Queens Birthday Marathon @ Chadstone

i would love to bowl mtc but im saving my $300 for my trip overseas the weekend after mtc and have a good break from bowling i think i would get more pleasure in spending my $300 on a holiday because i know i would struggle in the mtc conditions if they r going to be the same as we had in the mtc roll off so all the best to those who bowl in either one
I think Brendan has sumed it up pretty well, but I still have to have my 5c cents worth!
How can there not be clashes for dates when we have individual bowling centres, MTBA, CTBAM, Victenpin, TBA, ATBSO and all the other tournament bodies interstate searching for dates. Its just not possible!
If anyone thinks AMF hosts an event for greed..then they are well off the mark. Maybe they should look behind the scenes and see how hard centres works at trying to put these events together and the costs.
And for those who think AMF does not care about tournament bowlers they should look at what AMF does do! Vic Grand Prix Curcuit, Super Six Events, Dunn Shield, and of course all those skins and win a spot house tourneys that everyone is so happy to put their hand out and collect from.
So what is a tournament bowler, someone who bowls major events or has a high average? What about the other 98% of league bowlers with lower averages who enjoy tournaments too! Are they tournament bowlers? Of course, just have a look how hard they compete in Star OF The Month and handicap competitions.
And lets not forget the juniors, who are the sports future! don't they like to bowl in tournaments? I am sure they do, just ask any of the 80 juniors that turn up to bowl the Junior Challenge every month! And lets not forget Junior Shield and the house tourney where they are happy winning a $20 Sanity Voucher!
At the end of the day, tournaments are for everyone regardless of age and average, and income and AMF trys its utmost to cater for all bowlers.
As for the MTC, of course its a great event! and still one of the premier events on the bowling calander!
The best bowlers in the country are going to be there, and of course the ones who dont have a chance to cash. They particpate because it is, The Melbourne Cup! and importantly..because they want too!
So is there really a clash? No..because the bowlers who end up at the marathon for whatever reason didn't really want to be at the MTC anyway.
So lets think of all our fellow tournament bowlers, and wish them good luck and enjoy, regardless of where they bowl. After all, its the bowlers who make a tournament great!
melboleo said:
Mary and Mark, I know you guys too well and the passion you have in bowling, so please consider placing your names back.

Leo, it is Mary & Barry;)

Mark is bowling MTC, if the squad list is correct.


PS.......I agree with Mick.
Originally Posted by melboleo
Mary and Mark, I know you guys too well and the passion you have in bowling, so please consider placing your names back.

Now that's a close family:confused: LOL

BrenH said:
There are at my count 82 tournaments listed on the Victorian tournament calendar on the TBA website (Not including events listed that are held overseas).
Last time i checked there were 52 weeks in the year.
This works out to 1.57 events per week and that doesn't include any events that don't appear on the TBA's tournament calendar, like the ANZAC Day Marathon for instance.

Hey mate not having a go here so no one please take it that way.

Yes the Vic Calendar has a heap events, but 36 of these events are interstate events.
Very true lance but the point i was making is that they are events that victorians are eligible to compete in and quite a few are well attended by victorian bowlers.
Meaning that when we look at planning a tournament we take these tournaments into account as well.
AMF Dandenong said:
Is there any average cut off??
No Jim, it's suppose to be a scratch event with no cut off. Thats the problem and that's why you see all em lightning thunder and acid rain ..haha
Nice to see ya again and all the best at Dandy Jim :D
Can you add these two teams in the marathon please:
Team 1: Matt Hagley & Brad Diss
Team 2: Glenn McIntosh & Scott Hagley.

Thanks Matt
I've never bowled at Chaddy, so if someone wants a partner then count me in. After the fun i had at Werribee i want to have another go.


Just ring me if you want a partner
Next time I go into work I will update a list for you all.

From what I can remember there are 7 places left open.


Sorry to say but we have had to cancel the tourney

While there was a lot of interest early on, many have pulled out.

Apologies for the inconvienance

We will be looking into holding another event soon, hopefully not clashing with anything next time.


AMF Chadstone
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