Felicty...Accident Report

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The reason why this topic was placed is to let her friends who live interstate no what happened and how she is doing because not everyone can get in contact wif her.

In case you haven't read what is going on we haven't put an update everyday cause we have been in the hospital.

And as for you saying QUOTE "me and fellow total bowling viewers agree that the topic should continue in a more personal matter."
I am yet to hear from ne one else wif a problem bout this forum and you only have to read it if you choose too.

So I really would go talking for ne one else

Re: Moving On......

bowler_addicted said:
As we all appreciate the delecate nature of this situation, i now feel that the time has come to shut this topic down. For too long we have had to endure day to day updates on the condition of someone who was unfortunately injured. Everybody can understand the sensitive nature of this situation, but the time has come to wind things up and move along. Bearing in mind that this is a bowling forum discussing bowling related issues, me and fellow total bowling viewers
agree that the topic should continue in a more personal matter. Ie email, telephone or direct correspondance. I am in now way trying to offend anybody, especially Felicity or her family. But lets face it enough is enough!

I dont personally know Flicky, but i do know that you have to be the biggest idiot I have ever come across.

The poor girl was in intensive care, and she is making a full recovery. She also has many many friends that want to send her well wishes because they know that Felicity and her family read these forums. I think that it is absolutely fantastic that people care enough about someone to post it up on here. Even people who dont know her are posting messagers of get better soon on here.

I personally hope that Felicity makes a full recovery soon and to you "bowler_addicted", in future watch your mouth, because it will land you in trouble you wont be able to dig yourself out of.

you have to be the biggest idiot I have ever come across.

Murderdoll I have only two things to say.

1. I couln't have said it better myself,
2. You just creamed the ten pin (in other words 'you hit the nail on the head'.
all i can say is that we care and would still like to know how flick is going.

we don't need people like you (bowler_addicted) in this forum.

muderdoll well said.

by the way you've opened your mouth who are you?

Alan Notman
Well all i can say is that i agree with the others.

Bowler-addicted :oops: who gave you the right to open your big mouth and tell felicity's family and friends to close this subject???

This forum is designed as eeyore has said to keep friends and family updated who are interstate on Felicity's progress and has been helped along with her friends and dedicated family who have supported her whilst she has been in hospital.

All i can say is that everyone should be truthful with their names when they join total bowl as you bowler-addicted should identify yourself and if you choose not to listen to me then that's fine but as previous people have said your mouth will get you in to trouble and when it does i hope you land on your bum.

Keep on improving Flicky as you are doing very well and it just shows how much determination and spirit you have to make a full recovery. See you soon.

Love Chantal
Bowller Addicted : How Dare you coment on what is good or bad or should it be (the topic ) closed!!! As you have no idea what's it like to deal with Head injury..
It help's to talk and share you worry's as u dont know the future!!! of your CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a WANKER

:twisted: :evil: Hello Fellow Bowlers,

Just to get a couple of things straight, we bowler_addicted are a band of bowlers representing our rights and feelings on this issue, firstly to all the other people who have sent there wishes thankyou we all should help a fellow bowler in such a time of need....

Don't get us wrong we have nothing against the family and friends of the murphy's, but this is a bowling forum (bowling being like bowling topics, just because she is a bowler does not mean personal issues need discussing. May i also say that whislt we all support her needs, we must draw a big line in the sand somewhere if any of you people read our last post you would of seen and i quote "This is a personal issue to be discussed between family in a more private environment". Why is it that when other bowlers are in need of support ie, injured or in hospital you never see a post. So please when referring to us please keep in mind that we are WANKERS.... not just one and its plural for all those IDIOTS out there...

P.S In case you still don't understand we are more then one and may i say if you still didnt understand a blonde enhancement in your hair may be needed.....
You are and from the sound of it will alway's be an idiot.
I personally do not know Flick or her family but I do wish them well.

The simple solution too your problem is if you do not like the thread DO NOT READ IT YOU IDIOT!!

By the way if want to have a say on such issues you and your tossa mates should put your names to your posts.


