Emerson Shield 2005

Even i am now confused at what my name is.
Bary Glack ? -- they never used to call me that until i started talking
"Frack to Bont".
It's not so bad though - it's not like i ever get my
"Mucking words Fuddled" :rolleyes:
Gatsby said:
Even i am now confused at what my name is.
Bary Glack ? -- they never used to call me that until i started talking
"Frack to Bont".
It's not so bad though - it's not like i ever get my
"Mucking words Fuddled" :rolleyes:

Could be worse!
Your name could be Kerry Hunt:rolleyes:
or Mike or York, although I have never met anyone named York.

This is the last post from me till after I get back.

To all travelling today, have a safe journy and I will talk to you all tonight at the Hub or tomorrow on the lanes.

Possible last minute change to EFL line up for tomorrow.

1 of our bowlers has come down with a virus, and maybe unavailable allowing the great man himself Wayne Parlby to move from coaches role to player.

We will have to wait and see how our other man pulls up. Hope all is OK with him.
Never good when there are last minute changes.

Especially when it be from illness.

Perhaps we need to have a list of "those that couldn't make it" when this is all finally over.

From Narre, possible changes also - Hogg is carrying a finger injury, will all have to wait for tomorrow to see what the changes are!!!
I've never seen so many last minute changes - although maybe some won't actually eventuate.
I remember one year one of our ladies wrecked her knee getting off the team bus on arrival at the bowl. (No subs - we bowled with six). That is about as last minute as you can get!
Sounds like Steve got his finger caught in the "Beer Barrel" :rolleyes:
Hope its not too serious as I always look forward to bowling against the old master........:eek:
Good luck to all the guys and the gals competing tommorow
See you all there otherwise you have to come visit me at the pub;)
G'day all,

Just like to say good bowling to everyone over the weekend, I'm sure there will be plenty of laughs if this thread is anything to go by. :) :)

See yall on the morrow.

Melton bowl, where boys become MEN!!
Quick results post:


1. Shepparton 83.5
2. Werribee 80
3. Ed Fleming 73.5


1. Geelong 85
2. Werribee 76
3. Bendigo 75

All Stars:

Craig Chandler 3220/15 214 ave
Chris Hamilton 3622/17 213 ave
Adam Hayes 3621/17 213 ave
Tim Thompson 3398/16 212 ave
David Porto 3398/16 212 ave

Lisa Garioch 3364/16 210 ave
Tanya Steele 2875/14 205 ave
Robyn Flynn 2651/13 203 ave
Courtney Murdoch 3421/17 201 ave
Alicia Garioch 3158/16 197 ave

Congrats to Shep men and Geelong women and allstars.

Highlights for me were Chris' Down on the knees Curtly Ambrose ride, Chucky's ride of the 5 pin :p and Porto's stunning pink jacket. I remembered that guys name too...Gary Bracks :D Well done to all, I had a great time.
Well Done to the Geelong ladies on their win
And what can I say about the Shepp boys that finally became men today - or was that brides after being the bridesmaids for so long
To Kerr - Best two "team" games that you will ever be involved in cherish the moment
To Wilko and Rowey - This win means more to you guys that alot of people realise and in the end you helped get the the boys home enjoy the win as we plan on upsetting you guys next March;) .
To Little Wilko - Hope Dad was bragging to much on the trip home;)
To Chandler - you talked the talk and you backed it up and walked the walk great effort for the weekend and espically in the last game when it was all or nothing.
To "the mouth" didnt talk much on the first day until the Mouth Vs Krusty showdown - and by the way Chandler had you beat from the first frame
Finally to everyone tha donated to Scope over the weekend thankyou so very much - I will post a tally once I have had time to count it all=D>
Congratulations to the Geelong Women and the Shepparton Men, aswell as the All Stars.

It was a great weekend with alot of good matches played.

The last game between WhereIBee and Shepparton was great to watch, it was all on the line and was fought out well.

Look foward to hearing Mr Chandlers Weekend Round Up.
Well done to Shepparton and Werribee men, the Geelong ladies.

That Werribee huddle almost made the difference, although 7-0 was always going to prove difficult.

Woza, you may be right about "the mouth" - if he could have just hit the headpin in frame 1 he may have been close enough!!!

