Emerson Shield 2005

Yep - you just needed to use the right bait huh?

Actually Kev is right - they are nowhere near the bottom. 6th last year in Emerson and no worse than 5th in the last 7 Country Cups.
Gatsby said:
Yep - you just needed to use the right bait huh?

Actually Kev is right - they are nowhere near the bottom. 6th last year in Emerson and no worse than 5th in the last 7 Country Cups.

No mens gold medallions in those 7 years either :(
and i even have a gold medallion and soon to be 2

talk about making a boring day into an exciting one

and with kevvy statingthe word "yet", i sense he knows something we can only hope about :D

yeah nowhere near the bottom and nowhere near the top, shepparton men = pretty average team odds rating 25/1

even morwell gets better odds than shepp and they couldn't even make it thru
So the odds Werribee will be the only team to get over 100pts for the weekend at Mentone, would be evens or better ;)

Has anyone actually bowled a practice session at Mentone, or is it all claims that home centre scores are enough to base the final result on??

At least we could have comfort in predicting that Craig's Crew (super sub or not) will have the best lineups put up against them for every game - even though thsi will have no affect on the outcome.

Rumour has it that the winners medallions have already been sent to the engravers!!!
Wow the ideas that I could come up with!! Hmmmmm :cool:

Just ask Carmers, he loves his outfit and I didn't get to use any fringe or lycra amongst it. :D

Its your loss anyway.

Gee you guys are so competitive and all your doing is talking yourselves up!! Its great to read.

One thing that Shepp doesn't lack is social atmosphere. I know a few bowlers that would bowl just for that! ;)
100 points, thats 5.5 a game

that is definately (evens)

i know our next session is at mentone, when i have no idea, anyone want a practise flogging before the tournament ???

that will save the anxiety of experiencing it on the day, that way you can calmly accept getting pumped, knowing what it already feels like to experience it

i doubt the super sub will come into play, but if he does, well all the odds will go thru the roof

yes with the medals at the engravers the pressure has been relieved, now we can just go bowl, instead of having that minor element of doubt the impossible could happen again.
epx lol newman bowls 802, then 30 minutes later i get a call from queensland saying one up there cracked open

porto got his, we spent ages trying to get it to roll out, but it just keeps hooking, if it stays together it is the ball of tomorrow
802!!! Well i was talking to SATAN!!!! on messenger before and he did mention he had a woolly coat and mittens on!!

:cool: ha ha! seriously that's a nice number, wouldn't mind swapping my 2 4/1000's for a 3/800
craig said:
epx lol newman bowls 802, then 30 minutes later i get a call from queensland saying one up there cracked open

porto got his, we spent ages trying to get it to roll out, but it just keeps hooking, if it stays together it is the ball of tomorrow

The Ebonite Turbo X is back is it - Lets hope not

Would be up for the flogging. The team is looking at doing a practice session on November 12 or 13 l think.

Possibly 1 day at Mentone, the other at home, still to be confirmed yet.

Not much point in hoping for conditions, as you never know it may change on the weekend we turn up. More to get the team used to the centre, for those that have not bolwed for a while, and just for team bonding.

Can have a chat with teh team and ask if they would like a flogging.
Vaughnn said:
At least we could have comfort in predicting that Craig's Crew (super sub or not) will have the best lineups put up against them for every game - even though this will have no affect on the outcome.

Why dont we all try all the exact opposite.

Lets all put our weakist line ups in, and see if they can pull the Mighty Werribee down to there level, and make it a great match.

After all, for some reason in teams, it is amazing how often the higher average bowler, comes down to the average of the lower bowler, adn vise versa... :rolleyes:

Could be the downfall of the mighty, who is willing to try ;)
Woza said:
The Ebonite Turbo X is back is it - Lets hope not

Oh lets hope so.

craig said:
30 minutes later i get a call from queensland saying one up there cracked open

but with the comment from craig, would that not make it the new Xcaliber.

Great ball, changed the sport forever, always hooked, never rolled out, but craked time and time again, but we all kept on buying them, because they were that damn good.
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