Would you like to see a Hall of Fame and Dinner presentaion on Monday Night

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How many cups did those guys bowl?

They might be awesome bowlers, but are they 'legends' of Country Cup or are they legends of the sport in general, in country bowlers eyes?
They might be awesome bowlers, but are they 'legends' of Country Cup or are they legends of the sport in general, in country bowlers eyes?

I think that's what Craig is saying Paige.
Many people have had stellar performances (Flynny in Ballarat stays in my mind).

The guys who put the hours of work into the research and framework for the hall of fame did so to reward longevity and consistancy of performance in the Country Cup Event itself, I think they got it pretty much right. It can evolve as ideas come forward anyway.

Maybe the recognition of Hall of Fame might be enough to tempt a few of the guys who only need a handfull more games to give it anther shot - that has to be good for the event as a whole doesn't it?

Just my thoughts.
right on the money big fella

it will be nice to see the final criteria, and applause to all those that brought it into existance, from the nominees through to the committee for making it happen
right on the money big fella

it will be nice to see the final criteria, and applause to all those that brought it into existance, from the nominees through to the committee for making it happen


is there a limit on how many get inducted each year???

theres at least 18 men that meet the criteria and 15 for the ladies

and alot that are knocking on the door, for meeting the criteria

From Garys stats - approx 25 men and 25 women for hall of fame and 4 women and 6 men for legends
The first year will be big but each year after that there would be lucky to be a handful of players who meet the criteria. If you meet the criteria regardless of how many for that year - you should be inducted

also was it looked into for an administrators criteria? as there have been many people involved with country cup, that have either have never bowled a ball, or very few to say the least, but have played a pivotal role in representing their team, year after year
Yes but the selection criteria is not as clear cut as the one proposed for the hall of fame and legends- Each centre would have to nominate a recipient and the criteria on how they are selected eligible or non eligible needs to be created - It will happen but most likely after the introduction of hall of fame and legends for which the criteria is already proposed. I have a copy of the original notice of motion presented and will post the revised notice of motion intended to be submitted for this years AGM once I have modified it for commment
Ok here we go - shortened version of the proposed Notice of motion

There are two levels of recognition we propose to set, first being Hall of Fame status.

1) 10+ Country Cups
2) Min 2/3 of available games of the Country Cups participated in
(ie when there were 10 assoc max games was 18 2/3 is 12 per year or min 120 over 10 years) when there were 12 assoc max games was 22 or 2/3 15 games etc)
3) Placed in the top 10 average on 2 or more occasions
3a) In addition to rule 3 any bowler who has not placed inside top 10 on two or more occasions will be granted hall of fame status if competed in 20 or more country cups.

We didn’t want the hall of fame to be an open ticket therefore included the 2 top 10 ave but if you get to 20 cups then I cant see why you cant be part of the hall of fame regardless of whether you have a top 10 ave finish

Legend Status (In addition to above criteria)

1) 20+ Country Cups
2) Min 2/3 of available games of the Country Cups participated in
3) Minimum 2 all stars and 4 top 10 average
3a) In addition to rule 1 any bowler who has reached 15+ country cups and has been an all star a minimum of 4 times, also in the top 10 on at least 5 occasions, including all star finishes will be granted Legend Status.

Within both criteria it is expected that around 25 men and 25 women would fit the hall of fame along with 4 women and 6 men that ARE legends of the event.

At first thought these Legends were to be nominated and then voted on, but favour for this has decreased due to politics over who was to be voting ect, etc. So it has now been thought of as automatic induction along with hall of fame.

We think this is a vital part of keeping this tournament alive and give it some tangible prestige and credibility in the eyes of the bowlers and supporters.

The proposed recognition of this achievement would be in the form of a travelling honour board/s that travels from centre to centre (proposed that it would be a banner similar to the current banner that has all the associations listed on it- there would be one banner each for men and women that would have all the hall of fame and legend names embroidered onto it. As further people are inducted then their name is to be embroidered onto the banner. These banners are to be hung in the host centre for the duration of the Ccup tournament) In addition each hall of fame member is presented with a certificate and each legend is presented with either a pin (similar to a life membership pin) or a plaque.

Yes people will miss out, others currently meet all the other criteria but dont have enough years participation up yet. It is intended to be a recognition not only of a persons ability but also their consistant participation in the CCup event.
Well explained Woza.

There has been 557 men and 519 women that have bowled Country cup in the 29 years it has been held.

The hall of fame criteria has around 25 men and 25 women that have qualified. This would indicate that it won't be just anyone that can qualify and requires both longevity and a level of performance.

The legend status is for very high performers over a lot of years and of the 25/25 named above only 6 of these men and 4 of the women have qualified and if you were to think of who have been legends of country cup then i reckon you could probably come up with the 10 names without too much effort.

As craig mentioned, the current criteria means that jason way, anthony flynn, len hogg would not even qualify for hall of fame and yet they were some of the top performers the years they played. So as i said it is not just about performance but also longevity.

As for officials - where do you start? Do you look at team managers? VCTBA executive? other officials? The likely answer is there will be a category for non-bowlers in the hall of fame - though probably not legend status. It is just a case of how do you go about that. The idea was to get the bowler side of it off the ground first and get the hall of fame up and running and then work out how to include officials and other non-bowlers.
Looks like all the media bans have kicked in, either that or the lads all peaked early:D

If so they may have to go for the nasal technology:p

lol, just like Stiff and Stiffer? :p

Who could they be I wonder????

There are some interesting combinations.....

Kev & Hammer
Gary & Deano
Farqy & anyone
Wozza & Motta
Farqy & anyone
Cambell & Robinson:p (had to throw that one in)
Chucky & Yogi
Paige & Paige

Feel free to add.....more;)

Who could they be I wonder????

There are some interesting combinations.....

Kev & Hammer
Gary & Deano
Farqy & anyone
Wozza & Motta
Farqy & anyone
Cambell & Robinson:p (had to throw that one in)
Chucky & Yogi
Paige & Paige

Feel free to add.....more;)


After the weekend Hammer was the furtherest thing from Kevs (King of the Castle) mind - sorry Kev couldnt resist yet again ;)

and speaking of Campbell is this the same campbell that left a 5-7-10 in the masters on the weekend
After the weekend Hammer was the furtherest thing from Kevs (King of the Castle) mind - sorry Kev couldnt resist yet again ;)

and speaking of Campbell is this the same campbell that left a 5-7-10 in the masters on the weekend

OOPS has our little Hammer been pushing the wrong buttons again:p

Surely not......Paul would not have left that on the condition that was down for the weekend:surrender:

Who could they be I wonder????

There are some interesting combinations.....

Kev & Hammer
Gary & Deano
Farqy & anyone
Wozza & Motta
Farqy & anyone
Cambell & Robinson:p (had to throw that one in)
Chucky & Yogi
Paige & Paige

Feel free to add.....more;)


Only thing stiff around here now are the peaks on the missus merangue's!:eek:
Looks like all the media bans have kicked in, either that or the lads all peaked early:D

If so they may have to go for the nasal technology:p


No just quietly going about doing whatever melissa tells me to do, untill the new shop is ready for take over (supposed to be friday so shes getting her value out of my time off!)
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