Country Cup 2009

How many Country Cup bowlers have won a major Australian tournament?
How many Country Cup bowlers have won a national PBA Tour title?
How many Country Cup bowlers have set world record for juniors?
How many Country Cup bowlers have made a televised finals of a World Team Challenge?

Many Country Cup bowlers have had great success with there bowling careers.

Just from Geelong we have had at least 3 people winning a major Australian tournament; Anthony Flynn, Lenn Hogg and Peter Selakovic - There could even be more. The 3 game record bowled in Australia (887) belongs to a former Country Cup Bowler - Anthony Flynn. Countles FIQ reps and medals have also been won by Country Cup bowlers. This is just Geelong i am speaking for.

I am sure other centres could do the same, but i don't feel that they should have to bragg about past achievments to make a Country Cup team more credible.

Country Cup has had a proud histroy of exceptional bowlers, and whilst i have not been a part of it for very long, i am sure it will continue to produce top quality bowlers in every sense of the word.
Hey Wayne, GO TO BUNNINGS! BUY SOME WOOD! BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET THE F##* OVER IT! cos thats the past mate and what you did 1000's of years ago was in the past........ just remember now its a team sport
I think we'd make a great team Chris...find a doubles tournament and let's get ready to rumble!

pity most of the posters on this thread have no clue.
Wow....I never realized how ignorant some bowlers could be until now...maybe some of you should read up on some of my accomplishments in this sport before spouting off in an attempt to discredit me.

Wayne I have looked up on your accomplishments but to suggest that we are attempting to discredit you - All of us combined could not even come close to the job that you are doing yourself

Jealousy isn't pretty....and I'm not looking to gain your respect as a person, but my bowling record is something you can never take away from me.

Jealous of what you have achieved - not in this lifetime - but you are correct your bowling records are facts in black and white - Can never be erased from history but I am sure that you can relate to the following story

A man walks into a pub in Bendigo, his feet shuffling, his back bent. He drags himself onto a stool and orders a beer. Placing the full glass in front of him, the bartender inquires upon his sad face.
The man answers with a smoky and trembling voice:
I tell you man! Once I won a PBA Tour title! I won it, with me own hands! But do they call me the PBA Tour Title Champion? No!
Once I won a Major Australian Title I won it, with me own hands! But do they call me the Major Australian Title Champion? No!
And I have set World records for Juniors , I did it, with me own hands! But do they call me the World Record Setter? No!
But I tell you, man! YOU **** *** GOAT!

Mention your name in conversation among fellow bowlers and you tell me what you think the one accomplishment that they know you have achieved
Noone cares about your past Wayne except you. Good luck to you if you did all those things but you can't live in the past. You may have achievements but simply put, you are now useless outside your comfy little house shot like I said.

As for Emerson in Mildura, it was good to see your team-mates bowling well. Enough said.

There is a lot more to CC than averages. It is:
* a social event,
* a chance for some friendly rivalry to re-emerge (like when we always beat Shepp for example :) ),
* a chance to see old friends,
* a competition of course but from what I have seen in the 7 or so I have been at is it is always friendly competition,
* one of the best overall displays of sportsmanship I have seen at a bowling tourney. Opposition players congratulate people on their bowling, we all have fun on the lanes.

and so on......

Last of all, it is the chance to win as a TEAM and take home those trophies.

Thats what CC is about, not some dinosaur has-been who wants to run it down because he (and he alone) thinks he is too good for it.

You have friends?????????????
How many Country Cup bowlers have won a major Australian tournament?
How many Country Cup bowlers have won a national PBA Tour title?
How many Country Cup bowlers have set world record for juniors?
How many Country Cup bowlers have made a televised finals of a World Team Challenge?

Many Country Cup bowlers have had great success with there bowling careers.

Just from Geelong we have had at least 3 people winning a major Australian tournament; Anthony Flynn, Lenn Hogg and Peter Selakovic - There could even be more. The 3 game record bowled in Australia (887) belongs to a former Country Cup Bowler - Anthony Flynn. Countles FIQ reps and medals have also been won by Country Cup bowlers. This is just Geelong i am speaking for.

I am sure other centres could do the same, but i don't feel that they should have to bragg about past achievments to make a Country Cup team more credible.

