Emerson Shield 2005

LickwidGreen said:
haha thanks for the advice craig. have you ever considered giving advice full time as part of a profession?

Now if Craig was only paid for all the advice that he had given over the years. - Maybe the blues wouldnt be on the bottom of the ladder:D
He Would'nt be Working Either because Chucky would be a billionaire :-# :-# :-#

He Might be able to give Steve Vizard some advice....lol

advice for dennis

f.o camporeale
f.o houlihan
f.o stevens
f.o barb, clubs gone to crap ever since that ugly old hag showed her face on the footy show, talk about embarassing, people like her should not be seen and definately not be heard from

advice for geelong and everyone else who wants to take it in

i am bowling 4 games, probably at position 3, because i like to go where my opponents hate to go, that way i already have the upper hand and if i am just shy of the 856, i will hop on for another game sometime during the day. i will be approaching the team management, mr taafemeister sr, to request a sleep in, due to the reason, i have lost my sunnies, i would be driving into the sun, this would cause my eyes to be sore which will affect my experience in the emmerson shield house. when he says bull, i will confess that i will be out chasing for cats until early in the morning on sunday, then he will let me off, i just know it.

advice for the p.m

introduce national tenpin bowling day (10th october) (my birthday) as a full blown public holiday

advice for the english cricket team

send justin peiterson back to south africa, cause at the moment your making your selves look like rank amatuers around a guy who wasn't good enough to get a game for his home country

advice for mr hayes

make sure you put some go go juice (oil) in the go go mobile (century) on sunday, because you are on my messenger list, and i will remind you of poor performance every day of the year for the next decade

advice to the patrons and players at melton

make sure the carpark closest to the door is available for yours truly, as i have quite a bit of gear to transport into the premises, and i will feel guilty if i am forced to park in the handicap parking bay, and i will do it

advice to kevvy

its your birthday on sunday, make sure you throw the leg over for your once a year excursion into the forbidden forrest, yes marriage makes it forbidden, but be careful my friend, as you only get to go there on your birthday, christmas, new years, easter and if your mrs team wins the afl grand final, make sure you warm up, the last thing i wanna hear is "kevvy pulled a groin muscle" cause we will smoke that for as long as possible on this forum

advice to pete

go back to mildura, cause echuca is doin nothing for you, you miss emmerson, you could have qualified left handed and made it, thats how soft you've become, piny pony splinters, whats next, the hand dryer on the ball return fractured a finger???

advice to woza

you can't be captain, coach, manager and player of everything, you got more blue shirts in your wardrobe than the carlton supporters shop has in their store at the moment, stick to managing, that way you can just sit back, and take the pi$$ out of everyone and tell them that if you were there, you'd be kicking some major a$$

advice to motts (big motts) ha not from what i've heard

make sure, when the chuck is in traralgon for a
sleepover, that the bed is occupied with something of impecable taste

anyone else need any help, feel free to post and chucky will advice you on best how to go about it

until then
be good to your mother, just like me
You know Mr Chandler that position 3 is no where near exciting enough for you. Gatsby, regardless of who plays who in the Geelong v WhereIBee game, its sure to be a corker with both teams bringing a loaded deck to the table.

Look foward to seeing you all in just a few sleeps.

Cheers :rolleyes:
craig said:
advice for mr hayes

make sure you put some go go juice (oil) in the go go mobile (century) on sunday, because you are on my messenger list, and i will remind you of poor performance every day of the year for the next decade


They'll be ok.

My last 5 friday night league scores have been 809, 811, 851, 822 and 780 with a 928 about 8 weeks ago, so the scores are there to be had. This is with a 3 game league and social play before we even get near the lanes at 8.30. The issue is not the amount of oil going down...theres plenty. Its more the size of the backends and how long the oil lasts which is the issue. This is the reason why there will be no wash at lunchtime, just oil.

FYI atm we are running 31'/40' triple... at about 2:1 (from about 9 board)lunchtime oil will probably just be the middle 22 boards, single or double, not sure yet. Depends how the kickers take it :p
yeah i know position 3 is pretty dull, but they won't let me play at position 69

damn right there will be a lunchtime oil, even if i have to pull out my super sopper, i will make sure, the lanes are due by lunch :D
I find it hard to believe Craig will be bowling at 3. The difference between lead and three is a bit like Chocolate ice cream compared with vanilla - and Craig - you do not strike me as a vanilla kind of person.
Why are you worried about the lunch time oil - i thought you were only gonna bowl the first 4 games anyway lol.
number 3 it will be

and i ain't turning up till after lunch, sunday morning doesn't exist in my schedule, it goes saturday night, sunday night

just got home from official practise, we had scotty and porto absolutely tearing up the lanes, rest of us guys did well, except for rocket (mr efficiency) who now owes me a pot.

tell me griffo aint focussed on the beer prize, he wants that slab, and is going to death ride me all the way to the fridge.
Didnt you just hate it when they got rid of that 70 man tournament that put a stop to you playing at position 69 Mr Chandler?
I tell you what !!! I Agree.
Yesterday, Scotty and Porto were really firing. They did not miss the pocket ALL DAY! And not a spare did they miss either!

