Emerson Shield 2005

Seems like pandora's box has been opened here!

Speaking from my point of view, Emerson got off to a bad start in our centre when last year's team was hand picked by an unnamed person. This lead to many people getting their nose out of joint. As this event was completely new to us, the majority of people did not even know it was on until people came back from competing. This has lead to problems getting one or two bowlers this year who have "cracked em" over what happened last year. As a result, we do not have our strongest team - the bowlers that are going are extremely keen though.

As i mentioned earlier in these forums, we only had six bowlers at our roll off and we would have been prime candidates for the draft system. However, we decided to select our seventh bowler rather than use the draft. We felt it was better to give one of our up and coming bowlers the experience of bowling. Whilst this may disadvantage us this year it is hoped it will be short term pain long term gain. (He could also thrive on the experience and bowl his brains out which is what we are hoping.)

The bye is a whole saga in itself. Pro's and con's (in my opinion) are that some people would argue it is hard to get motivated to bowl against a bye. Teams would also use their weakest team members in these games to help ensure they get their minimum number of games. Bowling the bye in game 1 is an advantage to that team because they basically get 1 game practice that other teams don't get. If you bowl the bye do you automatically get the points or do you have to win against a token score eg 175? Do you get 7 points or 4 etc?
Pro's are that every team would bowl five games then have a break and bowl five more. At the moment you might be one game on, then one off three on - break for lunch two on, one off etc. It is an advantage to have the bye last as it gives you a bigger break for lunch. I personally favour the idea of bowling against the bye and as long as the draw is set the same way every year (eg the team that finished last in the division bowls against the bye first game etc) then it will end up being fair for everyone.

I have been involved in Country cup for quite a few years and i love the concept of Emerson. It means you get to bowl in different Centres against different people than Country cup - and we still get a bus trip! I would like to think that all criticisms of Emerson are being made in an attempt to improve the event. I don't think people are bagging the concept - just trying to suggest ways of improving it. The people in this forum are only a minority and our opinions may not always agree with the majority but this is a great way of thrashing things out.

Stepping down from my soapbox.....

Gary Black

PS -- Carmers -- did you really post your last entry at 3am? -- i was loudly snoring at that time of day.
Gatsby said:
PS -- Carmers -- did you really post your last entry at 3am? -- i was loudly snoring at that time of day.

The good and evil of Gotham City never sleep ;)
That all depends on who you ask.
People from within gotham city or people out of it. ;)

Personally I dont think that he would make much of a batman or boy wonder and heaven forbid he put on a catwoman suit. :D
Hey Edi

I have never critised The Format or its implementation and would never do so unless I could come up with something better,please dont take it personally when I say Proprieters I am refering to certain centres that treat this tournament "As just another Tournament" and in hindsight I should have worded my statement differently

Gatsby I did make that post at 3am, due to being woken and not getting back to sleep. I thought that I may as well jump on the net and play. Some people in and out of Gothem City like me I think. Lol. I do what I do and I make no apologies. Thats the way that I am. Woza, I think that I would look good in a leather suit. What....What....? :D
Perfectly logical explanation Carmers. I actually thought it might have been a glitch when it said "7 hours ago" making it around 3am. (I keep forgetting places outside of Colac still have life after the sun departs the scene.) See you on the weekend in Melton.

Gary Black
with the inclusion of melbourne teams, and the exclusion of the teams that don't make it past the zone finals, surely this has to be one of the superior competitions, and duelly deserves the respect its not getting by the players and centres at the moment, i would love to see the top 2 dunn shield teams invited to join in on our state final, then it would be the premier teams competition
True Craig, but every event has to start somewhere and it may take a couple of years before people stand up and take notice (though you might get a strong argument from Rachuig bowlers about it being the premier teams event).
Carmers said:
Woza, I think that I would look good in a leather suit. What....What....? :D

What the

Might be one way of securing a win against Craig.

Could he resist a good thing in leather ;)

Purple_Tweety said:
Only if the leather comes in PINK Carmers!! lol

I think that you have to much pink on the brain Paige :D

Craig said:
with the inclusion of melbourne teams, and the exclusion of the teams that don't make it past the zone finals, surely this has to be one of the superior competitions, and duelly deserves the respect its not getting by the players and centres at the moment, i would love to see the top 2 dunn shield teams invited to join in on our state final, then it would be the premier teams competition

Yes it should be and I believe that it will grow in years to come to be that but looking at only the country teams posted for one reason or another it does not appear to be attracting the best country bowlers as say Country Cup does.

Assassin_300 said:
I have never critised The Format or its implementation and would never do so unless I could come up with something better,please dont take it personally when I say Proprieters I am refering to certain centres that treat this tournament "As just another Tournament" and in hindsight I should have worded my statement differently

I can relate to what you are saying Kev

I can only say what happens at Latrobe Valley here

Country Cup is largely association run with little input from the proprieter/manager of the bowl or this is the case at Latrobe Valley.

