How dare you guys comment on this situation that you don't know anything about apart from reading the numerous posts that Flick's friends and family have put on here.
Also why state that enough is enough - Flick and her family and friends (and mind you there is a lot of them) have every right to comment on this issue as it is very good for her bowling family to know her progress interstate and country areas of Victoria. If you don't like us commenting, then bugger off it's not up to you and butt out. :agrue:
This is not going to hurt anyone if flick posts her scores as it was her 'first' 500 series and especially after recovering after such a horrific accident that she was in, mind you also sitting there with Sandi (her mum) being told your daughter may not survive the night - was very hard to come to terms with and thank god she did. :2gunfire: :bad-word:
Maybe whoever you are ' craig and statesman' I would hate for something like this to happen to your friends or family members and you watching them at their bedside wondering if they would come through such a horrific accident! By the way if Flick's mum finds out what you have said then you better watch out, Sandi is a force not to be messed with.