Hey every1
Flick update......We have had some great news........Flick will be coming home sometime within the next couple of weeks (all going well) \

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She is walking pretty well except when she get the wanders to the left ](*,) (because of the deafness in her right ear her balance is a bit off). But her pelvis has healed pretty good although she may have to have surgery later on in life because it has healed a bit off centre, they don't want to opperate yet as she is young and it still may heal properly as she gets older, but we will worry about that when we need to.
The surgeons are really happy with how she has progressed and althougth she will be at home she will still have to attend the hospital for physio and they said it may take anything up to 3 years for her to be back to as close to 100% as she is every going to get. But you all know how she has progressed so i am thinking that she will prove all the doc's wrong and it won't take her that long at all. [-X :-$
The next update will probably come from Flick herself so i would like to take this oppitunity to thank John Costantini for all his help throughout this, because without his help and sleepless nights (when Tiffani and I really needed to get some sleep :sleeping: he sat with Flick so that she had a familar face there). When I needed someone to pick things up for me or drive Tiffani some where he was always there to do it........So John from the bottom of my heart i THANK YOU.
To the people who sat with me until ungodly hours of the morning when Flick had to go back for more surgery on her brain, Karen, Adam, Roy, Ellan, Chantelle, Nathan, thanks to you all. To everyone else who has sat with me or helped me out you know who you are and i am sorry if i can't remember all names........ Tamara THANK YOU, Annette & Norm THANK YOU, Robbie THANK YOU. Teena & Colin THANK YOU You are all angels :angel: :angel:
Kindest regards
:Fade-col: :Fade-col: Sandi :Fade-col: :Fade-col: