The Wrestling Thread

Indeed. I mean the storyline they had about Chavo and Rey fighting then bringing Vickie into it was absolutely apporling. Honestly, they don't need to create a storyline beased on two of Eddie's best friends fighting about who will carry on his legacy. If thats what they think will get more reviews on the show they are wrong. I mean the man is gone, he is never coming back..let his legacy live on in the right ways. Owen Heart's still lives on without storylines such as this. Some people may think I'm taking this to far but I mean come on!!!

The storyline about King Booker and Batista is awesome. Thats what us SD viewers want to see!!! Perhaps SD can go to Raw for some good storyline ideas as Raw just seems to get better and better.
Thank you, thank you.... I'll be here all week. Try the beef!! :p
The break will do Rey good while he has surgery. Hopefully he comes back more refreshed, and maybe with a new attitude too. It would be very interesting how he would go as a heel.
I wonder if they'll actually give him a decent storyline too (something SD seems to lack a lot of!!)
well sd storyline isn't that great because they don't have a lot of top rated wwe superstars most of the smackdown locker is made up of tag teams there is more tag team wrestlers on sd then raw so the single top rated stars just aren't there espcially since they lost kurt angle to ecw smackdown only has a few superstars left there is BATISTA,KING BOOKER,CHRIS BENIOT,KANE,MARK HENERY,UNDERTAKER
What planet you on Taker?
Angle is at TNA.
SD has too many wrestlers on their cards at the moment and really can't go anywhere with storylines because of the time its taking to build them.

Like the kennedy/taker clashes at the moment but cant understand why kane/ mvp is happening.
Seems like a merry go round of challangers each week to dethrone King Booker. Needs a change.

What planet you on Taker?
Angle is at TNA.
SD has too many wrestlers on their cards at the moment and really can't go anywhere with storylines because of the time its taking to build them.
Like the kennedy/taker clashes at the moment but cant understand why kane/ mvp is happening.
Seems like a merry go round of challangers each week to dethrone King Booker. Needs a change.
i know that he is at tna now but before that he was in ecw after moving from the wwe to compete in the extreme ECW then he had a break from wrestling all together then has started back up in TNA
Yep, It was AWESOME!!! They say that K-Fed is returning to Raw this week to face John Cena again

It was quite a sight. I'm never really a fan of when promotions bring in celebrities to do spots/matches but all the spots from last week were pretty good - nothing like the very forgettable WCW days!. F-ked, oops, sorry, K-Fed comes back again this week, and well, he doesn't come alone either. There's a special appearance by one half of one of the greatest tag teams in the last decade too.

Umaga's open challenge gets answered, and well, Estrada's voice becomes just that little bit higher thanks to a special friend. :D
most of the smackdown locker is made up of tag teams there is more tag team wrestlers on sd

Are you actually watching SD??? SD in 2006??? There are only 2 regular tag teams on that roster. London/Kendrick and James/Stevens. Well there was 3 until Kid Kash was released, which was quite a shame. Most of the SD talent are singles wrestlers but none would be able to carry the company and be the "face of SD". Look at the people they're giving pushes too - Lashley: talented but he's the SD version of Cena minus the mic skills and and overall charisma and you can count the number of moves he has on one hand!

Matt Hardy, Gregory Helms, Finlay, Regal, Chavo - all with so much talent but thanks to the writers, not much direction.

Kennedy is the one on the biggest run so far. Capable of carrying the company, and if not, then to at least be involved in a main event.

Batista/Booker is getting a little bit stale too. Batista's return was great at first, but nothing's really been delivered.

Its been a year since Eddie's death and they still go on about it. He's been inducted in the hall of fame and thats where the storyline should have ended. This may seem unfair but if Eddie hadn't died, Rey would not have been champ at that time - down the road, yes he would have been given a run with the belt - but certainly not so soon.
Are you actually watching SD??? SD in 2006??? There are only 2 regular tag teams on that roster. London/Kendrick and James/Stevens. Well there was 3 until Kid Kash was released, which was quite a shame. Most of the SD talent are singles wrestlers but none would be able to carry the company and be the "face of SD". Look at the people they're giving pushes too - Lashley: talented but he's the SD version of Cena minus the mic skills and and overall charisma and you can count the number of moves he has on one hand!
Matt Hardy, Gregory Helms, Finlay, Regal, Chavo - all with so much talent but thanks to the writers, not much direction.
Kennedy is the one on the biggest run so far. Capable of carrying the company, and if not, then to at least be involved in a main event.
Batista/Booker is getting a little bit stale too. Batista's return was great at first, but nothing's really been delivered.
Its been a year since Eddie's death and they still go on about it. He's been inducted in the hall of fame and thats where the storyline should have ended. This may seem unfair but if Eddie hadn't died, Rey would not have been champ at that time - down the road, yes he would have been given a run with the belt - but certainly not so soon.
true u have a good point iam just used to watching smackdown and seeing a lot of tag teams on the roster but as u have just said they have the talent but don't write the storylines better
Oh my goodness!!! You gotta love Cena hey. I mean honestly..His comments to K-Fed, Booker and Big Show were GREAT weren't they ;)
Oh my goodness!!! You gotta love Cena hey. I mean honestly..His comments to K-Fed, Booker and Big Show were GREAT weren't they ;)

I went and watched Ghostbusters and Star Wars soon after... didn't see Big Show in them... oh wait, there he is! haha :p:p :p

Cena is so lucky that he's great on the mic. If it was based on wrestling ability alone he would have joined the likes of the great stars of the 90s such as the Bastion Booger, Kwang, TL Hopper... oh and the greatest of them all, THE GOON!!!

