Country Cup 2008

By the way, I have posted this publicly rather than PM because I think a lot of people do not understand Wayne, and it would be good for the game if we could all gain some knowledge.
I am not defending or supporting any comments made by anyone (except me of course :p).
Unfortunatly not many of us lower class blowers know him because we dont get the opportunity to get around to all the prestige bolwing events
(Or America during the sixties or seventies or whatever ;))
Dude take it on the chin, cop it up the arse or whatever takes your fancy and come along for the joke that this site really is! Being able to reel of stats and acheivements dont mean anything if you arent in on the joke, just makes you sound like a wa*ker, which I am sure your not if Big Dave says so (one of the nicest blokes in bowling!)
Maybe you would like to pass on some of your wisdom so the rest of us less talented players can improve and we will show you how to improve in the humor department?
Unfortunatly not many of us lower class blowers know him because we dont get the opportunity to get around to all the prestige bolwing events

Check your spelling mate, looks like you're the one "coppin' it up the arse"
I would think that 98% of the bowlers that participate in Country Cup would rather bowl in a team that bowled as a team rather than a group of "individuals" that bowled for themselves.
I think that if you new the history of Country Cup and the majority of bowlers and teams over the last 26 years, you would find that most years the winning teams have been those that worked as a team with a crew of 'rah rah types' rather than your "I TEAMS".

I'm guessing you didn't understand my post..I said, I would rather have 5 guys averaging 220 in THAT EVENT than have 5 guys averaging 210 in the same event. Winning is always more fun than losing. You can have all the fun you want with the cheerleader. I'll take winning over being an also-ran anytime. To me, THAT'S FUN!
Thank you for the kind words David. I Thought I could jump in and mix it up on the forum, but it appears I'll always be an outsider.

I know I come across as arrogant, but then 40 years of bowling at the highest level does give some credence to what I see, think and say. As you've seen here in this thread, I tend to get a little PO'd when anyone attempts to discredit or dismiss my bowling accomplishments by saying past history is meaningless.

I know exactly where I stand in terms of bowling ability today and can honestly say that it's pretty far down on the list of Victoria's top bowlers. Oh to be 40 years old again...but at 55 I've lost a great deal of my 'edge' and don't know if it's even possible to get half of it back.

I've come on Totalbowling and offered free bowling coaching to any member of this site, and do you know how many bowlers have responded saying they'd be in for some one-on-one help? EXACTLY TWO! I know of at least 10 other Bendigonians who post on this site who are serious about bowling. and I am pretty certain that with my help along with a lot of hard work and dedication, that they could get to the next level. I'm will soon be named the VicTenpins Voting Delegate from the Bendigo Bowling Association and even though I was not voted onto the Vic Tenpins board I still hope to lead this country's NSO as chairperson of the TBA in midyear 2008. I love the sport of bowling with all my heart and soul and have spent my entire adult life doing whatever I could to help ensure that bowling remains a sport and does not morph into just another recreational activity.
Thank you for the kind words David. I Thought I could jump in and mix it up on the forum, but it appears I'll always be an outsider.
I know I come across as arrogant, but then 40 years of bowling at the highest level does give some credence to what I see, think and say. As you've seen here in this thread, I tend to get a little PO'd when anyone attempts to discredit or dismiss my bowling accomplishments by saying past history is meaningless.
I know exactly where I stand in terms of bowling ability today and can honestly say that it's pretty far down on the list of Victoria's top bowlers. Oh to be 40 years old again...but at 55 I've lost a great deal of my 'edge' and don't know if it's even possible to get half of it back.
I've come on Totalbowling and offered free bowling coaching to any member of this site, and do you know how many bowlers have responded saying they'd be in for some one-on-one help? EXACTLY TWO! I know of at least 10 other Bendigonians who post on this site who are serious about bowling. and I am pretty certain that with my help along with a lot of hard work and dedication, that they could get to the next level. I'm will soon be named the VicTenpins Voting Delegate from the Bendigo Bowling Association and even though I was not voted onto the Vic Tenpins board I still hope to lead this country's NSO as chairperson of the TBA in midyear 2008. I love the sport of bowling with all my heart and soul and have spent my entire adult life doing whatever I could to help ensure that bowling remains a sport and does not morph into just another recreational activity.

If we could organise a very small group, say 4 or 5 bowlers, would you coach the group instead of 1 on 1?
I'd be one of the bowlers. I can pretty much guarantee 4 bowlers would attend.
this thread has gotten too serious..

whats the go.. lol.

Cant some one just pick on shepparton instead :p

4 weeks to go peoples.. :D
this thread has gotten too serious..

whats the go.. lol.

Cant some one just pick on shepparton instead :p

4 weeks to go peoples.. :D

Well maybe some people should start posting odds.
Woza, Craig, Rob, Kev, Gatsby, anyone?