PS. Graham, mabye we could put a special place just under Miscellaneous section and name it Just for Idiots.
Then they could post to their little minds content and we would not have to read their dribble. The moderator could even be bowler_addicted.
i am a very close friend of flicks yes i get msgs and fone calls from her and her family but it is still good and i no she looks at these posts wen she gets the chance........i am not always able to respond at a reasonable hr and coz knowing flick i no she doesnt turn her mobile off or put it on silent so i dont want to wake her in the little rest she has been getting

this is a public forum for ppl to discuss wat they like and give opinions flick being a bowler i feel its related mayb not under the vic forum but it is related and gives her interstate friends the ability to see how she is doing

bowling_addicted whoever u r.........i just would like to say this: firstly u dont have to read everything on totalbowling, secondly its a sensitive topic yes but a topic many ppl r reading if you look at the number of views this topic gets and following obviously wanting to know her progress and its not always easy wen her family and herself arent always able to email everyone personally due to being at the hospital all the time.......and if u dont like this forum then mayb find another forum.....

i would hate for flick to see this too so i send my love flick and im here wen eva u need to talk and cant wait to see u again and bak to ur old self miss ya heaps chicky
Hey every1,

Well what an interesting few postings i have just read.......To all of those ppl who have responded to this idiot i thank you. Without your help and kind wishes i really don't think that my family and I could ever have gotten through this.

To bowling_addicted........You guttles wonder. 1st. Put up or shut up.....sign your name. 2nd. Put your money where your mouth is and come to Melbourne with lots of money in your pocket just so that you can pay my phone bill and then i would not have to put any more posts on this site because i would be able to ring every1 instead. Maybe with so much money you could open your own website and call it "INSENSITIVE IDIOTS ANNON". In future when you speak you might want to take your left foot out of your mouth and put your right one in, although i am guessing you would be able to fit both in there at the same time.


Now for an update.........Flick spent they whole day out in the big wide world 2day. She is doing well at physio but it is still a long road as she still has to over come this fractured pelvis, .......once she is on her feet again she will then have to learn to walk as she is profoundly deaf in her right ear so she has to learn how to shift the balance onto her left side as the deafness has affected her so badly.

To all of the ppl that have responded by putting posts on this forum...Although some ppl don't appreciate what you have written My family and I do, and there are no words in this world to ever express my feelings and gratitude that you have passed on through this site.

Kindest regards and warm wishes
never in my life had I read something so disgraceful. you say that the posts on here should only be bowling related. well what do you think this is you tool bag. the posts about flick are bowling related. just because it isn't about scores, conditions, tournements or whatever doesn't make it not about bowling. you low life tool bag.

[-X Bowler addicted if you are a union of bowlers and you have already opened your big mouths on something that you have absolutely no idea about and no one is asking you to read the updates it is your choice to read them... If your such a great union of bowlers then why the hell are you so gutless to put names behind your union... You obviously have not been a member of this forum for long and have a look in the other forums as there are plenty of unrelated bowling topics there... Flick is like a baby sister to me and the bowling community is like one big family and if you dont like it then either keep your mouths shut or go back where you came from cause no-one needs to hear the shit that you obviously dribble... Fair enough you do not know Flick and you mentioned you did not want to offend anyone but you should have known that by opening your big fat mouth/s about a topic that has absolutely nothing to do with you has offended a hell of a lot of people... As i recall Graham is the administrator of this forum and he has no problem with this topic at all so who are you to try and dictate what can be posted on the forum and what cant be posted on the forum... Some of Flick interstate friends we do not have their e-mail addresses and this is the best way to assure that everyone who wants to read it or is interested gets the same information rather than have the sort of bull shit spread that happens around bowling alleys... This has already happened once with someone saying something completely untrue... Your group or unioun of whatever the hell you like to call it are just a bunch of no hopers that have nothing better to do than to cause bloody trouble and its people like you and your union that the bowling world could much do without... Its people like you all that should be hanging there heads in shame because people like you and your so called union are the people that give the sport of tenpin bowling a bad name... This topic is not going to go away so you better get used to it and if you dont like it then stiff shit... \:D/
BOWLER ADDICTED what a moron you are if you cant say anything nice DONT F......G say anything Flick is a mate of ours and if the murphys want to post a report on her condiction so be it who gives you the right to say what you have said if you don't like it GO SOMEWHERE ELSE

P.S stop your whinging idiot:-({|=
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this topic. Bowler_addicted (and yes i do know who the "more than one people" are - i dont think it counts if it is only the one family) - if you dont like it dont read it.
To the Murhpy Family

We are really pleased that Flick is on the mend and that she is doing well with the rehab. We know there is still along way to go but the way Flick is improving she it is just amazing.

