Melbourne Cup & Kegel Seminar



CXI have just finalised arrangements with Ed Fleming Lanes to host a Kegel Seminar in conjuction with the Australian Diamond Company Melbourne Tenpin Cup. The seminar will be Friday afternoon 11 June at 1.00pm, at a cost of $40, this will include 1 hour practice on the Melbourne Cup pattern after the seminar.

The seminar will be covering the following;
1- The 5 divioins of Kegel & the resaech behind them
2- What it takes to be a lane man with the technology of today
3- It is not just the oil pattern
4- Surface topography & inconsistencies from lane to lane
5- Surface textures
6- A little history of oil
7- Bowling ball tracks of today & yesterday
8- Depletions & ruts in the oil pattern
9- Bowling psychology
10- A little history of the past
11- What made the sport great for all of these years
12- History of the PBA

We are offering a package of $330 for those who wish to attend the seminar & bowl in the Melbourne Tenpin Cup.

Please email me at if you wish to attend & I will send you further information.
Simon Calder
Ed Fleming Lanes
Leave poor George alone. . . . we all know those Queenslanders get too much sun. . . .

Mr Don Agent from Kegel will be conducting this seminar.

Don has an extensive background in Lane Maintenance and has been with Kegel since 1995. He has been a maintenance supervisor for the PBA and senior PBA Tours.
Who's on First

As an aside, for those too young to know this reference or have lived under a rock, the late, great Abbott and Costello had this Vaudeville skit and used it in some of their films.

Try this link for the soundtrack:

Cracks me up every time.

I dunno "Third Base"

That website is now on favourites. It is an absolute classic. I doubt if any comdey Skit will ever come near it for pure outrageous comedy.

Later Da Cowman!
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