Emerson Shield 2005

Unfortunatly the minority are the loudest,i hope people dont get me wrong i think Emerson is a great toury but to be competative you need a good bowler base and thats the only way you can compete. We always seem to be able to suprise some teams. But a team is not a team unless the team members believe that they can be competitive. At C/ Cup and Senior shield you may have noticed that we are getting stronger. With the new rules in emerson we unfortunatly cant get enough bowlers but things are getting better. We have actualy had to have roll offs for the teams ( C/Cup & S/Shield) over the last two years, we had a small emerson team last year and just ask woza what happend when we bowled them.Maybe next year we'll be there.
You mentioned Geelong , someone will correct me but i think we gave them a big scare on the second last game :cool:
grumpie said:
You mentioned Geelong , someone will correct me but i think we gave them a big scare on the second last game :cool:

You did indeed -- 954 to 997 -- if not for Greg Clark's 238 you may have even won pinfall.

We have similar problem fielding competitive teams - we only have 10-12 bowlers above 180 average. We are just lucky that we have two bowlers that average close to 200 most of the time otherwise we would be around the bottom every year. I love bowling these teams events but Country cup is only once per year - i am still too young for Seniors (just) and so i am really looking forward to bowling Emerson as are the rest of our team.
Gatsby said:
Newer/smaller associations should not be expected to have 7 x 200 average bowlers from day 1, that is why bowling in tournaments such as Emerson and others are important for these bowlers to improve and get experience.

Its not always this way, Re: Melton men won it last year though our league averages compared to other centres, you never would know it. We only had 1 average in the 190's, a couple in the 180'sand the rest lower. Its similar this year, 1 average in the 190's, couple in the 180's and the rest lower. We are only a 16 lane centre with a small quality bowler base...but always get pumped for these things. Its great fun and very rewarding to humble your much vaunted opponents from other supposed "better" centres :)
Gatsby said:
.We have similar problem fielding competitive teams - we only have 10-12 bowlers above 180 average..

We have 4 at absolute maximum...makes it all the more sweeter when you win :D
Gatsby said:
We have similar problem fielding competitive teams - we only have 10-12 bowlers above 180 average. We are just lucky that we have two bowlers that average close to 200 most of the time otherwise we would be around the bottom every year.

In these tournaments averages count for nothing it is how you perform as a team that counts. I would rather have a 150 ave bowler in my side that can win 90% of his games than a 200 ave bowler who only wins 20%. Melton won it last year based on team effort. It has been proven time and time again that the best "team" generally wins.
The great thing with emerson shield is that you dont need a team of 5 plus bowlers over 200 ave to win.

As we now it is all about win / loss in the event, and pinfall means nothing.

Last year was a good example in our zone final. Werribee Men killed all other teams on overall average, with almost 5 of the top 7 averages, but they were not winning the games.

Also someone asked about the 1st year 2001.

The teams from memory were: 6 centres represented in both mens & ladies, no zone finals.

Ed Fleming
Plus 2 more. Really sorry cant remember who they were, possibly
Warnambool & Bendigo?

I have been lucky enough to bowl in all state finals so far, and this has been a great event, and is improving from year to year with support. I would really like to see all centres have a go at the zone finals, as you never know if you never have a go.
I would like to make a suggestion on the event possibly for next year.

I think Craig said that Dunn Shield winners should be invited, this l fully agree with. The winner from each division, but not the overall winners, as they have the combined award which we do not as both teams may not be in the final.

But what about giving spots in the state final to the following:

Winning Dunn Shield Mens & Womens Teams
Winning Country Cup Mens & Womens Teams
Defending Champions Mens & Womens Teams.

Lets try and get the best teams together

Not that this would happen, but even add 2 more to that list.
Rachuig & De Veer Teams.

You would then have the best team line ups from around the state, and would really make the event great. Mind you you would need a centre with a large number of lanes.

3 Zones, first 3, plus the 3 automatic entries, would mean 12 teams, a minimum of 24 lanes would be required.

Play each team once, plus a positional round, 12 games, 6 each day.

If the Rachuig & De Veer teams were involed that would mean 14 teams, 28 lanes, 7 games each day.

Plenty of ways to look at this, even decrease the numbers from the zone final, where the defending champions would have bowled, and the same for the zone the country cup teams would have bowled in.

