Senior Shield 2005

Thanks for the info Gatsby - not that it means anything to me as I don't know any of the ladies.

You must be getting close to the magic age - when you can't be certain what you have and haven't done and can't rely on your memory as much, you know the time is drawing near. :silly: :silly:

Some of you may have read the tread on money raised by the Dunn Shield team for Scope, well I will endeavour to keep it going.

It would be great to see the Senior Shield teams also contribute to this great cause. To those of you that have challenged children in your family or circle of friends know how much of a strain it is on them.

I believe the tally for the Dunn Shield team was $380 - can we beat this figure? I certainly hope so.

Liz Fabian-Czmok
I would like to wish all bowlers the best of luck, and of course have a great time in Ballarat at seniors. You are fantastic to watch and it like country cup is a great tournament.

I thoroughly enjoy watching and again I will be venturing to Ballarat to support our people in pink and black who I think have a great chance for winning both divisions and overall.

There is a slight change in our mens team, Eddie Petersen is unable to bowl so Cake Daniel is now bowling, we have a few new bowlers in our team this year.

The countdown is on......See you in Ballarat. Go the pink and black ( hey gary did you see that is rhymes!!)

I am still to secure who exactly is in the team. I know that time is running out but I will do my best to get it on here for yall. Best of luck to all of you this weekend and I will try and get up for a look on sunday.
Carmers said:
I am still to secure who exactly is in the team. I know that time is running out but I will do my best to get it on here for yall. Best of luck to all of you this weekend and I will try and get up for a look on sunday.
I heard Terry Lewis was bowling this year - is that true?
I'm going to try to get in early for a shirt swap, i'm after a Ballarat shirt my size is large if anyone can help. thanks.

Maybe you can help me Graeme.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

See you all Saturday. Good luck to all.

The Sale team will be arriving Friday, having practice late arvo (we need it;) )
Hey Liz
Graeme and I will be there at 8 am Saturday, be good to see you again. And see what we can organise for you
Well its started now, good luck to you all.

No doubt you have seen who the Geelong team is now.

Good luck and high scoring.
Good luck to all and big thank you to LIZ hope u beat us we may be up to $420 not to sure will get a total next week from Scope as some people are posting thier money this week, well done to all fantastic have fun this week end see u in a few or more year's..............:rolleyes:

Final Results:
1. COLAC.................44 PTS
2. ALBURY................43 PTS
3. GEELONG..............40.5 PTS
4. BALLARAT.............32 PTS
6. BENDIGO...............29.5 PTS
8. SALE....................24.5 PTS
9. SHEPPARTON.........23.5 PTS
11. SUNRAYSIA..........12.5 PTS

2. BALLARAT..............42 PTS
3. SHEPPARTON..........41.5 PTS
4. BENDIGO................35.5 PTS
5. GEELONG...............33.5 PTS
6. WARRNAMBOOL.......29.5 PTS
7. SALE.....................26 PTS
8. COLAC...................25.5 PTS
9. SUNRAYSIA.............22 PTS
10. ALBURY................17.5 PTS

The overall was a tie between Ballarat and Geelong and there was a 1 game play-off between both the Mens and Ladies teams with combined points deciding the winner. Geelong won the play-off 8 points to 4
1. GEELONG...............74 PTS ( 8 )
2. BALLARAT.............74 PTS ( 4 )
4. COLAC..................69.5 PTS
=5. BENDIGO.............65 PTS
=5. SHEPPARTON.......65 PTS
=7. ALBURY...............60.5 PTS
9. SALE....................50.5 PTS
11. SUNRAYSIA...........34.5 PTS

The competition was fierce but played in great spirit and I'm sure all had fun. Thanks to all involved. Even though I'm FAR too young to bowl in such a competition it was good to sit back and watch the "oldies" bowl.

Top Averages for the weekend (roll-off not included)
Andrew Craig (Alb) 10 games 226.8 (wow)
Merv Billing (Col) 10 games 218.6 (wow again)
Gordon Robinson (Gee) 9 games 201.5
Mark McCallum (Col) 8 games 200.8
Peter Gallagher (Bal) 10 games 197.3

Denise Jones (Shep) 10 games 204.0 (another wow)
Shirley Muxworthy (Gee) 10 games 176.3
Marylin Behncke (Shep) 10 games 172.1
Marg Nunn (Bal) 9 games 170.6
Jean Connley (Col) 10 games 170.0

Wish that I had of had the chance to get up to Ballarat today to have a look. Sounds like it was a good competition, especially in the play off at the end.

Good work by all.
By the way Carmers
The Geelong Teams:)

Terry Lewis
Mark Gordon
Gordon Robinson
Martin Muxworthy
Peter Carmichael

Elsie Sferco
Beryl Daniel
Shirley Muxworthy
Susan Rhodes
Heather Shaw
Well Done to the Latrobe Valley Girls
Would have made the trip very worthwhile for some.=D>
Well Done to Gatsby Boys for going back to back=D>
And to Geelong the playoff specialist - 3 playoffs in the history of CCup/Senior Shield - 3 Victories
Congrats to the winning teams , but without taking away from the winners i would like to say great job to the Staff and Ballarat Association for holding the best run tourny i have seen in years, very little in lane breakdown time and run very close to on time if not right on time. Well done!!!:p :p :p

As for Moo being autioned and a run around with the tins , we raised $257.45 for SCOPE.
Which i thank all bowlers for being so generous. As for my wife buying moo back for $75 all i'll say is the money goes to a worthy cause.:rolleyes:
Wel also played Shepparton in Shepparton during the Youth Cup last year and won Woza, so thats 4 from 4.
Way to go Liz on raising what you did at Senior Shield. Let's keep the momentum going and see if we can do it every year now.

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