Emerson Shield 2005

hahaha vaughnn

he was never gonna win, he had a brain slip, he forgot who he was playing and where the headpin was, gees talk about being dragged down to someone elses level, the guy is a master, i want him in my team next year, i will make sure he talks for 18 games
Congrats to Shepparton and Geelong. From Craig's post, it sounds like much fun was had, which is great to hear. I just wonder if there's any hope of u returning to Geelong Craig? We could certainly use you. Congrats on making all-stars, and to Courtney Murdoch too, great to see her flourishing career continue. Look forward to hearing some more tales of the weekend's debauchery over coming days. Cheers.
One person who I completely forgot about was Paige
As Drinks B@#$h you sucked big time LOL
Hopefully Thommo gave you a few lessons on the way home;)
But revenge is sweet and we have an absolute cracker of an idea for your uniform next march.
Hey Craig - I was playing golf. I brought a new driver from the clearance centre up the road and had a few swings out the back.
P.S. - You guys had silver going into the last game and nearly proved to be the new age bushrangers in pulling off the almost impossible. But alas I saw the huddle and I saw the same result.;) Gotta love that huddle
Not a bad overall result for a team that missed the final last year.
Looking forward to next year though what a cracker the western Zone final will be
Ah yes, I also wanted to say congratz to Kev for his absolutely rock solid pocket shot that saw Shep over the line, a magic moment. I actually sat out the last game to watch that one and wasnt disappointed. Great game in the last too Chucky, led brilliantly from the front. Dont think i've ever felt so much camaraderie and sportsmanship in a team tourney, and it leaves Dunn shield absolutely for dead.

Also kings of the ugly strikes Ed Fleming, you took it to a new level there for a while, except for lance who tried to stay pretty and kept leaving corners. The lane got so disgusted with him, it broke down for him. Thanks to all for my 220 average against, that was spectacular, as was beating Craig and Porto...the little things that keep us all amused. what do you mean kick out the 10 pin? I beat you by 40! Thats what happens when you leave a 3,4,6,7 in the 9th. I'd also like to congratulate my team mate Russo for his 210 average and just missing the all stars by two sticks. Played every game and was a machine all weekend. Onya bro!

Great stuff from all, I had a ball all weekend. Best tourney I've bowled in so far, even after last years win.

Thanx bro for the kind words I tried to stay with you but a couple of 180's fixed that although did manage to pull some pins back, yes it was a great tourney alot of laughs and good to put faces to some names, personaly I had a great weekend I think I had the high average for 18 games :rolleyes: :p anyway had a great time and look forward to next year, might see a few of you in tourney's next year. Take care and bye for now.


Melton bowl, Where boys become MEN.
craig said:
wazza, i hope you went and retrieved your cigarette lighter from the highway, and i hope you learned your lesson, i will get you back in the nastiest way possible, and well for all those around, i think you will admit, it was nasty.
And it was so close to being shot of the weekend;)
Hey Guys

It is certainly an honour to have Sheppartons name on that shield for 2005

Its amazing what a little self belief,a little brain power and a lot of heart can achieve,I would like to thank the guys in my team,Terry Rowe,Chris Hamilton,Paul Kerr,Tim Thompson,Paul Thomas And Doug Neff a finer team I have never bowled with and would happily and readily do so again

Our Support Crew Suzie Wilkins,Chase Wilkins,Tori Wilkins,Kevin Ponting and In the last game Pat Thorpe Thankyou

Dougie its was great to win something with you you are the best team man Shepparton will probably ever see you deserve it so much ,the beers will be flowing in the near future

Craig what can I say you are a Legend you guys almost did the impossible in that last game the self belief you instill is incredible you and your boys should be pround,your also very brave having mellissa in your bed she's killed bigger men than you ;)

Woza thanks m8 you were right sometimes the brain must overide the heart and yes it is my shout in a big way

Thanks Adam the heart was beating fast,hope you and chucky enjoy the slab

Everybody was talking on L.G's trick Saturday night and I bloody missed it ahhh lucky Rob

I can say many old friends were there and many new ones were made its agreat tournement see ya all
next year

Oh and Chucky you were'nt the only one who did'nt know who Krusty was but one look and I knew...lol

Kevin Wilkins
Craig - I am sure Tothy will be up for a rematch - whenever (although I am sure a crowd would be preferred).

And alas, Craig picked the winner and last place (spot on) in the Emerson odds. Lucky you made the politically correct version....

Krusty gave another memorable moment on Saturday evening, when he lined up head to head with "the mouth". After instruction from his team captain Krusty did not say a word. His first ball strike - when his eyes almost popped out - was a prize moment. But Toth still came over the top of him to win - easily....