Country Cup has had a proud histroy of exceptional bowlers, and whilst i have not been a part of it for very long, i am sure it will continue to produce top quality bowlers in every sense of the word.

Yes for National title, and we could all reel off countless other acheivments suck as Russ Hinton FIQ with David C, Bobby H's first junior 300 a million years ago (sorry Bob) ect ect.......... But why bother.......... we all know that already, what about the succesful business people in C/C, the mothers the fathers, volunteers of the years, all the people that you want to spend time with after bowling having a quite (or in some peoples case a loud) beer, not some whinging old with nothing better to do than pull his own chain coz no one will do it for him.
Actually i would like to meet Mr Chester someday to see if this is all a put on or you are as big a d.ick.hea.d in real life too? Surely you could not be?????
Can you tell us what else in your long and illustrious life you have achieved outside of bowling?

Look me up if your in Traralgon and want to catch up at our cafe, at our farm, home or at my fuel depot, I am sure my beatifull wife could make you a coffee and cake.
Jason motta
The answer is no, I'm not a d'head or even a *****. The truth of the matter is, I'm frustrated because a few posters seem think and type that I've never done anything worthwhile outside of Bendigo. If you want to call me names, go ahead. But that's something I'll never stoop to on a posting board. If you wish to twist the facts to fit your agendas then yes, I'll refute them with the truth, but please don't believe for one minute that i feel that I'm above any of you. We're all God's creatures and unless you're a murderer or rapist etc, then I consider you to be just like me..only with a different background and life stories behind the face. Those bowlers who have met and talked with me in a bowling centre or anywhere else will probably disagree with your assessment of me.
I would like to wish Mrs Farky a very very very "HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY"

Im sure that wonderful husband of yours bought you more than the washing machine, maybe flowers or a nice romantic dinner ;)

Have a fantastic day Tracey, Luv Lisa, Rob, Alicia, Jess and Shelby

The Countdown is on in earnest just 4 more sleeps for all you lucky people traveling to Country Cup. Only to be FLOGGED by WOZAS WONDERS at this years Cup.

Goodluck to you all

The truth of the matter is, I'm frustrated because a few posters seem think and type that I've never done anything worthwhile outside of Bendigo.

Actually, what I have said is that the past is the past and now you are nothing outside Bendigo. If you had good results back in 1812 when you were pro then good luck to you but that doesn't mean we should all kneel at your feet and think you are some sort of god.

As for running down an event like Country Cup, if you are not good enough to make it now then so be it but let the rest of us enjoy a great weekend without running it down.
The answer is no, I'm not a d'head or even a *****. The truth of the matter is, I'm frustrated because a few posters seem think and type that I've never done anything worthwhile outside of Bendigo. If you want to call me names, go ahead. But that's something I'll never stoop to on a posting board. If you wish to twist the facts to fit your agendas then yes, I'll refute them with the truth, but please don't believe for one minute that i feel that I'm above any of you. We're all God's creatures and unless you're a murderer or rapist etc, then I consider you to be just like me..only with a different background and life stories behind the face. Those bowlers who have met and talked with me in a bowling centre or anywhere else will probably disagree with your assessment of me.

Which is what i am getting at, the way you come across on these forums is at times disgraceful and unknowingly, or knowingly, seems to show nothing but distain and for a band of people how for the most part of have never heard nor met you.
It must be the way you type or something, because I cant be sure, but would not be the intent if it were actualy coming from between your gums? For as everyone knows the difference between what you can type, and actually say can differ greatly.
Now back to concentrating on the people bowling, Trav you better be on your toes, wozza is taking a liking to you!

Rob better keep an eye on the missus with all the guys going out buying penthouse this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

Farky your only as old as the woman your feeling........ your up the creek now my freind! (Happy Birthday Mrs Farky!)

Kev where are you, are you hiding in the kids shadows now :confused: come out come out where ever you are..... come to think of it I am sure you shep guys dont have a problem coming out now do you................... oooooooooh.

What time does the old peoples home close the doors at night, does the Albury team need some kind of special permision to be out at night or do they have to forfiet the saturday and sunday night games?
Is there anyone from Ballarat coming????????????

And for the people a bit further down the road than sleepy hollow (Colac)...........dont turn up...........nobody likes you.............. bloody lefties get your own game :)
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