Melbourne Cup Oiling Pattern


Hi all,

Please find attached the pattern for this years Melbourne Cup. We have gone back to the pattern that we used 2 years ago.
For those that bowled in the Skins events here, it is the same pattern that was used for those, and it will also be put down this weekend, and if you want to have a bowl on it, ring up and make a booking (97260333).

hope to see more bowler put their names down to bowl.


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Hi Andrew
can you please email me the text file
just out of interest

Greg Robertson
National Technical Operations Manager
Amf Bowling Centres Australia
Just out of curiosity????

Why are you using a lane pattern from 2 years ago.

What was wrong with last years or the pattern used more than 2 years ago??

Or whats wrong with using a brand new pattern?? Perhaps with todays new bowling balls lane patterns dont hold up like they used too?

jason Belmonte
what a good idea to use the oiling pattern from 2 years ago. At least this way we will know that the top 15 will be filled with 14 left handers.

yeah thats a good idea isn't it.

Did you get this oiling pattern from the one and only mr frilingos or is it mr frilington?

its a good way to get entries up for tournaments isn't it.
what a good idea to use the oiling pattern from 2 years ago. At least this way we will know that the top 15 will be filled with 14 left handers.
yeah thats a good idea isn't it.
Did you get this oiling pattern from the one and only mr frilingos or is it mr frilington?
its a good way to get entries up for tournaments isn't it.

Not sure what it is like where you live but where I live its called slander and is prosecutable by law. Please refrain from making allegations you know nothing about or further action maybe taken.
I agree with Belmo, the way each tournament has played this year, there just hasnt been the volume of oil to keep pace with todays equipment. Standing against the ball return from game 1 isnt the way to go. I dont think even the guys on the left have ever stood that deep lol.

I cant see the figures on the graph properly, can anyone read the volume of oil being put down? Can anyone let us know the decision behind putting this pattern down again?

I bowled on this pattern last week. I am a tweener and my ball speed is slower. I found I was standing left of 20 from the first game. I think it's going to dry up quick.
Just my opinion.

what a good idea to use the oiling pattern from 2 years ago. At least this way we will know that the top 15 will be filled with 14 left handers.
yeah thats a good idea isn't it.
Did you get this oiling pattern from the one and only mr frilingos or is it mr frilington?
its a good way to get entries up for tournaments isn't it.

There is no need for that.

I would ask a moderator to delete that post and then ask the poster to refrain posting such allegations.
Its a disgrace to accuse one of my friends and one of the countries premier bowlers in a manner to which you have no proof, other than a disliking to George.
If you want to ask him personally if he had anything to do with it, private message me Miss Peters and ill happily give you his number.

That will be all

Jason Belmonte
Very simple , do away with the equipment that has made everyone look so good. Do away with reactives that have killed the game.

Why are we dictating what oiling pattens should be laid down?

House tournament condition will be fine.

Unfortuneatley the big crankers cant handle anything but oil these days, they run out of balls to use. God forbid if they actually had to think and change there style slightly to compensate.

first of all id just like to say that this is a very interesting topic!

i think that chick said some things you probably shouldnt say but i think anyone who bowled melbourne cup 2 years ago is probably thinking the same thing right now.

the 2 words frilingos and lane patterns seem to appear a lot lately in the same sentence dont you think. but i better be careful what i say as i dont want to be accused of slander.

after being in darwin a couple of weeks ago for the arafura and listening to a particular left hander accusing people of shutting him out as he couldnt get any free hook off the edge it goes to show how tough it is on the left in this country.

ive been bowling national tournaments for over 10 years now and arafura is the first tournament that i can remember that the right handers could actually break the ball off the edge. it goes to show with the scoring at arafura what happens when the right handers could play where the left handers played.

growing up in bowling centres and working as a mechanic along side my brother who has more knowledge of lane patterns and bowling than anyone else ive ever met in this country it doesnt make sense why you cant get 2 parts of the lane to play the same. eg. if the left handers can break it off the edge than the right handers should be able to and if the right handers cant break it outside 10 board than the left handers shouldnt be able to either.

and as for oil volume in this day and age if we are not playing on at least 23ml with the formats we play in aus and the technology of bowling balls there is no way these patterns are going to hold up and i think there are too many tournaments held in aus that are won in the past simply because some bowlers cannot get there ball down the lane. im sure some people will say good bowlers should be able to bowl on anything lets just face it thats a ridiculous saying.

as for strop. once you start bowling more tournaments other than sa cup than you have a right to talk about lane patterns in the modern day.

this is the first time ive ever written a proper post on this site but when you go and read this site every day and see what some dickheads have to say than theres times you just have to say something.
Thanks for that Jason,

Obviously another bowler in which the game owes so much too.

I may not be up with the time of oiling pattens or your caliber of bowling for that matter, but however my knowledge is limited to what I have seen over the years and my own experience as a ex mechanic who has laid down plenty of condition in my time, bowled both here around the country and Singapore as your average competitor, and believe that the equipment of today has made the game a farce, but I feel the lane conditioning hasn't kept up with the ball technology. But there is only so much you can do with that.

I still think we should not be dictating the conditions, trying to block out left or right, thats been a sore point for years and will always be so.