Narre may have come 9th, but Toth still got that winning feeling when he joined the Shepparton post game 18 huddle....
Wow what a weekend!!

What is there left to say a huge congrats to our Men on their fantastic win. They had their hearts on their sleeves all weekend and they now have the plaque to show for it!! Well Done.

To Chris and Timmy who made the all stars and bowled so strong during the weekend. Poor Chris was so tired on the way home he fell asleep and I had to wake him up a bunker hill for some dinner and then when we got home. He was going to chuck a sickie today, but his mum said no so good luck with that.

Woza I was a crap drink girl as it happens when you have to bowl I promise to be more attentive in Bendigo!! I am scared about my costume but I am looking forward to the fantastic weekend all the same.

To the geelong girls well done and court remember not to give up your day job for singing!! Amanda you will be missed at Country Cup!

Well done to the all stars teams also.

And Craig don't put all the blame on the Shepp women for all the noise those sunraysia girls pack a punch as well. Jodie no more drink skulling with me because you dribbled all over my jacket!! And Lisa WOW you have soooo much talent!! The banana was a sight to see, and I will be making sure I rub that in with Kev as he was a la la and went to bed!! lol I can assure you we will be organising something to break that record with!! You had better start getting prepared!! And as we heard Alicia may also posess that talent, we will have to wait and see!!

Finally I would like to apologise to all the people that were kept awake from all of the noise, I won't take all the blame as Liss' voice carries further than anybodies does. Maybe in future where ever shepp and sunraysia is staying don't book there we always get each other into trouble, just ask them about nearly getting kicked out of the motel in Morwell and we just popped into visit!!

ps Craig, all I can say is it is lucky for you and Porto that Liss gave your room key back before you went to bed, you'll never know what we had planned!!
Congrats to The Shepp boys and the boys from werribee for coming a close 2nd. Congrats to the Geelong Girls for coming out on top.

Special congrats to Lisa & Alicia Garioch for making the allstars. Also to Chucky and Porto.. well done fellas.
Well done to the Shepparton boy's. Mighty TEAM effort.:D

Well done also to the Werribee boy's, also a mighty team effort but alas second will have to do for this year. Maybe next year fella's.[-o<

Congratulations to the Geelong womens team. This team could be dangerous for for the next few years with the young talent that it has.

Also well done to those that made Allstars, especially Lisa & Alicia.

This was my first Emerson final & hopefully not my last. This is a great tournament that I am sure will grow in status in years to come.

Great to see Chucky walk the walk after all the talk, even looks like he is starting to really enjoy this bowling caper again.;)

And sorry Rowey, you aint getting my pretty purple ball, not just yet anyway.

rychenroller said:
Ah, that pretty purple ball overhooks for you anyway Rob ;)

Yes it did Adam, this weekend anyway.

Also congrats on your Allstar performance, well done.

Rowey liked it alot and now you've said

"not just yet anyway" ,I'II tell him there's still hope

Well done to all involved. The whole weekend was bowled with great spirit. Emerson is certainly one of the highlights on the Vic bowling Calendar and deserves to be so.
Congrats to the boys from Shep. You thoroughly deserved the win. The final match had so many highlights I don't know where to start...
Craig pumped up and firing but never really shook off Dougie Neff until about the 9th Frame.
Timmy and Ralph going strike for strike, spare for spare until the 10th
Porto and Hammo going head to head.
But Wilko's strike in the 10 was the shot of the match. Absolute Quality, nothing more to prove.
Well done to the Geelong Ladies for a good performance, I think you led almost all weekend.
Congrats and well done to all who made allstars and also to those that just missed out.
Finally to the Werribee Teams, both Men and Ladies thanks for a fantastic Emerson experience. Even as reserve I feel proud to wear the shirt, (and I've got a lot of shirts, although I can't seem to find my Country Cup 2005 shirt) and I look forward another campaign in 2006

granat said:
But Wilko's strike in the 10 was the shot of the match. Absolute Quality, nothing more to prove.

Totally agree 100% Graeme the ride said it all

But if Wazza's lighter had landed in that car window from 100 out then that would have been shot of the match;)
Would like to say congrats to all of the teams, it was a fantasic weekend even if our men did not bowl.

Well done to Geelong and shepp they honestly deserve to win, to the men and ladies ( not boys and girls ) on making all stars.

I have a question!
Can anyone let me know what the highest losing score was?
I think it was my 232 can anybody comfirm?
Thanks for the game Lisa!
Jo Law bowled a beautiful 245 game only to get pumped by 19 pins when Tanya Steele threw 264. Tanya was stoked cos her parents come down from Qld and were there to watch that game.
In the Werribee/Shep game I think both Doug Neff and Tim threw 230s and got beaten
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