Ian Nicholls
Just for a change we are releasing the oiling pattern before the start of the tournament. You can view and download the pattern from either www.bowlersworld.com.au or www.edfleminglanes.com.au.
Of course this post will receive comments about the pattern.
The 10th 300 in the last year was bowled last night at Ed Fleming Lanes (Rob Morell) and the high series last night was Rod Stewart with a 770 plus including a 278 and 279 games. Rod currently has a 230 plus average in league.
We have 129 bowlers at the moment but room for many more.
Entries to iannic@optusnet.com.au
Ian Nicholls
Of course this post will receive comments about the pattern.
The 10th 300 in the last year was bowled last night at Ed Fleming Lanes (Rob Morell) and the high series last night was Rod Stewart with a 770 plus including a 278 and 279 games. Rod currently has a 230 plus average in league.
We have 129 bowlers at the moment but room for many more.
Entries to iannic@optusnet.com.au
Ian Nicholls