Emerson is run the complete opposite with little input from the association but mainly organised by the proprieter/manager. For the previous 2 years it was run by Joe and credit to Gavin at Morwell who has taken this on and looked after the running of this years selections and teams

Now in saying that I am not saying that the manager and the association dont speak in fact it is quite the opposite and each is prepared to help the other out if required. They both have the bowlers interest at heart.

In the end the people who attend the Goldpin meetings are the proprieters/managers and if the information is not passed onto the bowlers/associations then they are unaware of what is happening.
For the teams that have not entered the zone finals then the TD or goldpin body need to find out why not.
If the proprieter does not want to run the Emerson trials/team selections for their centre maybe they can nominate someone who does
I think you will find that Country cup struggled to get a foothold in the early couple of years too. I know that our first team was pretty much just whoever was available to go on the weekend it was on. It has thrived for many years but is now at the crossroads in a lot of ways (ie do we go back to one round because it is taking too long, how do we accomodate for smaller centres etc-- but that is for another forum). I think that the majority of Country Associations have fielded their strongest teams and that has added to its success. Hopefully the same will occur with Emerson as it grows. This is only the second year? (or has it been going for longer than that?)

How many regions have their zone finals this weekend - is it just the West?
I have heard that Warrnambool women are not fielding a team either.
no warrnambool womens team

i think this is the 5th year for emmerson, i could be wrong

odds will be posted as soon as i can drag myself out of work
Its been going for 5 years ,i have been in it the last 2 and i know it was going a year before i got to werribee ,please correct me if i'm wrong ....The bowlers make this a good tournament so lets bowl and make this a great tournament..only 2 more sleeps :p one last thing GO WERRIBEE

Scott Law
I think that you guys are right - This is the 5th year

In the mens division

2001 - Final Ed Fleming - Winner Ed Fleming
2002 - Final Shepparton - Winner Ed fleming
2003 - Final Morwell - Winner Geelong
2004 - Final Geelong - Winner Melton

Anyway good luck to the Guys and Gals competing this weekend.
Shows how much i know - not much news travels down to Colac :(
So is it just the last couple of years that extra country teams have been added? I think Colac has only been included since last year.
As people are asking , why are there byes in this tournament.
Well without you all shooting me down(which some of you might and enjoy).
Look at it from a centre with a small number of bowlers(just a reminder i am only just a bowler there and am not employed in any way by the centre) there is a very small number of bowlers that travel for tournaments,these are the bowlers that you see in country cup & senior shield . Now all the bowlers efforts are put into these two tournaments, with Emerson we could maybe get 3-4 men and 2-3 ladies, you may say that the draft is avalable but you are looking at half or more being from the draft and many in the draft would probly not wish to bowl for a team in this situation or if they did they would probibly bowl for themselves and not for the team and this is only to get through the first round. The chances are that a team like this would not make it into the final. The expence of this is another factor, we just come back from senior shield and then ask for money to go away again, some just can't afford this.
I think Emerson is a great tournament but designed for the centres with bigger bowler bases and cuts out the smaller bowler based centres. Maybe for the small centres they should combine them to make some strong teams so the ones in small centres can be competative rather than the larger centres just thinking of some teams as a joke, you can't tell me that some bowlers dont think this way.
I'm only calling this from what i hear around and I'm being honest rather than hiding behind someones skirt. If more people were honest about what they realy think they would probibly agree with what i said.
Who knows maybe we could still field a team but i doubt it .

Finaly good luck to all that are bowling, wish i could be there to compete but i cant even go into the draft for a chance to bowl.
Gatsby said:
Shows how much i know - not much news travels down to Colac :(
So is it just the last couple of years that extra country teams have been added? I think Colac has only been included since last year.

I think that every Goldpin Centre has always been invited - I know that Morwell didnt bowl in the first year at Ed Fleming. I am not sure how many goldpin centres there were in 2001.

It all comes down the the communication trail. If you aint informed or told - you dont know.
Woza said:
It all comes down the the communication trail. If you aint informed or told - you dont know.

Kinda backs up what you were saying earlier - huh Woza?

I will check to see if others knew about it. (Also i am not sure how long Colac has been a Goldpin centre - maybe it is less than 5 years)

Good to hear the reason why a couple of teams dropped out from the "horses mouth" (or Grumpies mouth anyway). It is unfortunate you think other teams/bowlers reckon your association are "a joke". I am sure that is only the opinion of a minority of people. Newer/smaller associations should not be expected to have 7 x 200 average bowlers from day 1, that is why bowling in tournaments such as Emerson and others are important for these bowlers to improve and get experience. I must admit it can be a bit intimidating when you bowl 850-900 against teams that are consistently above 1000.
Eg Geelong at this year's Country cup actually had a team average of 1046 for 22 games -- our best game for the weekend was 1044 -- hard for us to beat them (mind you - not many teams did beat them)
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