The Wrestling Thread

Is Vickie meant to stay the Grieving widow for the rest of her life? Is anyone who has lost a partner never meant or allowed to be happy or move on? Who gives a rats a** if Vickie is seeing Edge outside of the ring? Would it make people happier if she was seeing a face instead of a heel? Do you honestly think that Eddie wouldnt want his loved one to move on? I know that if I died I wouldnt want my beautiful girlfriend to stay single forever. I would rather see her happy. Wouldnt that be what Eddie would have wanted?

If you think about it Vickie is like a lot of other women out there trying to find happiness after a loved one has either passed away or moved on. she isnt out there (from what we know) screwing everyone and being a ho etc. so seriously what the hell is the problem? please explain to me as I cant see a problem with it apart from the fact that Edge is a tosser and Vickie cant act. As for the prostitute comment, well arent most people. I would suggest that we would all sell ourselves for the right opportunity, I am not talking sexually either.

Taya, it doesnt matter when Vickie was brought into the WWE and storylines. She actually was in it before Eddie passed away even if it was for a couple fleeting moments here and there. She is there now and she is in the fold now and thats all that matters. Have you ever thought that Vickie was maybe too busy with being a wife and a mother at the time and didnt want to be involved in the WWE? Do you really think that the WWE would have put Eddie and Vickies relationship in danger by not advising them of their plans with Chyna? if you do believe that they did advise them well its obvious that Vickie didnt have a problem with the storyline, after all it is only a soap opera. It really doesnt matter what we saw on the tv screens every week with Eddie and Chyna as WWE were making out that there was a lot more going on.

Wrestling is not real life guys!!!
I guess thats another 20 cents worth.
OK MOVING ON PEOPLE!! Good to see Theodore Long back as GM of SD and can't wait to see the triple threat match for the WHC between Batista, Edge and The Undertaker at Armaggedon
So when's the GodFather coming back. Can't you picture Vicki as the Caboose of the HOOOOO TRAIN.

Hope no one was eating while reading this.

Also want to thank the sponsors of totalbowling for giving me the opportunity to type this on here.
So when's the GodFather coming back. Can't you picture Vicki as the Caboose of the HOOOOO TRAIN.

Hopefully soon.... Godfather as the pimp... Vickie as the madam... who knows who could be in the Ho's...

......every women's champ has to start somewhere!!

And they make pretty good champs too... Victoria started out as one and then went on to have one of the greatest women's matches in history of the E vs Trish at Survivor Series 2002!!
UNDERTAKER TO WIN BACK THE WORLD TITLE AND HOLD ON TO WRESTLEMAINA as i hate to admit it but could end up losing his 15-0 winning streak and then would prehaps retire as the legend he is but you never know what the wwe is planing to do as far as the undertaker is concerned just my thoughts
So when's the GodFather coming back. Can't you picture Vicki as the Caboose of the HOOOOO TRAIN.
Hope no one was eating while reading this.
Also want to thank the sponsors of totalbowling for giving me the opportunity to type this on here.

thanks mate, i was eating breakfast but cant seem to hold it down now. more a case of how much you would pay not to have to see her, bit like her attempts at acting.
Vicki is ewwey!!
Its Grose..
And I Thought Edge And Lita Where BAD!!
This Chick Is Like How Much Older Then Edge...
They ALL Need Lives....

WWE is Boring me, The Same Stuff Happens all the time. And It's Getting old.
And Quite Frankly, I Think WWE is OVERRATED.

Thats Just My Thoughts..
Just finished watching the 15th anniversary of Monday night Raw. What a show. It was great to see Stone Cold Steve Austin again. Where was the ROCK? oh well was still a great show and one I will remember.
The 15th anniversary was possibly one of the greatest episodes i have seen for a long time. Good to see Hulk Hogan take out Great Kahli.
yeah when i was watching raw today i was thinking to myself "this is like watching a wrestlemania"..........i loved all the backstage scenes, ring scenes etc......was disappointed though about not seeing the rock and not seeing trish startus untill that glimpse of her walking down the ramp at the end.....
not seeing trish startus untill that glimpse of her walking down the ramp at the end.....

You must have missed a segment of raw, as Trish made an appearance along with Lita, who both took out Jillian Hall. It was really good to see both of them again. But i cant forget Sunny who still looks a million dollars. seeing 3 of the best divas in raw history was great.
You must have missed a segment of raw, as Trish made an appearance along with Lita, who both took out Jillian Hall. It was really good to see both of them again. But i cant forget Sunny who still looks a million dollars. seeing 3 of the best divas in raw history was great.
they must of cut out a segment then of FOX8
i neva seen trish or lita till the end and i cant remember sein hogan either i think when i went outside i must of missed it damit
ok FOX 8 must have cut some of it, but i get it direct from the US. I have a mate who sends each episode via email. The full show went for 3 and 1/2 hours. how long did it go for on FOX
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