Felicty...Accident Report

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Now how is this for determination, against many critics beliefs and with steely fortitude(of course with a little help)
WHO snuck out of hospital.........none other the prize fighter herself. Although in spirit and in everyones thoughts throughtout the lead up and during the ECCC,She was so intent on being part of ECCC in the physical sense that seeing so many jaws hit the floor when the wheel chair was being pushed around by MUM, who could not be prouder,was a sight to behold.
Progress made by Flick to this stage is nothing short of sensational and with still more hurdles to jump everyone who saw her last night will testify,and now truly understand the inner strength this amzing girl has, not that her supporters questioned it.

"You go you good thing"

To Mum, Dad and Tiff many would love to her had her spend the night at the presentation dinner and to most it was a highlight of the night to have her there, although for a very short time, we thank you for sharing that with us.

All the best in all this journey has ahead for her.

Thanx to everyone that was there for me when i needed you all the most and seeing everyone last nite was the best. Although i had no idea what Mum was going to do when she asked the nurse could we go for a walk or a wheel as the case maybe, I was so pleased to see you all but it was more pleasing watching most of you pick your jaws up from the ground.(haha) i always said that i would be at the East Coast Dinner Dance and i loved being there even if it was a short visit . I will keep u up to speed.
i miss you all and i cant wait to see you all again.
Miss and luv ya all heaps flick.
hey sweetie it was so good to finally see u i feel real bad for not going to the hospital but i had heaps of trouble finding transport and stuf to get there so it was good to see u at the dinner...........ur a truly amazing girl flick keep fighting and u will b bak bowling soon sweetie take care and miss u heaps
love duffy
Well Flick, you have amazed us all with your determination and strength, and as everyone else has said you are truely remarkable! :D It is so good to hear that your just about up and running at full steam again, wont be to long till we see you back on the lanes and keeping Tiff in check (your probabley doing that already :p )

All the best Flick and we'll see you soon!!

Adam Taylor & Karen Anderson
Hey Babygirl,
It was so great to see you at the dinner dance even though it was only for a short time... Im truly sorry i havent been in to see you the past week but i have a virus and dont want you to catch it so thought it was best that i kept away... As soon as i heard you were there i rushed over to say hi... We all miss you flick and we love you heaps and cant wait to see you back i on your feet again... Once that happens i can assure you that i will be the first to crack open a bourbon...

Well i better run as i have some things i need to do... I will email you some pics that i took during east coast...

Luv Always

Tam xxx
Hey flick
It's good to hear you got to go to the dinner Dance at ECCC although i didn't go....obviously many people were suprised that you went :shock: ....You have such an amazing strength and determination - you are a true fighter to say the least!!

Sorry i haven't been in - As i have had some things to deal with but i will visit soon. :p

love Always Chantal xoxo
hello, everyone, is good to hear that flick is ok. And that she has gone to Epworth for rehab. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Look for the updates to come.
:D :D

Lots of love to Flick, Tiff, & Sandi.
hi flick tiff sandi and collin

great to hear from you flick

sorry i havent been in but anyway.....
adam gave me a full report on how you are and great to hear. i was in tears cos u are doing so well :cry: :wink: . keep your chin up you are doing great and you will be walking and bowling in no time.

your strengh i samazing woman ..... i may have to borrow some of that strength..... :lol:

miss you heaps and keep it up gal :eek: :shock: you are surprising us all keep the surprises rolling

send ing lots of love karen anderson :!: :!:
Hey everyone, i no i haven't been on in a while, but i have had other things on my mind like school.

Anyways, I am happy to say that has of 9am yesterday Flick is out of the hospital and in a rehab centre where she will be for at least 5 weeks.

I want to say thanks to everyone that has helped through this rough time, i neva new how many friends flick had.

Please keep up your love and support as i am sure it will be needed for a while yet

Love you all.

just wanted to say it's such fantastic news to hear about flick, it's great to hear she is on the up big time. keep the fight up flick you'll be back in no time ;)
I am so so happy to hear she is doing so well, it is great she awake and everything is good. I just tought i would say hi..

Love Dana
Hey Flick

It's good to hear you are improving once again.
it's seems that everyone is still amazed how your recovery has been going and to tell you the truth so am i.

i wish you well for rehab and I will see you soon.
Lots of Love, We send our wishes to you.
Chantal & Greg & Dave & Theresa xoxo
roy and ellen send there love and wish you well in your recovery....

we will all come and see you soon
I have spoken to felicity and she sounds really good, keep improving Flick. Everyone's here for you..
love dana
Hey every1.

Just letting you know that Flick has started rehab.......She is doing ok but i think she is pretending that it doesn't hurt so she can get out of the hospital earlier but i am onto her.

:twisted: With the permission of the doctors this time, i took Flick for a joy ride last night to Keon Park bowl to say hello to every1. She did well but after about an hour she got really tired so i has to take her back but i know she was so pleased to see every1. :twisted:

Hopefully she is allowed to out again next week and we will try to go to another bowl but it is really hard because most of you bowl late league and it is too late to keep her out.

But anyways we will soon hopefully get round to seeing everyone.

"Can anyone tell me how long the seniors tournament at Forrest Hills is on......And how long the tournament the begins after it is on for as i am trying to get there to see someone from Tassie that would really like to meet Flick.?" And i have only a few hours every days where she is not doing anything.

Will keep you posted.

Kindest regards
Sandi. 8) :p
i spoke to flick this morning on the telephone its good to hear she is getting bak to her old self and that im able to talk to her now wen eva i want ............miss ya heaps flicky and u will b out sooner then u think take care and keep ur chin up love ya sweetie
Moving On......

As we all appreciate the delecate nature of this situation, i now feel that the time has come to shut this topic down. For too long we have had to endure day to day updates on the condition of someone who was unfortunately injured. Everybody can understand the sensitive nature of this situation, but the time has come to wind things up and move along. Bearing in mind that this is a bowling forum discussing bowling related issues, me and fellow total bowling viewers
agree that the topic should continue in a more personal matter. Ie email, telephone or direct correspondance. I am in now way trying to offend anybody, especially Felicity or her family. But lets face it enough is enough!
Moving On......

As we all appreciate the delecate nature of this situation, i now feel that the time has come to shut this topic down. For too long we have had to endure day to day updates on the condition of someone who was unfortunately injured. Everybody can understand the sensitive nature of this situation, but the time has come to wind things up and move along. Bearing in mind that this is a bowling forum discussing bowling related issues, me and fellow total bowling viewers
agree that the topic should continue in a more personal matter. Ie email, telephone or direct correspondance. I am in now way trying to offend anybody, especially Felicity or her family. But lets face it enough is enough!
Bearing in mind that this is a bowling forum discussing bowling related issues

Just a few words in regards to the above quote, Felicty is a bowler, this is bowling news as she is a part of the bowling community. Also there are people on this forum who don't actually bowl and may not have even set foot in a bowling centre. forums are designed to help with communication of people who are involved/interested in a specialised subject or sport. The key word is in the above sentence is 'communication'.
First of all who are you?

The reason why this topic was placed is to let her friends who live interstate no what happened and how she is doing because not everyone can get in contact wif her.

In case you haven't read what is going on we haven't put an update everyday cause we have been in the hospital.

I am yet to hear from ne one else wif a problem bout this forum and you only have to read it if you choose too.

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