Country Cup 2008

league? what's that..
Sorry..I should've said I'll just crawl back under the rock. I'm still in semi-retirement.
I repeat... I NEED competition and there is none in Bendigo.

Gee Wayne I do hope I play you tonight in league, but then, based on how you bowled last time I saw you, I'd have to give you 30 pins start a game.
Come on Farky, he shot 481. You can't tell me a man of your calibre only shoots 570's :D

Be a sport, give him 50 pins ;)
league? what's that..
Sorry..I should've said I'll just crawl back under the rock. I'm still in semi-retirement.
I repeat... I NEED competition and there is none in Bendigo.

Come to Morwells "house of pain" and see how you go.
Away from those synthetic lanes to somewhere you have to think a bit, may not scoring as huge but more satifiying to ave 200+ on wood than 230+ on railways!:GoogleHell:
I plan on shooting lights out tonight. At least 520
For those of you who feel you can take me down, I'll happily enter into a little wager on tonight's series.

Little macca... you're a funny guy. LOL

Jase..shhhhhh, don't tell them.

Come to Morwells "house of pain" and see how you go.
Away from those synthetic lanes to somewhere you have to think a bit, may not scoring as huge but more satifiying to ave 200+ on wood than 230+ on railways!:GoogleHell:

just checking whats your yearbook average, last time i was in morwell, nobody was over the card


when was the last time you averaged 230 on the synthetic railway???

the only evidence i found was your country cup average from bendigo, where jason way averaged 230

or am i just missing the point that your "still not satisfied" :p
After a shaky 216 start, I managed to settle down, and ended up with a 531 series.
Luckily I left back to back to back 6-8s on the left lane in game two or I would've raised my average through the roof.
I'm now getting a little worried. House of Pain? Nipple twisting?
Wayne making wagers on people 'taking him down'.
Just bad visuals people - please stop.

Maybe that is whats going where the House Of Kong used to be David. Lmao.
Wayne in your opinion this may be true,you could have been a bit more subtle in the way you said it though
Wayne any team in C/Cup would be crazy not to take advantage of your knowledge and experience but C/Cup is not won by an individual it is won by a team and your comments give the impression your not very team orientated (whether intentionally or unintentionally) maybe this is why there was very little interest

Since when has anything said on this string been meant to be taken seriously?

Now to be serious for just a second. if winnig is more important to you than competing, I'd much rather field a team of 'individuals' who average 220 during the course of the Country Cup, than a team of 'rah rah types' who average 210 apiece. In my book, 1100 beats 1050every day of the year.
I notice you are not listed to bowl in this weekends skins event in Ballarat.
I would have thought that would have been ideal for someone in need of competition. It is also relatively close to home.. ~1 hr drive.

Well considering the fact that I've bowled just six games in the past 11 months, I'd have to say that I'm not really ready to bowl an extended number of games in one day of competition. Give me a month or so and I'll be back in form. (bowling that is ) lol
Come to Morwells "house of pain" and see how you go.
Away from those synthetic lanes to somewhere you have to think a bit, may not scoring as huge but more satifiying to ave 200+ on wood than 230+ on railways!:GoogleHell:

Do you see that little avatar which you've "borrowed" from me? Well, that my son is my PBA 300 Ring. What you can't see are diamonds in it which represent my six PBA 300 games (all pre-resin) Or maybe you'd like to come to my house to bow down in front of my PBA Championship Trophy. I've averaged over 210 since 1968/69 so I really don't think I'd have a whole lot of trouble competing in your "house of pain"

OK..I'll go back to being humble now. whew!
you like to talk alot dont you chester, haha.

Wish i tried out this year, sounds like its going to be good fun. :D
Well considering the fact that I've bowled just six games in the past 11 months, I'd have to say that I'm not really ready to bowl an extended number of games in one day of competition. Give me a month or so and I'll be back in form. (bowling that is ) lol

Fair enough - i was not aware that you have not been bowling.

It's a pity though because there should definitely be no lack of competition. One guy has had an 836 and two 300's this week (Jason Way) and another also had a 300 early this week (Glen Loader).
Now to be serious for just a second. if winnig is more important to you than competing, I'd much rather field a team of 'individuals' who average 220 during the course of the Country Cup, than a team of 'rah rah types' who average 210 apiece. In my book, 1100 beats 1050every day of the year.

I would think that 98% of the bowlers that participate in Country Cup would rather bowl in a team that bowled as a team rather than a group of "individuals" that bowled for themselves.

I think that if you new the history of Country Cup and the majority of bowlers and teams over the last 26 years, you would find that most years the winning teams have been those that worked as a team with a crew of 'rah rah types' rather than your "I TEAMS".

And besides all that, if you were serious about Country Cup you would have prepared and qualified for Bendigo's team and shown the rest of us poor country bumkin's what real bowling is all about.:p

Since when has anything said on this string been meant to be taken seriously?
Now to be serious for just a second. if winnig is more important to you than competing, I'd much rather field a team of 'individuals' who average 220 during the course of the Country Cup, than a team of 'rah rah types' who average 210 apiece. In my book, 1100 beats 1050every day of the year.

Usually I try to avoid conflict on TB and generally don't post - the power of the written word and all...... this is not meant to get you fired up, I have been lucky enough to talk to you, and I think I know how you probably mean things.

You are right, the majority of the posts here aren't to be taken seriously, Its a bunch of mates who enjoy the sledging. And since they don't see each other face to face all that often, the sledge starts here.

I guess the reason some people have responded to your comment of no competition - me included - is whilst you have many many people's utmost respect as a bowler, you are not amongst the 'circle of friends' who constantly post on the Country Cup threads. Therefore, they have no idea if you're dead serious or just taking the p*ss, flat out disrespecting people, or being incredibly entertaining. lol

I, for one, read your post and had to read it twice – ‘did he really say that’ type stuff.
Luckily, I sort of understand if you say you're stirring the pot. I also know you CAN bowl. And I respect your bowling ability totally. Again, the majority of people just see comments like '..there's no competition in Bendigo..' as a defiant and, to be blunt, arrogant comment showing total disrespect for the locals where you live. And then to read that you have bowled 6 games in 11 months - how do you know there's no competition if you aren't there tearing up the lanes week in week out? Put yourself in someone else's shoes, I think you'd defend you and yours.

I guess what I am saying is - you made a comment, people took it a certain way and jumped to their mates' defence. And I applaud those who did defend their mates, just goes to show how much respect they have for each other.

We would all love your record on the PBA, I bowled the TAT event and the High Roller in Vegas last year and saw the talent that CAN'T make it on the PBA, and you did make it. Anyone who has any idea on bowling respects your record so the 6 diamonds thing, pre-resin and all that, mate, what do we say? Hail the great man, hail.

What Kevin said about a team is avoiding conflict where teams destroy themselves from the inside out - those rah rah guys don’t tend to do that. There used to be a 'dream team' in CCup we would watch them implode year after year. A team of ego’s is not always good to be involved with.

I know this is long winded but I'm asking you, get involved in Country Cup, impart those who want to listen with your knowledge, you want respect, so do I, so does everyone. Making comments bout no competition means the next time you talk, they will be already switched off.

I honestly think you would be a great asset, and I know you think the same, convince the masses, win the crowd and you will win the game! What do you say?

There's a mountain of information and knowledge in that head of yours, maybe you could write your memoirs on the quiet days? ;)

Yours in bowling (no really!)
David McEwan

By the way, I have posted this publicly rather than PM because I think a lot of people do not understand Wayne, and it would be good for the game if we could all gain some knowledge.
I am not defending or supporting any comments made by anyone (except me of course :p).
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