6 game SCRATCH Shootout @ Chadstone - MARCH 8th


Our esteemed colleague "Use the Whip" is Michael Wilson. Who proved he can bowl by taking out the inaugural AMF Classic at Boronia on the 22nd February.

As we speak every Tuesday and exchange pleasantries I don't think anything of it.

Thanks for your support.

Don't know who "Evil Jockey" is though!

It's time to be Hammer-ed!
Just wish to remind all the gutless wonders out there if you want to have a shot at someone please put your name to it.]

Thats about the only rule of this place.
Thanks for that Terry. You guys know each other so i will sit back and let you go at it. I just thought it wasnt right. Wasnt the Tourny at Boronia a handicapped one? Also i wouldnt be suprised if Evil Jockey is the same person.

Good luck Terry
At least you have a sense of humor and take and give how it's ment. I know who you are and you know me so why does it bother anyone else so much. Tuesday night is good for a laugh. How did all this start since you were only ever talking to me !!!
There's always room for improvement, thats why i bowl so much.
Till Monday Jockey,
Don't forget ya horse.
Sorry Crazzzed but Evil Jockey isnt me but thanks for the thought.
Bring it on Jockey Boy
Yes Brett that is correct it was.

I believe the results were posted to this site. Michael averaged 206 scratch to win losing only 1 of the 11 games matchplay. Fair effort I thought.

It's time to be Hammer-ed!
BUSTED!!! good call graham...

Cameron, id get that can of "whoop ass" opened up...

And that rumour CAM, its just a rumour (shattered)...
Although it is appreciated keeping this topic at the top of the list, it seems that things have gotten a little side-tracked.

Positions for Monday are starting to fill well with still a few more spots left to go.

For people who haven't bowled at Chadstone for a while, you might be pleasantly surprised at how the lanes do play, and their consistancy over time.

Call us on 9568 7921 or amf_chadstone@amfbowling.com.au to secure your spot.
AMF Chadstone, could you post a listing of the entries and how many spots are still left open?

One thing is that this should add a bit of spice to the tourny :D
It was good to see a mixture of bowlers coming from different centres participating in this event. More pleasing was that the 4 finalists each came from a different centre.
The cut throat finals made for some exciting finishes, with the last game being decided by 4 pins, with both bowlers splitting with their first balls of their tenth frames.
Congratulations go out to the 4 bowlers who made the finals, who in final placing order were:

1st Place - Terry Silva (Chadstone)
2nd Place - Chris Mesagno (Highpoint)
3rd Place - Brett George (Keon Park)
4th Place - Paul Francis (Dandenong)

Thanks to all who attended, and look forward to more entries for the next one.
SUMO: Here you go!

Six Games Qualifying:

Chris Mesagno 229 194 223 191 255 222 1314
Terry Silva 225 234 227 216 223 179 1304
Paul Francis 233 200 183 234 191 216 1257
Brett George 173 246 212 204 217 169 1221

Rebecca Robinson 144 179 268 193 209 168 1161
Amos Tan 192 191 174 207 183 210 1157
Bernie Grueso 184 211 173 170 234 171 1143
Leigh Cullen 231 180 179 183 172 186 1131
Daryl Pappin 237 183 145 177 178 202 1122
Ekaphon S 166 188 216 179 189 161 1099
Michael Wilson 243 144 179 155 130 139 990
Daniel McNairn 161 145 150 192 179 163 990
Ben Musilli 175 100 145 184 159 170 933

Congratulations to Rebecca Robinson on the High Game prize with a very nice 268. Glad to see the only female entrant not go away empty handed.

I apologise as I have not got all the scores for the final: Marked the ones I was not sure of with ~


Game 1: Chris ~225 Terry 203 Brett ~186 Paul ~179
Game 2: Terry 226 Chris 192 Brett ~186
Final Game: Terry 192 Tenth Frame (5-10) Chris 188 Tenth Frame ~(4-7-8-9-10)

You can see that I was lucky to win in the end! Thanks again Chris.

Hope this satisfies your curiosity!

It's time to be Hammer-ed!
Thanks Terry, must have been exciting, sorry I missed it, was recovering from my eldest daughter's 21st birthday. Yes, I'm an old fart.

Two questions: What happened to the Whip Boy...all talk no whip cracking action?
How did Chris leave the 4 7 8 9 10? Do you mean the Greek Church? 4 6 7 9 10?

Finally Congrats to my teammate Becca, 268 is great!!
Where do we bowl? Not Telling! (lol - in joke)

Just bringing this up again .. ive had contact from Use That Whip and Giraffe - whilst Use That Whip and Giraffe use the same computer/network ... they are two different people.

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