Emerson Shield 2005

Just went thru a few of the photo's from the weekend got an interesting one
I think I'II title it "A Fashion Statement"

I wonder who's feet they are



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    193 KB · Views: 28
Congrats to Shep men and Geelong women on there win. Kev can we ask to which team these fashionably attired feet belong to.:confused:
Without giving to much away the person is from a winning association and no it was'nt Shepparton
Well done Shep men and Geelong ladies. A great weekend finished off with a perfect last match "grudge match".

A special thanks and well done to my Bendigo team mates for a ladies 3rd and men 4th. We certainly learnt a lot and will be more competitive next year.

And Craig why was it that I put myself against you and you ran away. (thank god for that)

well the answer to that is simple

when discussing team tactics, its pays not to discuss them when my manager is sitting in the players area listening to every word you say !!!

and seeing the majority of the focus was about who was going to take on me, this was my managers instruction.

you are out next game, but i want you to set up as though your bowling, and as you all found out, when the first bowler was up to bowl, well we bluffed you.

hahaha you had no idea, talk about working a structure around something that never happened hey.

good move, i got a whole heap of them tricks to teach you guys before march.

what i couldn't work out was why was there any thought needed???

andrew beat me first time, i would have thought he was your ideal goto man straight up


haven't you finished counting that money yet ????


has this girl been spotted in ghastly socks too????
They would be Miss Murdochs feet. Those thongs are famous.

She hasn't got the best dress sense going around. Not that I can comment. I can be spotted in my pink jacket all the time down here. Lol.
craig said:
haven't you finished counting that money yet ????
I knew there was somthing that I had to do last night after work #-o but I got a little side tracked. Will definetly do it today and post tally this afternoon
Yes ya right carmers "Miss Courtney's" they are,intereesting concept stockings and thongs must be a Geelong thing :D
Assassin_300 said:
Yes ya right carmers "Miss Courtney's" they are,intereesting concept stockings and thongs must be a Geelong thing :D

Wow, had me fooled
Shaved legs, stocking & yellow thongs
I thought it was Porto or at a stretch Rocket Rod. Funny people those left handers
She can also feel quite free to sport the socks and thongs look, and no its not a Geelong thing, she is in a world all of her own.
Hi all,
well what can i say... this was a wonderful weekend, with loads of fun.. i think there was some bowling in there as well... lol. Firstly i would like to thank my fellow teammates in court, debbie, rebecca, julie, beryl and shirley in making this a week to remember... towards the last game something clicked in our heads and all of a sudden we bowled out of our ass. I have no idea where my 246 came from.. Secondly i would like to thank the ladies from shepp and sunrasyia for giving me a good laugh all weekend, especially samara and jodie.. these are two top chicks.. to all our supporters, thank you for cheering loudly and for helping us get over the line.. To all the other teams, you all performed brilliantly. and i hope to see you all next year..

to those bowling in country cup next year, even though i won't be bowling i will still be there on the monday to watch the geelong ladies get over the line yet again... hopefully this year it won't be in a playoff.. lol. for those who don't know why i'm not bowling, i have my sister to blame for that.. on that same weekend she is having her 21st.. oh well, just have to wait for emerson sheild next year to bowl against you again..

till then, have a good christmas and a safe new year.

Amanda de lange
Craig – I expect that you would beat Neil (Nigel) and Edwin (Eddie) head to head more often than not. Both are new bowlers still learning the ropes. The point I was making was that I believed the key to performing well in the Emerson final was how well your lowest two averages performed. I agree with Adam when he said you also need big guns to win the crunch games, but all of the top teams have these big guns. The fact that everyone’s bottom two averages still have to bowl at least 9 games I felt was crucial to the final outcome - especially for winning individual points.
In our case our lowest two averages on paper were Nigel and Eddie. I felt that if they could average 185 or better we would win a lot of games (though with no big guns we would still struggle to get into the top 3). That is why I felt they were important to our chances – and therefore why I mentioned them in an earlier post. As it turned out they, and the rest of our team, were below that level and we had a couple of shockers as a result.
I also had a great time on the weekend. It is true that we were outclassed, but our team has a couple of newbies and they will be better for the experience. We won 7 games out of 18 and were very close in 4-5 others but could not get the big strings of strikes that other teams were getting - i guess that is the problem with bowling full rollers huh Craig.
Adam mentioned he had a 205 average bowled against him in lead off spot, our anchor man had a similar problem. If you exclude the two games against Rosebud (their high average bowler did not play either game against us) our anchor man (men) had a 208 average against them - not too many points won there!
Congrats to Shep men and Geelong girls on great wins. I also think Bendigo did a great job to finish fourth in the men - esp considering they could not make any substitutions on the Sunday.
Thanks to Woza for the brief coaching lesson - it was obvious to you what was happening - but not to me!
Looking forward to next year. We are quite lucky that we have a pretty easy zone and should easily qualify through to next years final. We only have to beat Geelong, Melton, Werribee (not to mention Ballarat and Warrnambool-hopefully no-one will tell them what a great weekend it was and they will field weaker teams next year) -- i can feel the tension starting already! arrrrrggggghhhhhhhh
Assassin_300 said:
Just went thru a few of the photo's from the weekend got an interesting one
I think I'II title it "A Fashion Statement"
I wonder who's feet they are
Is your photography really bad Kevin -- or do you just like taking photos of women's feet? :rolleyes: --what is that called -- foot fetish? :p
Gatsby dont feel to bad you gave us a hiding

Actually My Daughter Tori took all our pics And in her words "Look mum Courtneys wearing thongs with stockings so why cant I wear socks with my slip ons" at wich point I said better take a photo of them for later reference....knew it would come in handy

I have a good photo of the Werribee team I'II find it and put it up

ok gary

hit us with some emmerson stats

high averages against, etc etc

you know what we expect to see
Ah her tis

Chuckies giving Porto the "I'm Proud Of You Son" Look

And Porto Looks like he's ready to run from another Boobie :p :p



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How about this Emerson Stat - I bowled ordinary so won hardly any points. (Hey to think of it I am only ordinary:rolleyes: )

Even though I bowled ordinary I still bowled in all 5 Narre victories - 2 of them against Gary's team from Colac.:D

Watch out for a new format next year, perhaps more teams in the final, allowing all those deserving power teams through that currently risk not making it by being in tough zones.
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