Plus if there is a short oil condition nowadays does it mean the power players might struggle?
Have you not seen the results of the last 5 years of bowling in Australia?
Right Hand Power Players struggle to win enough as it is. Australian conditions have NEVER favoured the higher rev bowlers. The patterns are short and dry enough as it is.
The only reason you see Walshy, Brando, Jarrod and Belmo win occasionally in the left hand strokers paradise, is because they really are that good! They have proven this every single time they go compete against the worlds best!
Strokers have at least 95% of the ball market targetted at them with hook in the box core/cover combinations, time to move our lane conditions up with the rest of the world to compensate for these changes!
This doesn't mean shut out the strokers completely, it just means they have to be more accurate while providing their own hook! There is more than enough gear out there to help them do this!
While there are a few that would like patterns laid like they do overseas but to most of us that aren't that good or don't get to travel over there shouldn't also expect that either.
Do you think if people had the chance to experience these types of conditions where accuracy is actually required, as well as ball rotation without having to hurl the ball down, that they would become better bowlers?
Changes that need to be made to keep up with countries that are getting it right...
1) Flatter patterns for accuracy and sparing.
2) More oil overall to make bowlers slow their shot down and ROLL the ball.
3) Tournaments with lower cost Re-entries and shorter blocks.
4) Ability to practise on the patterns before the event.
5) Oil past 30ft (and I mean the actual oil pattern, not just the buff)
6) Lets make the game exciting!
/me gets off his soapbox..
p.s. Can't wait till 1st of July