Queens Birthday Marathon @ Chadstone

Sorry peter i have decided i might be bowling Melbourne Cup thats if i don't have to go to queensland for 50th birthday but yeh hopefully i won't so i can bowl melbourne cup. So can you please take chris castle of the list thanks.


So basically...

Blah Blah Blah Blah........ I wont be bowling, take me out of the list........:eek: :eek:

See ya mate :):)
Nothing wrong with that mate...

Was hoping to have some competitive bowling with you, since it is Chaddy, I thought you would support it but hey, you have your reasons and we all respect that mate.

Hey Guys...

I have an update flyer
Please note the higher prize money
Hopefully it will be slightly clearer.

I accept what you have to say, but this is the format that was decided on a while back. Though just for you next time I work I will look and find another time for another non-nottap comp.

We said scratch to make it clear that there are no limitations on entry, that we were not going to be limiting teams to a 380/390 combo average.

If your not good enough to win pot games on 9 not tap, its not my problem, Im sure the other boys would enjoy taking your money for once though....:grin: :p


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Icey said:
If your not good enough to win pot games on 9 not tap, its not my problem, Im sure the other boys would enjoy taking your money for once though....:grin: :p

I think the real question here, is how high can Leo average, and still not win a skin?


I was only asking a question. Rules are rules.

In that case, please put Bernie and Leo. We will just have to have fun taking pot money.

Alex, do we get the pleasure of your company??

Tonx, I will gladly not average 240++ as long as I can win some money :):)
Alex, do we get the pleasure of your company??
[Quote = melboleo]
Of coz Leo..the pleasure will be all mine. I will be having my " wild turkey" lying down at a beach in FIJI ;) 8-[ :D
Heh Chaddy Boyz you have a Premier event in Melb Cup being run and you are going to bowl a no tap house tourny i thought you were better than that LOL.Comon guys come to your senses will you.:confused: :confused:
Heh Chaddy Boyz you have a Premier event in Melb Cup being run and you are going to bowl a no tap house tourny i thought you were better than that LOL.Comon guys come to your senses will you.:confused: :confused:


We have a better chance of winning some money at HOME, it not a guarantee though, as I am sure there will be some good teams in the event.

well said ralph
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and to amf discraceful puting a scratch event on that weekend when their is clearly other weekends when it could've been held just another example of the greed of amf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wasn’t going to get involved but couldn’t help myself.

I think it is disgrace to hold the event and take away entries from something like the Melbourne Cup. The Melbourne Cup has been held at this time of year for the last 34/35 years.
I am sure AMF would be a little annoyed if people did the same thing to them when the SPC is held this year. Something like this could really start a war and I can’t see how this is for the good of the sport at all. Getting bowlers to support tournaments these days is sometimes like getting blood from stone, the least they could do is support tournament bowling by not holding an event like this on at the same time. I am sure there is plenty of other weekends to choose from to hold this event and I am sure by reading some of the posts on here you would get even more support from those that are going to be bowling the Melbourne Cup 2006.

All I say is use your common sense when running tournaments if you want them to be successful, and you too could be holding that same event for 30+ years.
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I think the Melbourne Cup looks sexy. The Prize fund is huge, and Joe and his merry men (and women) at Ed Flemming work their asses off to not only get sponsorship every year, (speaking from my Melb Yth cup experiences,) they always seem to be able to get everything to run smoother than a babies bottom!
I wasn’t going to get involved but couldn’t help myself.

I think it is disgrace to hold the event and take away entries from something like the Melbourne Cup. The Melbourne Cup has been held at this time of year for the last 34/35 years.
I am sure AMF would be a little annoyed if people did the same thing to them when the SPC is held this year. Something like this could really start a war and I can’t see how this is for the good of the sport at all. Getting bowlers to support tournaments these days is sometimes like getting blood from stone, the least they could do is support tournament bowling by not holding an event like this on at the same time. I am sure there is plenty of other weekends to choose from to hold this event and I am sure by reading some of the posts on here you would get even more support from those that are going to be bowling the Melbourne Cup 2006.

All I say is use your common sense when running tournaments if you want them to be successful, and you too could be holding that same event for 30+ years.

Well said Jase
It is and has been said the last 6 month's why clash is not the first time i do belive and other's of the top of my head have been AMF v Independent centre's why ( Just big business fighting for dollar? ) we in Victoria have been screaming for a TOUR now centre's clashing why?
For the interest of the sport please look at calander a please do not clash!

rychenroller said:
$325 is a fair outlay Tho its another in the long running saga of tournament clashes.

it is a fair outlay but the only tournament that pays 1-2 and of the top of my head 60th is paying $ 100.0

Fair chance of getting some money back ? ? ?

I have tried this year to support has many tournaments as I can with a young Family, but my respect for AMF is going down hill at a great speed with the direction that the are heading in and is making it hard to support AMF. Do not think the have the bowlers best interest at mind. If this is coming to a war bewteen AMF and others I think in the long run the Others might get on top.

My 5 cents worth, could not find a 2 cent coin anywhere

Rodney Kerrison
Backup King said:
it is a fair outlay but the only tournament that pays 1-2 and of the top of my head 60th is paying $ 100.0
Fair chance of getting some money back

You are right...not arguing with the payout at all. But it does give bowlers some options. They could bowl against the best bowlers in the country and maybe some for overseas for $325 or they could bowl a no-tap marathon against local bowlers for $100. I also have a young family, house, etc etc but have bowled in the grand prix events, AO, W'bee marathon...Question is, are there enough bowlers willing to bowl to have options for?

Personally if I bowl in either it would be the MTC...if I could only come to grips (or slides) with the approaches (*,) Bowling a spot in march showed me just how far away I was.
I just think that bowlers of all skill levels are given the options, then I dont see the problem with that.

There are bowlers who cannot compete with the elite group of bowlers we have so why not let them bowl in a mini tournament.

My say...

melboleo said:
I just think that bowlers of all skill levels are given the options, then I dont see the problem with that.
There are bowlers who cannot compete with the elite group of bowlers we have so why not let them bowl in a mini tournament.
My say...

Which is fine...
You are good enough to compete in with the best. Removed by Admin

if anything, Gary should go to Chaddy ;):D :D :D LMAO
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