You have a nice day.


mate the game doesnt owe me anything. you only get out of sport what you put into it. nothings for free in life.

the first post you said that "house tournament conditions are fine" for tournament patterns but in this post you say the lane conditions havent kept up with ball technology.

so do you wanna phone or friend or go 50/50??

I feel that for our national tournaments there should be certain lengths that you must oil between and certain volumes that you should use and the rest should be up to the individual bowling centre. you can lay 1:1 or 5:1, its there call.

as for all these so called "big crankers" that cant play straight maybe you should come watch the mens fiq team play on the short pattern or better yet have a tournament where both sides can play the edge and see where the crankers play on the lane.

Now you have a nice day.

Jason Walsh
Very simple , do away with the equipment that has made everyone look so good. Do away with reactives that have killed the game.

Why are we dictating what oiling pattens should be laid down?

House tournament condition will be fine.

Unfortuneatley the big crankers cant handle anything but oil these days, they run out of balls to use. God forbid if they actually had to think and change there style slightly to compensate.


The idea of the 'big cranker' of the past has long changed. Now there are more power players around the world and if you look at the best players in the world from any country, you will find the old days of nice and straight up 10 is obsolete.
Power players have now learnt (and of course i am only talking about the high level players) to play every board on the lane. From edge to egde.
Like Walshy said, come watch us play on the short patterns and see how straight we can go.
But has the stroker learnt to move in? or for that matter how many left handers in the world can do what right handers can???

So as the game evolves so are 'some' of its players. You say that the 'big crankers can only handle oil and that our only move is to change ball'

Tony believe me when i say, that I of all people know how to move on a lane, and i can play any board, but sometimes the patterns we lay down in Australia simply become silly.

I have played on a few patterns on 5 continents around the world. The biggest difference between us and them is the length of our formatts.
Europeans and Americans have worked out that the longer an event goes for the better the advantage from one side to the other.
And im not just saying that it gets easier on the left, some centres and lane patterns will open up on the right more with every game.
Is it fair that because of a format/lane pattern a particular style (or hand) will not win.

All i was suggesting in my first post is that as the game evoles, so does equipment and its players, but the patterns here in OZ stay the same.

If you lay a pattern 32ft or 45ft its not going to bother anyone as long as the volume is enough to cater for todays equipement, and the formats are in shorter blocks. No reason we cant have 2 blocks of 4 instead of 1 block of 8.

If we continue to play marathons on these oil patterns im afriad to say that our tournament scene will suffer.
Yes people want value for money, so give it to them, just not in 1 big long go.
The PBA doesnt, the European Tour doesnt and the Asian Tour doesnt....

Tony I hope you can understand that we as bowlers only want to bowl formats and patterns that are fair.
If you can honestly tell me that over the past 2 years most events we bowl on in Australia is fair (for either left or right) than i will gladly buy you a beer and tell you i was wrong.

Jason Belmonte
Total volume oil 24.68 for michael little

Can anyone let us know what tournament formats are being used else where
that are working and working well ???

Also what paterns the top bowlers have bowled on laterly that have held up and for what length time ??
The last time that i spoke with George was at the Commonwealth Championships last year. No, George Frilingos has had no influence over me using the pattern that was used 2 years ago.
One thing that i did fail to mention, (and no this isn't a buck up over what has been said) is that the 7th and 8th screens on the reverse run were changed from previous 2 years. This change was made so the left wouldn't open up as quick as it did in previous years, just to slow it up a little. not to block them out, but to try an make it a bit fairer for all.
However, this change was made before the skins event in Feb (i think it was then), it hasn't changed since.

I can understand that there was concern that the lefties dominated the event 2 and 3 years ago (just out of curiosity, remember what the AO was like for so many years), however, this was in due course to the 3:1 ratio. in order to get the ratio right, with a pattern that was scorable, but also not very forgiving, it made the left a lot more open. In changing the left to suit, it made the pattern outside the 3:1 ratio. This was after taking into account everything from center charcteristics, the track areas of the lanes and the way they have been worn from 15 years of use, etc. i worked on this pattern alongside one of the most knowledgable people in the industry, and it took about 2-3 months to get right. This pattern was never created with the intension of blocking out or helping one type of bowler. i don't get paid any more money for doing that, i don't get any medals. Regardless of whether the pattern was fair to all or none, just because somebody had a bad day, i would probably still cop a load of crap, so why would i go out of my way to upset any group?
Like i said, all i wanted to do was post the pattern, to give people an idea of what they will be up against, (at least the people that can actually read them anyway).
Im not really experienced with oiling conditions but i thought both sides of the lane were oiled exactly the same. If they arent why arent they. Paul___
I've bowled on it twice as a right handed cranker/tweener with medium to medium fast ball speed. Both times I've shot approx 25 thru 15, ball on 6/7 board at 35ft. First time was for 10 games, 2nd time for 8 games. Both times the shot held up well. The 10 game block, the hold disappeared a bit in the last 2 games, but before this I had only moved about 5 boards total deeper, averaged about 215 both times and the shot seemed pretty good. Just my 2 cents.

Both these times were in the EFL skins events.
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