley in the cage match, foley thrown off the cage onto the commentary booth.

That happened at KOTR 1998. This list is from matches THIS YEAR, 2006. Check the post again.

If I was to do one for the last 10years, i still wouldn't have put Taker/Foley in there. It wasn't exactly a great wrestling match. Its more famous for the big bumps Foley took than for anything else. You want a good Foley/Mankind match? Go watch HBK v Mankind from IYH: Mind Games 1996. That is more impressive than the HIAC.
what peoples thoughts on new years revoultion pay per-view that Raw is hosting
Umaga vs Cena (wwe championship)
D-X vs Rated RKO
Jeff Hardy vs Johnny Nitro (intercontinental championship)in a steel cage
Mickie James vs Victoria (wwe womens championship)
thats the matches so far
Umaga vs Cena - Should be a good one. Be interesting to see how a Cena match goes with another brawler. For the first time in a long time Cena will be the more "technical" type wrestler (yes, all 6 moves of his!!)

DX vs RKO - Again should be an enjoyable match. But it'll be just as enjoyable after it ends. Hopefully there's a repeat of what happened at the end of this week's Raw courtesy of Edge and Orton.

Hardy vs Nitro - Been a great feud so far. This should create a few more everlasting memories. Nitro gets another chance to showcase his high-flying ability.

Mickie vs Victoria - This would have to be the first women's match I'm really looking forward to watching due to the fact it has the potential to be a great one. Victoria is finally getting the push she deserves. Mickie is just great all round - makes her ddt look brutal too
For once ive just got to agree with JBL how he said the inferno match is just "not entertainment" and i have to agree the wwe has gone way of hand as of late as JBL said there was a reason why they havent had inferno matches for the last 7 years or so and with the rated rko beating up dx at the end of raw this week i think has just gone a little bit too far as once again looking at someone loss that amount of blood in that amount of time is just not entertainment in my eyes ive never had to really do this before but i had to change the channel during the end of raw as it was just too much i probably would of been ok about it if it was in a match but not really like that it might be "entertainment" to some people looking at another person loosing that much blood as you all know the wwe stands for world wrestling ENTERTAINMENT but sometimes i dont think it is as entertaining to some people like would you think it would be entertaining for you if you got beaten down to a bloody pulp????? MVP is lucky to only have 1st degree burns as well
The ending to RAW was great for the storyline. I don't think WWE could have plotted it better. Now there's hope that they'll keep improving rather than just spitting out this "entertainment" they had been for the last few months.

For once there was a real shock factor and a great note to finish the year on (which is just as well because 2007 won't be getting off to a good start for them with K-Fed v Cena - the only way to go after that is up!!)
The ending to RAW was great for the storyline. I don't think WWE could have plotted it better. Now there's hope that they'll keep improving rather than just spitting out this "entertainment" they had been for the last few months.
For once there was a real shock factor and a great note to finish the year on (which is just as well because 2007 won't be getting off to a good start for them with K-Fed v Cena - the only way to go after that is up!!)
k-fed...why hasnt he got something better to do then just rock up on raw
Stumbled across these vids on another forum. They're both taken from Smackdown vs Raw 2007 - a whole mesh of insane bumps and moves. Definitely well worth checking out! (Especially the ladder dive turned into a Batista bomb thru a table)


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