Just a couple of suggestions, but lets get the invites going to the other team events held to get the profile lifted of Emerson Shield.
Emerson western zone completed.

Mens: Werribee 1st, Colac 2nd, Geelong 3rd

Womens: Werribee 1st, Colac 2nd, Geelong 3rd

Congrats to all team on a tough conditions. Well bowled Ralph and Porto, on handling the conditions wonderfully well. Also congrats to the Colac team as a whole on a good effort.

In the Northern Zone:


1st Bendigo
2nd Sunraysia
3rd Shepparton


1st Sunraysia
2nd Bendigo
3rd was rolling off between Echuca and Horsham, but we left before that started so will have to get info about the result.

Looking forward to the final in November.
Well Melton Bowl is the great equalizer. What a day was had by all. I dont think that I have ever had such an experience bowling. Fun fun fun.

Chucky did not ;) Condition was tough, tougher than it should have been really. Good thing was strikes actually really meant something and those couple of guys who shot the card (D. Porto, R. Harford) can be really proud of their efforts.
I dont think "Not having many high average bowlers" would or should have stopped teams or bowlers entering this tournament or any for that matter,
at morwell we are lucky to have 3-4 above 190 at home but consistantly ave
above 200 at tourns around the state, we have a team that goes away with 175 ish average and is one of the best in the state at winning points due hugely to self belief. Yet local events are not hugely supported nor are "teams" events as its always the same bowlers in teams or lining up in the masters kind of things. So i would have to partially agree with grumpie on the cost factor, its hard coming up with so much cash all the time, especially if like myself you throw in some cash cup events. The main reason i am not involed this year is due to the 2 day zone final!!! I thought a one day final was a good cost cutting exersice then it was cut, go figure!

Thank for reading

Jason :)
Melton bowl certainly was "the great equalizer" as claimed. We had an enjoyable day of bowling and a loud bus trip home. The scores were not high but it certainly was quite competitive and we were very happy to qualify both Men and Women's team for the final in Mentone.
The 50% rule was also quite interesting. It was quite noticable that pretty much every team had at least a couple of bowlers who were struggling, but the 50% rule meant that they had to bowl at least 4 games. This made life a bit more difficult for the captains which added an extra flavour to the event.
Ballarat Men were one player short, and therefore had to bowl with a vacancy score of 174 for four games -- Correct me if i am wrong but i think the vacancy won all four points!

Gary Black
Well Done to Gary and the Colac Boys :p

Gatsby said:
Ballarat Men were one player short, and therefore had to bowl with a vacancy score of 174 for four games -- Correct me if i am wrong but i think the vacancy won all four points!

Gary Black

And thats where i believe that it is wrong. - Vacancy should be able to contribute to the overall points but not be able to win individual points.

We could be in a situation for our zone final that one of the team members is only available for the 1 day. Our zone final is 4 games each day - therefore if turns up then he has to bowl every game for that day. If he struggles with the conditions that could be to our teams detriment. Alternatively I can tell him to stay home and take a guarnteed 174 for 4 games which i can then apply over the 2 days??

If someone pulled out at the last minute then there is not much they could do but if they only had 6 bowlers then why couldn't one of the Weribee draftees bowl??

In the end nobody likes bowling against a vacancy :(
The problem with yesterday is that 175 was a good score! 175 is very easily gettable on a tricked up scorable condition, but yesterday, when you had 2 boards to hit with the right speed and release...175 was fine. A 180 average was a decent effort yesterday.
I could think of a few centres that a 175 is a good score.

But in the end if the vacancy can not win individual points then it doesnt really matter what the score is. It encourages teams that are short to use the draft. If you dont use the draft then there are 4 points (Zone final) 9 points (State Final) that you cannot win
Normally 175 would get smashed but as Adam said it was a good score yesterday. (there were only 5-6 above 180 for the day) I know how hard it was to beat - it beat me! - i felt like an idiot losing to a vacancy until i heard i was not the only one.
I agree with Woza though - it should be pinfall only and not allowed to win points. I think the guy that wasn't there was actually in hospital - pretty good reason not to bowl.
Yesterday a 170 game felt like a 220 or so. Was not easy in the least and I have never seen such a weird pinfall when it come to carrying. I blew the pocket and left the big 4 cold. Set the tone for the day.

I do agree with Woza, the bye should not be allowed to win individual points. One of our guys lost to it also.

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