To Bowler Addicted. Get your head out of the sand and feel compassion for the Murphy Family. I don't know the Murphys but I do like reading this forum to keep an update on Flicks progress. If this is all you have to whinge about you should get a life. Not all bowlers are like you, we do care about what progess Flick is making. So if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it.
Also it would be good if you put your name to your posts, not saying your are union of bowlers, anyone can say that when it is only an individual who hasn't got the guts to say who they are. And if don't don't want to here about Flick DON'T READ THIS TOPIC.

Natalie O'Connor

I dont know Felicity or her family. But have read the posts and wish her well.

My only other comment on this thread is. I thought this thread was about felecity and wishing her well and keeping up to date with her progress. But it seems like out of the last 15-20 posts 90% has been about Bowler Addicted (whoever they maybe) and bagging the crap out of them.

How about forgeting about him and get back to the real issue of wishing Felcity all the best. and forget what Bowler Addicted has posted. Its seems by all the post that they are only a small minority of people who read this. So dont let them upset the applecart.

Best wishes to Felicity and her family
Bowler Addicted,
First I must congratulate you and your "TEAM" for having no guts to admit who you are. Firstly, this tells me that you know what you have written will be objected to by (i think it's safe to say) 99% of the people who read and contribute to these posts, and well lets say you wouldn't be welcome in many bowling centres accross Australia. Therefore, hide your identity :oops: . Just because it is more than one person, it doesn't mean that you as a spokesman for your B.W.M's (Bunch of Wanking Morons) can't put your name to the post, or more simply put everyone's name to the post.
Now to the real issue, Flick is known through out the Australian bowling scene, she has many friends all over Australia. Trying to contact these people and keeping them updated would not only cost money, but also a hell of a lot of time, which the family don't have, and any real friend wouldn't expect this of them in such a difficult time. This is my first post on this topic, as seeing your idiotic comments infuriated me so much that i could not refrain. I have not replied earlier as I spoke to the family when I saw them, but like many people I have checked on here regularly to check her progress, as I know that with the pressures and stress that has been placed on the family, they don't need every single person asking them how she's doing.

Also, I find that the updates are not of a personal medical nature. They do not tell us the exact conditions of Flick or whether she is going to the toilet on her own, they are merely letting many people know her general condition.


"P.S In case you still don't understand we are more then one and may i say if you still didnt understand a blonde enhancement in your hair may be needed....."

It seems that you and your fellow members of BWM's are the true dumb ones, far below blondes, Why you ask? Because as many people have said the only thing which makes you read these posts are the hands which click the mouse on the subject, and the eyes that read them, which unless your really good, (and trust me, that your not) these parts of your body are controlled by your brain, SO START USING IT AND DON'T READ THESE POSTS. And make sure you let all your followers know that YOUR ACTIONS ARE YOUR OWN DOING, IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE POST, DON'T READ IT.



(Gee it's hard to type a name hey!)
Hey everyone.

I want to say thank you to everyone that has stode by this post and what is was meant for.

This post was started so that all of her friends could no what was going on.

Felicity is my sister, and as most have said in the time since the accident i have spent all of my time in the hospital wif her as has my mum (who is lucky to get 4 hours sleep a night because of this) and neither of us is working at the moment, so we don't have the money to ring every one of flick's friends to let them no how she is doin.

I do not want ne trouble from who ever you are "Bowler Addicted" i just want to keep felicity's friends informed on her progress... IS THAT SUCH A BAD THING????

Thanks once again everyone.

(Gee your right Craig, it's hard to type a name)
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