Emerson Shield 2005

Money Raised for Scope over the weekend was $151.85
Well Done guys=D> =D> =D> Plus the fines that I carry
$3 for each of the 3 games that Craig lost and
$10 for his 80% win/loss ratio
That will bring the grand total raised for scope
yeah everyone laid down for you adam

i could only manage a 217;)

ending with x 9/ x 9/ x 9/ that was the 10 pin issue i was referring too :p
Gee all l can say Adam, is that you were one of the only games l actually got going for over the weekend, and the game against sour puss Jason Newman. No sense of humour come the end of a very long weekend in him at all.:rolleyes:

Just did not manage to get the ball rolling well all weekend, and that lead to a hell of a lot of the entire backrow, not just the ten pin, but the seven pin, and the nine, oh and the odd eight pin as well.

But hey l think l must have had the longest spare shot in the events history on the Sunday, only 30 mins from the 1st ball to the 2nd. Thank god l made that 7 pin :p
rychenroller said:
Nice :)
Gary, if I had a 205 ave against I'll eat my Fired Up...I would have won 17/17 if that was the case ;)
Not sure that your 171 against us would have won though? -- maybe 16/17
Your in trouble now Gary
Everyone knows who you are even Craig:D
Bu I still think that Krusty was he most recognised bloke of the weekend.
Anyone that didnt know him took one look and made the connection:D
congratulation to the shepp men and the geelong women on there win's,also to all who made the allstar team's aswell..
I want to know if he's got the 3rd Nipple.........ummmm second thoughts know I dont

Hey and which one is Sideshow Bob........or do we give that to tothy
Speaking of third nipples Kev dont you have one down below, after what Dougie did... :^o
I dont know about down below but one of the top ones fell off after his mammoth nipple crimp.......geez that hurt,turned me bloody nipple black he is a vicious man when he gets excited,so you want to be careful Chris he's got a bit of a soft spot for you,now I think about it so did David from Rosebud and Porto was pretty happy to see you too.....Is their something your not telling us ?? :turn-l:

lol, wasn't i just sitting back and waiting for this little story to evolve

well we all know porto is straight, maybe strange but definately straight, with an allergy to bOObies

but i am interested to hear the rest of the story

come on hamma, talk don't stamma, keep it honest and watch the gramma :D
craig said:
come on gary, wheres the numbers, i want to see some numbers
What sort of numbers are you looking for? I did hear that you averaged 214.... that would have won you a slab a couple of months earlier...
Assassin_300 said:
I want to know if he's got the 3rd Nipple.........ummmm second thoughts know I dont
Hey and which one is Sideshow Bob........or do we give that to tothy

I must put in a suggestion for Sideshow Bob. Even though he's not a bowler, I still think singer Terence Trent D'Arby is an absolute monte for this role, he has the look completely down pat.
Geez, I don't know about all this nipple crimping stuff, and having soft spot's for each other. If this is the sort of team bonding required to win:confused: think I'd rather come last.

Gary, have you published any stats to the web yet?? C'mon, Colac did not win that many games, would have given you heaps of time to collect all the info...
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