Just remember Craig, I have trusted you to go to the "bottle shop" for our slab. Make sure you hurry back .... I'm thirsty!
Will Adam have them on ice so we can enjoy them immediately???

Oh, and Craig .... let's just hope that annoying "social bowler" that was whinging and complaining near our lanes all day yesterday doesn't come to Melton next week. It might interrupt our quiet "Cuppa" in between shots!

Looking forward to the fun ...
Griffo said:
Just remember Craig, I have trusted you to go to the "bottle shop" for our slab. Make sure you hurry back .... I'm thirsty!
Will Adam have them on ice so we can enjoy them immediately???


Now Mick, being a "Melton Vet", you know that 215 is a monumental task...even with someone who exudes skill and ego like our chucky ( :rolleyes: ). That slab will be safely down at Macs until the last ball of the four has been bowled, and he gives me a guarantee that no more will be bowled for the day (bowling more than 4 will be tempting fate). If he hasnt bowled 4 until 5pm that day and manages to scrape over the 215 mark....then and only then will I wander down and part with my hard earned.

It is possible to do, and some small part of me hopes he does...coz I know these lanes can be scored on, regardless of what the 100 units of oil freaks say. All I can say is good luck :) and hope you guys have a good day.
craig said:
advice for .........

blah blah blah blah blah blah

until then
be good to your mother, just like me

Give the man an inch and he takes f....n miles and then some more;)

Like selling ice to the eskimos
heres some more opinions

why has nobody taken up the draft???

i know werribee had 2 bowlers nominate, but heard nothing back

we implement a draft system, which was a fantastic idea, and then we don't use it, it makes no sense

why don't the all stars teams get shirts???

yet we pay out the high game for each round, which usually ends up in the all stars pockets anyway

scrap the cash and pay the shirt

why is the lane draw structured so that the mens and ladies bowl side by side, i know the bowlers prefer this, and yet we find it in our ways not to have it like this

why do you not bowl against the bye, surely this disadvantages the teams coming back after the bye

and to my last opinion

why aren't bowlers giving emmerson shield the true respect it deserves???

we all coming on here saying how much we love to bowl teams, yet only a small portion of us bowl in it?

does emmerson need changes???

if so what are they???
You see Mr Chandler, the main population of us want changes to alot of different aspects of the game and have several ideas but they either get ignored due to ignorance by the powers that be, or they never get to the powers that be. As to why the draft was put in place I have no idea. Would be interesting to see weither or not other teams besides WhereIBee have heard anything back for their respective bowlers that nominated.

Chat this weekend. Not many sleeps now. Its getting exciting. Lol.

Its pretty simple Craig,this tournament is proprieter run not association or bowler run

craig said:
heres some more opinions

why has nobody taken up the draft???

i know werribee had 2 bowlers nominate, but heard nothing back

we implement a draft system, which was a fantastic idea, and then we don't use it, it makes no sense

The draft is a good idea but I personally feel that it has been implemented the wrong way. Ie anyone who applies for a draftee has them appointed by the TD - under which criteria i dont know
as opposed to say to the JCCup draft - Anyone who applies for a draftee are ranked on their last years postion - Lowest ranking gets first pick at the available draftee and so on.

The draft will only fail if all sides do not have full teams for either the zone or state final. In a sense it has already failed (looking at our zone - Eastern) as two teams are not participating at the zone final. I am in no way blaming Goldpin for this as I believe that it is out of their control - but why are these centres not participating?? - If it is lack of numbers then why not use the draft. Is it other reasons - who knows. Without putting words in Sales mouths - they have trialled the last 3 years but in the mens division have failed to make the state final - Does this contribute to them not putting in a team this year. These are the questions that Goldpin need to ask and find out.

Overall the tournament setup is good - We have the addition of 2 extra teams to the state final this year automatically including last years winners.
Rezoning of the zones to 3 and taking the top 3 from each
Minimum game rule - adopted since day 1 seems to work.
Gives country and city bowlers the chance to bowl against each other

Hopefully with the right people behind it and the correct feedback this tournament can turn into somthing that everyone aspires to bowl in
Could Kevin please ellaborate on his comment about the tournament being Proprietor run and not association or bowler run. I think my heart is in the right place in my centre (and I am a proprietor). Could you please explain how we are making this not a worthwhile event.

We put something worthwhile on and we are condemned- damned if we do and damned if we don't!

The history of some associations (bowler run) are so shrouded in secrecy and so "closed shop" that you wouldn't want them anywhere near a tournament such as this. But other associations to a wonderful job (ref: MTBA)

Why don't you approach your centre manager and tell him your views on how this could be a better run tournament? or is it easier to sit back and criticise?

it would be bad business to treat the customer with contempt

i honestly would hate to think the proprietors don't care or wouldn't address any issues that could enhance the performance of their own tournament
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