Country Cup 2008

Yes, you should Dave, he is a superstar and deserves it more than anyone else!!!

Maybe I did/am/have/are - whatever the term is.
Jason joined our staff today.

We welcome him and he joins another recent addition in Jess Ryan to give us a great diversity in our people.
I'm guessing you didn't understand my post..I said, I would rather have 5 guys averaging 220 in THAT EVENT than have 5 guys averaging 210 in the same event. Winning is always more fun than losing. You can have all the fun you want with the cheerleader. I'll take winning over being an also-ran anytime. To me, THAT'S FUN!

I understood your post completely Wayne.

I agree that winning is more fun than losing, even though I have not been in a winning Country Cup team as yet.:(

But also in you post you had references to 'rah rah types' and 'individuals', and I still think I would rather be in a winning TEAM than a winning ITEAM. Just MHO.

Maybe I did/am/have/are - whatever the term is.
Jason joined our staff today.
We welcome him and he joins another recent addition in Jess Ryan to give us a great diversity in our people.

Thats awesome Dave, i couldn't think of a nicer, more deserving guy, and an unbelievable bowler to watch! Congrats Jase
If we could organise a very small group, say 4 or 5 bowlers, would you coach the group instead of 1 on 1?
I'd be one of the bowlers. I can pretty much guarantee 4 bowlers would attend.

Yes David. I'll be glad to do that. Now getting the group together would be your job. I'm available pretty much anytime during the day on weekends and some nights as well. We'll all learn something from each other!
Thats awesome Dave, i couldn't think of a nicer, more deserving guy, and an unbelievable bowler to watch! Congrats Jase

does sponsorship include betting money???

cause unofficially he told me his sponsors look after losses incurred from whimping out of bets ;)

in all seriousness its always good to see someone with a high work ethic rewarded, and his work ethic is second to none, hopefully this sponsorship might drag him away from home a bit more
Well done Dave on giving him sponsorship he is definitley a deserving recipient. It just shows that you dont have to be flashy or anything like that to be recognised. All you have to do is get the job done. Mr Way = true legend.

does sponsorship include betting money???
cause unofficially he told me his sponsors look after losses incurred from whimping out of bets ;)
in all seriousness its always good to see someone with a high work ethic rewarded, and his work ethic is second to none, hopefully this sponsorship might drag him away from home a bit more

Ummm, hang on a minute. Debts? Did I hear guarantor? I better re-write that contract quickly!
And hopefully Craig you are spot on, all those who know Jason want him to show some more people his talent. But at the end of the day, he does what he does, I want to help him do more. What happens? We will wait and see how everything pans out. He has my full support no matter what he does.

Hey Jase, wanna come to Vegas?

Well done Dave on giving him sponsorship he is definitley a deserving recipient. It just shows that you dont have to be flashy or anything like that to be recognised. All you have to do is get the job done. Mr Way = true legend.

I think Jason has had recognition for a while. And his humility in saying yes speaks volumes for the man.

And now if he goes the three-peat at CCup on the MVP, he can present it to himself ;)

Just to let everyone know, the MVP award will be at CCup in Ballarat, what balls will be given away hasn't been decided quite yet but I promise the award will proceed.
Albury team


Andrew Craig
Mathew Chettleburgh
Ashley Chettleburgh
Lyndon Quinlivan
Reg Cowie
John Anderson
David Frew


Di Ryan
Niaomi Chettleburgh
Kathy Smith
Shannon Mcdowall
Thelma Cowie
Dawn Murphy
Jannice Phillips
Also would like to tell everybody that dosent no Sunraysia has a manager/coach/agent. Mr Craig Chandler.

Also would like to tell everybody that dosent no Sunraysia has a manager/coach/agent. Mr Craig Chandler.

Well Now Trav you have a fight on your hands for Deano's affection :romp_69l:
Also would like to tell everybody that dosent no Sunraysia has a manager/coach/agent. Mr Craig Chandler.

Now that the cat is out of the bag you might as well let them know what the secret weapon is Deano.;)

Can we play hangman with the real secret weapon....

Im guessing it looks like this....

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