Country Cup 2009

Why, with a 229+ should have at least been a 'chance' to make it...............
As a professional bowler I spent a couple of decades being barred from competing in almost all of the top amateur events. Now you're asking me why I don't want to drop down to an even lower level and bowl a team event where a number of the bowlers should be receiving handicap?

Let's just say, it's not high on my list of priorities.
......... And when I was in Band Camp BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

Looking forward to next weekend, bowling with all you lower level amateur

Congrats Jase, you both looked great in the pic. Will shout you a drink on Friday night.

As a professional bowler I spent a couple of decades being barred from competing in almost all of the top amateur events. Now you're asking me why I don't want to drop down to an even lower level and bowl a team event where a number of the bowlers should be receiving handicap?

Let's just say, it's not high on my list of priorities.


I guess that 5-7-10 you left in Mildura at Emerson and the 172ish average you had for that weekend really puts you in the most elite class of bowler in Australia...

Oh and dont forget the whinging and crying about the approaches and how your knee is now stuffed blah blah blah..

But you are just soooo damn good Wayne.. We are all in awe of you 'professional' talent..:surrender:
As a professional bowler I spent a couple of decades being barred from competing in almost all of the top amateur events. Now you're asking me why I don't want to drop down to an even lower level and bowl a team event where a number of the bowlers should be receiving handicap?

Let's just say, it's not high on my list of priorities.

Any respect you had (and I don't think there was much) is gone. If you are so much better than everyone else in Country Vic then why don't you go back to bowling seniors pro or something.

Fact is, you have bowled in Emerson like Trav said (and I have no idea what other tourneys) and once outside your nice little house shot in Bendigo you are a failure. You wouldn't fit in a TEAM environment anyway. Country Cup and all the bowlers gain by your absence.

You wanna know what I said when I first saw you at Mildura? quote: "I thought he would be bigger".
As a professional bowler I spent a couple of decades being barred from competing in almost all of the top amateur events. Now you're asking me why I don't want to drop down to an even lower level and bowl a team event where a number of the bowlers should be receiving handicap?

I'll take a handicap if there's one going. :p
Based on my current leave average in Bendigo, I think I deserve one.

If Farky shows his seniors card, can he get a 10% bonus on his handicap?
Wow....I never realized how ignorant some bowlers could be until now...maybe some of you should read up on some of my accomplishments in this sport before spouting off in an attempt to discredit me.

How many Country Cup bowlers have won a major Australian tournament?
How many Country Cup bowlers have won a national PBA Tour title?
How many Country Cup bowlers have set world record for juniors?
How many Country Cup bowlers have made a televised finals of a World Team Challenge?
How many Country Cup bowlers have bowled 300s & 800s during five different decades?

and lastly....
How many of you were on an Emerson team that placed ahead of Bendigo in Mildura?

Jealousy isn't pretty....and I'm not looking to gain your respect as a person, but my bowling record is something you can never take away from me.
Before this blows up into a full on spray.

Wayne - on the Penthouse comment, as Tom Cruise would say - put your manners back in. That may have been meant as a laugh, but as I said to you once before, the guys on here who talk cr*p to each other are all mates. If that comment was directed at my family, I wouldn't be impressed.
On the up side, now I know what to get you for Christmas. :p

Your bowling record is impressive, no question.
To quote yourself, for someone who has never bowled Country Cup, you sure have a lot to say on the topic.

If you want to endear yourself to the Country Cup masses, and its up to you whether you want to when all is said and done, then I wish you well.
If not, the guys and girls who play this event love it, they may not be the absolute elite, but tournaments like Country Cup are more than a bowling tournament. Its a social event, a chance for alot of people to enjoy competition, make friends and earn respect in their own (and another's) circle.

So - as a plea to CCup bowler's, and you Wayne.
We have 1 week to go before 2009 Country Cup in Albury.
It won't be the easiest year, Mel and his team will do the best job they can.
The bowlers will bring the best spirit and ability they can. Scores may not be the highestn the history of the event (or bowling in general).
Games and comments in fun to people who know what the intent is, should be more of it.
Unsavoury remarks and personal attacks can go somewhere else. I don't think Country Cup is like that and I hope it never gets there (and yes there is always isolated incidents).

Now, back to Trav wanting to hand people their asses. All those wishing to line up against Trav to roll the dice, contact Rob for team lineup changes - I've heard a nice cup of tea is a good way to get a favour! ;) I've heard a couple of people are keen to be on the list.
If a piping hot Earl Grey doesnt work with Rob, my experience tells me a Crown Lager is a good choice. :p

I think that was more than 2c.

Very well written Dave, looking forward to the long weekend to a tournament that's bowled in great spirit.
Wayne your a hasbeen.. deal with it LOL

Dave, dont waste your money on Crownies for Rob, he's been seen on regular local bowling nights drinking VB :p

I dont care who lines up against me, I will just bowl to the very best of my below average handicap needed standard :whistling:
Noone cares about your past Wayne except you. Good luck to you if you did all those things but you can't live in the past. You may have achievements but simply put, you are now useless outside your comfy little house shot like I said.

As for Emerson in Mildura, it was good to see your team-mates bowling well. Enough said.

There is a lot more to CC than averages. It is:
* a social event,
* a chance for some friendly rivalry to re-emerge (like when we always beat Shepp for example :) ),
* a chance to see old friends,
* a competition of course but from what I have seen in the 7 or so I have been at is it is always friendly competition,
* one of the best overall displays of sportsmanship I have seen at a bowling tourney. Opposition players congratulate people on their bowling, we all have fun on the lanes.

and so on......

Last of all, it is the chance to win as a TEAM and take home those trophies.

Thats what CC is about, not some dinosaur has-been who wants to run it down because he (and he alone) thinks he is too good for it.
Wayne, move on, no-one is denying you the tickets you wear on your chest. But, you have done nothing to prove your greatness in the present. Country Cup has been a fabulous tournament for many years now with some great achievement for many bowlers. Maybe you need to bowl something like C.C. to find some enjoyment from the sport you think you are so good at.
To all the bowlers who are bowling C.C. good luck next weekend GO SHEPP...........
Woza, it's amazing what a change of colour can do for a person!! That and living in sleepy hollow!!!

I can't wait until next weekend..... No doubt we are all there to bowl....but it would never be the tournament it is without the social side as well. The 'friendly' banter between friends puts he icing on the cake.

The countdown is on.......woo hoo :D
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