Congratulations to all bowlers, the staff at Mentone, etc, etc.
Only one major delay because of breakdown, luckily it was on Sunday - thanks for that delay Lance.


well what can one say

i bowled with one of the best teams i have ever bowled with in my life, and to think we were beaten by a better team, unbelievable, but as they found out, the money flows out of my pocket quicker, then any win ever will. that last game showed everyone, what i had been telling everyone for months, and we got so close to pulling it off, the positive thing for us, was that we took 4 guys to a totally new level of commitment, attitude, skill level, something that will only strengthen us and them for the rest of their bowling lives.

to kev, i thought it a very touching moment, hearing your son yelling out support for you and your team, in between me breathing fire was awesome, also to see you bowl the shot that sealed the deal, something that will make you smile every night for quite a long time, also to see you and a couple of the boys, drop the monkey off your back. your happy, the kid is happy and the wife is stoked i am coming back for another shower, see everyones happy :)

to the shepp men, well done, you deserved it, thank you for making our zone tougher now seeing 4 doesn't go into 3 next year, and wow, that timmy, wow, does he spank the living daylights out of that ball, poor ball, it must really hate him for the punishment he inflicts on it

i'd like to thank the shepparton women for going out of their way to hinder me and the great one from having a good nights sleep, i bet your hubbies are proud of you.

i also noticed "the mouth" was very quiet until i did manage to stir him up, and didn't i regret that, he didn't shut up against me, every ball, he had a comment, he just doesn't stop, but all the same, great bloke, and will keep me laughing for months at things he said.

lol @ krusty, i am the only guy who didn't know this guy, i took one look and just burst into laughter, he seriously does look like krusty the clown.

congratulations to scope, you got your $50 out of me below is a list of fines i had to pay. AND DID but i still got to get that slab over to haysey, AND I WILL

15 games bowled

won 12 ($12)
lost 3
lost 1 $3 game ($3) thank you to adam, you lucky i couldn't kick that 10 pin
lost 2 $2 games ($4) thank you to andrew (nose hit) clark and scott sutton

and $10 to lisa garioch who managed to scraped thru for a 90%+ win rate from i think 17 games, very nice going and yes you beat me AGAIN no more bets with you, thats 2 weeks in a roow, you cleaned me up

paid the $10 for 80% wins thinking that i missed the 80%, but 12 out of 15 is 80% just forgot to count the last win, maybe cause i could only feel a loss at that stage.

and threw in $20 just to ice the cause, i so know we have showed up the rest, be interesting to see the final count.

lol yeah the ride of the 5 pin, definately the stupidest thing i have done in years, although i had a chuckle at how much joy it brought to everyones face watching me ride that back right into the players area. talk about taking it for granted seeing how many times it got hammered from piller to post during saturday especially.

porto's pink jacket, yeah we so know he wants in with that shepp crew, or maybe its just tezza, i dont know, but 3 of the funniest things happened with porto and the girls on the weekend.

L.G's banana trick put his jaw on the ground, such a pricelesss expression

then a girl climbing onto his bed, and watching him first trying to say he was asleep, then secondly explaining his imaginary line in his bed to the girl, then his mum texting telling everyone he was gay, then him saying its all crap, and within 2 minutes was up bopping to peter allens "i goto rio"

and last of all lisa notman, force feeding him in a breast feeding manner, and yes dave we have got pictures and yes dave they will be posted, gees in my life, i have never seen anyone as scared of a boobie as porto.

but as we all know, porto is porto, he is green, and he aint changing for anyone, and why would we want him to and the only person i can share a room off who doesn't **** me up the wall.

wazza, i hope you went and retrieved your cigarette lighter from the highway, and i hope you learned your lesson, i will get you back in the nastiest way possible, and well for all those around, i think you will admit, it was nasty.

as for graeme white and the colac boys edwin and neil, that was their names wasn't it???? well lets say i played edwin (eddie) and neil (nigel), and we found out why they weren't mentioned in the odds, didn't we gary black ;) as for kevin, what can i say, you are the best brooklyn player i have ever seen, and your side kick stevie ain't too far off you.

who impressed me, well as always, the young guns did, hamma, clarky and porto, so much future ahead of them boys, they will all in their time and contribute to their teams in.

who didn't impress me, sues admission that she did the line up in the 2nd last game, tells me lance should be removed as captain of ed flemming (hahaha talk your way out of this one big fella), an incident that happened in the 2nd last game didn't impress me, i don't know what happened, but its very hard when good friends and team mates, are getting very heated. the geelong boys never fail when it comes to not impressing me, never seen so many half hearted attempts at opening frames in my life (like oh derr, wonder why you missed!!!), and then when they get it together and throw 1140, they drop 2 players, i don't know whats in the air down there, i just hope it dont drift out to this side of the river, i'll give you the tip, the last thing that didn't impress me definately was them flies out the front, whats the go there ??? flies bloody everywhere

well thats enough for now, i am now going to sleep IN PEACE, with the phone on silent and the door locked, i will sleep tonight

i cant wait to get all this happening again, over the next week i will definately bring up a few great predictions that were made and of course failed in hitting the mark, as well as the occasional brain storm that actually hit it.

had an absolutely blast and cant wait to catch you all in the near future


p.s kevvy dont use all the hot water, or you will pay the next time we play each other, gees you must be happy woza talked you out of that last game hey??? you would have never got that moment on my time clock mate ;)

p.s woza, thanks for helping kevvy make a decision i would have hoped he did make, you cost me some gold you dog, i thought you were golfing today, the weather was good enough for it, and personally i think you should have
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