Emerson Shield 2005

your right wilma 7 players 1 manager and a coach
and i'm sure the coach, she will give me a stern talking to about the omissions from the odds [-X :bad-word: :agrue:
but heres a lil hint for yourself and gatsby, i ain't gonna sit here for hours and name the field, maybe if you want your name on here you should just post it under your nick, and if you want to hear something about yourself, write that too, i know i do :D
sometimes we all gotta stick our hand up to be noticed, and we know your not me, porto, ralph, scotty, rocket, so now i have just given you a chance to be famous haven't i
craig said:
i ain't gonna sit here for hours and name the field, maybe if you want your name on here you should just post it under your nick, and if you want to hear something about yourself, write that too, i know i do :D
sometimes we all gotta stick our hand up to be noticed, and we know your not me, porto, ralph, scotty, rocket, so now i have just given you a chance to be famous haven't i

Hi Craig
I'm a star:cool: ;)
craig said:
but heres a lil hint for yourself and gatsby, i ain't gonna sit here for hours and name the field, maybe if you want your name on here you should just post it under your nick, and if you want to hear something about yourself, write that too, i know i do :D
sometimes we all gotta stick our hand up to be noticed, and we know your not me, porto, ralph, scotty, rocket, so now i have just given you a chance to be famous haven't i
Well - looks like you really told me huh?
Couple of facts though - i have posted almost 100 times on this thread - and i have put my name under the post more than ten times (see replies 62, 76, 117, 120, 141, 149, 175, 215, 303, 381)
I would say that if you do not know my name then you have not been paying attention. I also have my name under my details in my public profile and it has been there since i signed on. It is hardly as though i have been trying to hide as you seem to be inferring.
I stupidly assumed it was okay to use a nick name after reading the exploits of Roo Boy, Lickwid Green, Rychenroller, Assassin_300, Purple Tweety, xpense, Grumpie, Wheelbarrow and Hamma :rolleyes:
I will even introduce myself to you on the weekend just to prove i am not hiding.


PS - i think you misunderstood my post anyway - i was trying to explain that in Emerson it is important to have your lowest averages still bowl well - because everyone has to bowl a minimum of 9 games. I then mentioned the two Colac guys that on paper are the lowest averages... bye for now :D :D

(just in case you missed it)
So that was GARY BLACK?

Let me get a pen real quick!

I loved Mr Chandler's "I can make you famous" bit. Somewhat Billy The Kiddish.
wilma said:
Gee craig, I was under the impression there were 7 bowlers in each team not 3 as you suggest for werribeeeeeeee.:confused:

You need the big guns....you need them to finish off the opposition, to make the clutch strikes. While pinfall is less of an issue, you need the big guys. A team with three big guys vs a team with average players....generally they will have three points before the game starts. This is what Craig was putting in bold...the guys to get the job done. To make the kill :snipersm:
lol, what would we know adam ;)

we have only led our respective emerson shield teams to victory in the last 2 emerson's
Hey all

Dont take it the wrong way Wilma but Rychenrollers post a couple up somes up what craig was trying to say

Getting your name in lights is great providing you get it for the right reasons

"Respect Is Earned And Never Given Away Freely"

Purple_Tweety said:
Hi Gary,
Lovely to meet you!
My name is Paige (remember the pronounciation lesson!!)
I will see you on the weekend.
Of course i remember you Paige (rhymes with Beige)
See you on the weekend - and good luck!
(the politically correct everyones a star, editted version)


with so much strength and unity, these guys are looking the goods, much country cup, emerson and even some rachuig experience, its hard to tip past these guys.lead by stalwart rowe and backed up by thomas, thompson, neff, wilkins, hamilton and kerr, its a handy line up and will be hard to topple


well i got it wrong the first time, but i wont this time, they still rate the same due to changes in line ups and attitudes of other teams. with names like dyer, gothe, tomasinski, mischler, coolen, crocker and bennet, gees, i know only a few, but how can one talk down the hopes of a team named after a dead set legend of the sport


the sleeping dog is moving through the field quieter than hodgey lays his ball on the pins, last years leading all star hayes, likely companion russo complimented with stoyanoff, townsend, smits, henderson and hodgey, these guys will now be lingering around the top and could even give their title defence a good run for their money


the unbackable favorites no less than 48 hours ago have now become backable, with the likely last minute withdrawal of porto and a new found virus called dissention lingering amongst the group, these guys need to re group in a hurry. and as we say, honesty is the best policy, isn't it ??? It so will depend on newman, law, francis and heidl to get these guys accross the line. the desertion of coach griffo to rowboater, everything seems to be falling apart at the seams, likely new inclusion o'connor will fit nicely into the mix but is there a substitute for the 2nd best lefty in town, well this will be answered on the weekend


talk about going under the radar, i even forgot to include these guys in my original odds posting, how could i forget my long time friend the smooth stroking mr steve hogg, and then from there, well who knows, i can't find the narre team anywhere on this forum, are they hiding something, are they trying to make me look bad for the third time this week. they are always
competitive and i expect no different this year


will be going some massive changes to their structure over the next 12 months, the old so called there abouts will be doing their most to show their newly appointed coach that they are the good thing for country cup. with hagley, hagley and worden,pushing to keep the team strong, fahy, farq, clark and benny boy will be pushing to stay off the pine for as long as they can

15/1 COLAC

with new team spokesman, the great gatsby, with so much fire and brimstone, we only hope he can match it off the net. and who could forget the likes of manintveld the man that creamed me by 80 pins and grapentin, i tell ya, if that doesn't send shivers down your spine, i don't know what will, billing, bagg, hay and mc callum will want to watch themselves with such a force from within


seeing i am being politically correct here, i must keep the flow going, unfortunately the odds haven't improved due to the absences of, flynn, flynn, campbell, d carmichael, kiss, kiss, kiss, hogg, smith, robinson, robinson, lewis, selakovic, ott, ambler and every other great to bless this great town, how can i improve the odds. this year we have to rely on jakupek, delange, rowe, warner, hinchcliff, kennedy and carmers to try and wrestle the title back to geelong.


like narre, no team listed, what can one say, they got no hope, but thanks for being the 10th team all the same
I think i preferred the original odds more - I'm not really into political correctness. It seems that when Craig tells the truth some people don't want to hear it :rolleyes:
I am interested in the Porto story though - is he crook?

PS Craig - I know it was late at night when you became politically correct - but Rob might want to know why you forgot to mention your old stomping ground in these second round of odds.....

The big movers;
Werribee:- are their names getting removed from the silverware already???? With this case of dissention, maybe you all need to take something for that - lane oil may just be the go.
Narre:- wish I had of put some money on them when they were at much longer odds, at the bottom end of the field with Rosebud.

The only cat I can let out of the bag about the Narre team [to fill in some gaps for Craig], is it also has Babecki to occassionally bowl anchor; a couple of first timers; and for the first year a "full time" manager - yours truly.

So that's two sleeps now - is it not.....

That was all too nice. And yet you still forgot the women!! You do realise without women you guys would not be here!! lol

You owe me craig!! lol
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