I'll go the long odds - Jason Way will probably make All Stars, or atleast the All Stars 'B' team, well maybe anyway.
Another 'go out on a limb' prediction - Ballarat's weather will be colder than most other places in Victoria on the CCup weekend.
Other 'guesses':
1. Shepparton will wear pink - please Kev tell me its a safe bet, keep em guessing bout other stuff but tell me it's true.
2. Albury men will take out the most animated cheer squad award for the 23rd year running.;)
3. The battle of the benches on the practice pair will rage all weekend, thumbs bleeding, arms aching, zinging missiles coast to coast on the dryest track in the house except for the men's urinal.
4. Chandler's influence will be felt in many teams - Craig will be in the pub during most of the time when his influence can be felt most. :p His fearless predictions of success and failure will be spoken of as legend in his own kitchen.
5. Alcohol will be consumed in some volume.
6. Farky will not consume the most alcohol.
7. Motta will ride a ball into the golf course (or the funeral home) depends on what he leaves!
8. Michael Bosma should captain the Country Cup basketball team.
9. This post will be too long and is still pointless.
10. St*ff it, just have fun, enjoy one of THE BEST tournaments I have ever bowled, two people will take away a new ball each and trophy - from me - and I'm looking forward to being there to present it (will Mr Way make it 3 from 3? Maybe I should sponsor him, it would be cheaper :p)

Enough seriousness, it's all been said and the bruises to the ego's are healing nicely.

Chucky - lets have odds one month out.

Oops, almost forgot to pick on Shepp -
Kev for a five/corner combination from a light pocket touch up.
Paul K to follow through towards someone elses target.
Hammer to ride a ball for no apparent reason - its off my hand, ride it!
Can't really pick on the others, don't know enough about them personally and don't want to offend them - I know those three I mentioned have a sense of humour ..... somewhere.

Oops, almost forgot to pick on Shepp -
Kev for a five/corner combination from a light pocket touch up.
Paul K to follow through towards someone elses target.
Hammer to ride a ball for no apparent reason - its off my hand, ride it!
Can't really pick on the others, don't know enough about them personally and don't want to offend them - I know those three I mentioned have a sense of humour ..... somewhere.

Some things never change....

ps, Yes we are wearing pink - it suits our men's team. They are all girls!!;)
Well maybe some people should start posting odds.
Woza, Craig, Rob, Kev, Gatsby, anyone?
I'll go the long odds - Jason Way will probably make All Stars, or atleast the All Stars 'B' team, well maybe anyway.
Another 'go out on a limb' prediction - Ballarat's weather will be colder than most other places in Victoria on the CCup weekend.
Other 'guesses':
1. Shepparton will wear pink - please Kev tell me its a safe bet, keep em guessing bout other stuff but tell me it's true.
2. Albury men will take out the most animated cheer squad award for the 23rd year running.;)
3. The battle of the benches on the practice pair will rage all weekend, thumbs bleeding, arms aching, zinging missiles coast to coast on the dryest track in the house except for the men's urinal.
4. Chandler's influence will be felt in many teams - Craig will be in the pub during most of the time when his influence can be felt most. :p His fearless predictions of success and failure will be spoken of as legend in his own kitchen.
5. Alcohol will be consumed in some volume.
6. Farky will not consume the most alcohol.
7. Motta will ride a ball into the golf course (or the funeral home) depends on what he leaves!
8. Michael Bosma should captain the Country Cup basketball team.
9. This post will be too long and is still pointless.
10. St*ff it, just have fun, enjoy one of THE BEST tournaments I have ever bowled, two people will take away a new ball each and trophy - from me - and I'm looking forward to being there to present it (will Mr Way make it 3 from 3? Maybe I should sponsor him, it would be cheaper :p)
Enough seriousness, it's all been said and the bruises to the ego's are healing nicely.
Chucky - lets have odds one month out.
Oops, almost forgot to pick on Shepp -
Kev for a five/corner combination from a light pocket touch up.
Paul K to follow through towards someone elses target.
Hammer to ride a ball for no apparent reason - its off my hand, ride it!
Can't really pick on the others, don't know enough about them personally and don't want to offend them - I know those three I mentioned have a sense of humour ..... somewhere.


thats more like it..

There are the betting odds in v-bookie.. interesting seeing where the money is being placed :p
First person to 10 quality points wins!

What's up for grabs?

Oh by the way my comments are few and far between, Kev will atest to that!!

But then again when it comes to sleging the men who wear pink, it becomes much easier!!!:p They will want to wear shorts next to really fit in with the women!!!!!:D
yeah gazza's the odds man now

i have run out of material to use, when it comes to kevvy, woza, motta, deano and co

plus i am still trying to get in the good books with all the people who don't have a sense of humour.
yeah gazza's the odds man now

i have run out of material to use, when it comes to kevvy, woza, motta, deano and co

plus i am still trying to get in the good books with all the people who don't have a sense of humour.

The good book can be a hard book to open Craig.
And that could be a very long list of people.

Gazza may be the odds man.
But I for one always look forward to the Chandler angle on CCup.
The good book can be a hard book to open Craig.
And that could be a very long list of people.
Gazza may be the odds man.
But I for one always look forward to the Chandler angle on CCup.
We all do -- he is able to upset more people than me. I only did odds after craig declined --- i'd still be interested in his take on things though - him being impartial and all :D
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