Last night I listened to a US satellite radio interview that Kurt Angle did just before Bound For Glory. Some of the stuff he said about Cena, Vince, HHH is well worth hearing. Goes for about 45mins. He's a crack up!! :D
cyber sunday was a alright pay-per view but could have been better
D-X lost thanks to the good work of edge and orton even though they had bischoff on there side as hey got voted in as the special guest ref and orton got the pin after RKO on HHH on a steel chair handing them there first lost since reforming
nature boy and rowdy roddy piper who fans voted in went to work on the spirt squad and with the tag team titles on the line came out on top and have crowned the legends as the new tag team champs
lita won the final of the womens championship tournament to become the new wwe womens champion fans voted for the diva lumberjack mickie james nearly had lita beat but as she went to run towards the ropes victoria stoped mickie james which descracted her and when she turned around lita hit her with the DDT and got the 3 count
UMAGA has def kane who got voted in by the 14 million fans and this keep umagas undef streak going but it was a great match to watch
jeff hardy and carlito who got voted in both put up a huge fight for the IC title there where many great moves and pin attemps but in the end jeff managed a swanton bomb and the pin to remain the champion

in the mainevent the fans voted the world heavyweight championship to be on the line in the early going of the match john cena and king booker tried to get the avantage but big show started to throw them around untill it was him and cena as the king looked on but show was dominating the early going untill cena droped his face in the steps he was carrying and in the ring post the big show was out cold then it was the king and cena to fight it out for the gold king booker started to attack cena then cena bounced back and was in reach of the gold untill K-FED knocked cena with the title while king booker was about to tap out to the STFU which distracted him enough to allow king booker to grab the title and use it and got the 3 count and is named the champion of champions as he retain his title
K-FED scwred cena at becoming the world heavyweight champion
Did anyone end up seeing what happened when the Coach found out that DX took the 10 grand bounty last week???
Nothing happened. Just one of those one night only storylines.

The ladder match between Nitro and Hardy is one of the best ladder matches ever in recent times. Some very very insane spots from both, especially Nitro (showing a usually untapped high flying ability)

Now onto TNA. Anyone get a glimpse of the Kurt Angle v Samoa Joe "dream match" from Genesis. It certainly deserved all the hype and build-up. Was kinda hoping the match would be a bit longer (like around the 30min mark) but they put in so much in 15mins. The ending left open the gap for Angle/Joe II. Can't wait for that.

Angle seems to be settling in very well with the TNA roster. His first official match against the monster Abyss was also quite impressive. Looking forward to seeing Angle v AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels. Also the old WCW/WWE war seems to be making a new appearance with TNA taking the place of the old Dubya C Dubya. Could help bring TNA closer to competing with the big boys. The Voodoo Kin Mafia (formerly The James Gang) declaring war against "Paul LeVesque, Michael Hickenbottom, and Vincent Kennedy McMahon" - new attitude has brought new life to the men once forgetably known as The Real Double J and Rockabilly.

Saw a shoot (unscripted) interview from these two last week, and was one of the funniest I've ever seen. Was in stitches for all of the interview's 90 minutes
CM Punk the pop of the night so Survivor Series was quite good :D .

Nah, I ordered the event. The PPV had it's ups and downs. Being a longtime fan of CM Punk, I was very happy with the DX/RKO match. CM Punk is the future and it was great to see him get that type of ovation.

Legends vs Spirit Squad, good way to kick off the night and get the crowd pumped.

Was pleasantly surprised at the women's match, usually bore me to tears but it was decent. Good Cryme Time Skit after the match.

Chavo vs Benoit wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Would have made more sense for Chavo to win. He also should stop doing the frog splash until he learns how to do it properly.

Team Cena vs Team Big Show. Yawn, Piss Break Next. Cena continues to ******** me to tears on a weekly basis, please turn him heel so I can enjoy him.

Mr. Kennedy vs Undertaker. Good first blood match. Good to see Taker trying to make Kennedy bleed internally so he bled from the mouth, different approach. Kennedy winning was also a shock. And what a chair shot from the Taker. Still, and happy to say the winner is Mr. Kennedy......


Batista vs King Bookaaaa. Not a big Batista fan so I couldn't really get into a match that we all knew Batista was gonna win. Batista is the new champ but All Hail King Booker !!!

There's my thoughts.

CM Punk = Ratings !!!
Rated-RKO was good they kicked the crappppp out of ric flair

Whos gonna win out of Umaga And cena For the WWE Championship i rekon cena will cause u cant see me. lol
I for one, along with many others are hoping that Umaga Samoan Spikes a hole through Cena.

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