Emerson Shield 2005

Before I donate any monies, I want to know where it will be going.
Hopefully it is not going to:
"The Save Chucky's Love Life Emergency Fund" ;)
"The Porto Needs More Rev's Benevolent Society":rolleyes:
Hey Rob,

The monies will be going to:

Scope at PO BOX 608 Box Hill 3128 Ph 9843-3000
( Scope formally The Spastic Society )

Gary Zanoni asked all the bowlers if they were willing to pass the hat around the AMF Dunn Shield event, and they raised a few hundred dollars.

Liz then suggested that perhaps the Emerson Shield Teams could look at doing the same thing.

Think it is a great idea, and will be getting Chucky to put in his $5 bucks for not winning his 80% of games over the weekend. :p
Have had a thought and l am going to suggest this to all of my team, and my fellow Ladies Captain, that perhaps we all look at the idea of the good old COKE frame actully being worth something.

In other words keep a record throughout the event, and for every COKE a bowler gets they donate a said amount to the cause.

It would not have to be a lot, if people were worried they may be out of pocket a bit, but hey would generate soe great competition within your teams.

I would like to suggest to my fellow bowlers that we look at $1.00 per COKE against, and if all bowlers strike maybe get the team manager to chip in the $1.00 for that frame. :p

Just idea's.
Carmers said:
Is David alright Gatsby? Hopefully all is well and not too serious.
He is still bowling three league games a week - but would not get through a whole weekend. Though i am not certain, i would assume at some stage he will need to get the hernia removed - that would mean 6-8 weeks of no activity afterwards.
So now that everyone is back from Warnambool Cup, the post will liven up agian, or is everyone sitting back waiting in anticipation of Mr Chandlers odds?
What odds that Chandlers back won't last weekend, having to carry the whole team is pretty heavy stuff...........:rolleyes:
Carmers said:
So now that everyone is back from Warrnambool Cup, the post will liven up again, or is everyone sitting back waiting in anticipation of Mr Chandlers odds?
Looking forward to Craig's odds, but they won't have much bearing on how we all bowl - just a bit of fun.

From my point of view, I am looking forward to bowling in a different format and seeing how other Captains juggle their bowlers.

It will be fun going up against the other Country Cup associations and also forming new (friendly) rivalries against the Centres i have not played before.

It seems as though we have pretty much booked out the Mentone hub for the weekend - i think 4 or 5 teams are staying there.
Look foward to it as always Mr Chandler.

Will jump online later and check it out.

I think that most people will.
just had a confirmation on the conditions tonight ladies and gents and gess what........the conditions we using for emerson finals are the conditions we have laid at the moment. so those who came down and had a practise on the lanes, thats the condition that will be laid.

thats the decision so far, ill post changes to the conditions, if any.

so put me up for $10 werribee.


this year i am naming key players who i believe hold the key to their teams success

harford, porto, chandler
the only team that will even get close to going with these guys are ed flemming and melton, they flogged the rachuig team, they bowl as a team and they win as a team, everyone knows their place and respects their role.
dyer, strachan, gothe, tomasinski
the only difference between them and werribee will be one thing, strike power, these teams are so evenly matched it aint funny, they play the surface, if it was on their home paddock the odds would most likely be reversed
hamilton, wilkins, kerr and rowe
the pink flamingo's are always up there, but never win, and this year will be no different, they dont like oil, it will work against them, but they will figure prominently at stages.
hayes, hodge and stokely
no shelton will mean no win for melton, i cant put it anymore simpler than that. it probably has cost them 10 points for the weekend and will just tip them out of contention
fahy, farq, clark and threlfall
won at zones on their turf, and winning form is good form, but............ people have to stand up and be counted, they have to contribute, they have to lead, and players in the past have been renowned for hiding behind a rock when they are in the firing line, its time to return fire if you want to take that next step
15/1 COLAC
bagg, hay, mc callum and billing
unfortuantely for the boys its billing junior, and that will please alot of people, cause as i saw on the weekend, billing senior is still more than capable of mixing it with the big boys, they dont like oil, are a little weak around the fringes, but will feature mid field all weekend
warner, carmichael and kennedy
the time has come, for some players, to stick their hand up and say' i am gonna make a difference here, its ok to have nice flash gear, dress well and look cool, have nice styles but personally, the pins couldn't give a toss, and at the end of the day, they are the things that have to be most impressed by what you have to offer them.
garioch, browne and holmes
every team needs leaders and these are the guys who have to set the example and the standard for the rest to follow on the lanes, too weak around the fringe will make these guys struggle, but like always they will give you an honest run, so treat them with respect
100/1 ECHUCA
obviously the eastern zone has lost its title now as the "dream zone" cause when it comes down to wodonga, echuca and horsham to get 3rd spot in a zone, well what can i say, these boys are raw, willing to learn and most likely will, the more times they get this chance, the better they get, we should get behind these teams and support them, as it will only make for better competition down the track
home ground advantage got them thru, although they did knock out the more highly rated mentone and morwell teams, but i just cant rate them but to have a solid fight with echuca to hold up the competition. like echuca, these guys will be sponges to learn.
this weekend has taken so long to creep up, seems like eternity, but now within a week, i know like me, everyone is so excited to make this the best tournament, have a good game, be strong, be social and most importantly have a good laugh
at the end of the day, its just a game, things are said, things are done, but when we step off the approach, we act like gentlemen and have a good laugh about it all, but when we're on the approach we treat it like its the war we protray it to be on here
good luck to everyone and GO WERRIBEE
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