Would you like to see a Hall of Fame and Dinner presentaion on Monday Night

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It was a quality 68 and it was enough pins to ensure that i could not be knocked out of the team - didnt bowl the full game.

Most probably should not have bowled at all on the Sunday - and came very close (alot closer than some people realise) to pulling out - (which would have meant that I would not be part of the team)

I will try and keep story short I had a cut at the base of my thumb where it meets my palm which had sealed over during the first 5 games on saturday it started to swell and I had trouble getting it into the ball. I had some taken out of the thumb at the lunch break and after the second 5 games I would have been lucky to get my thumb a 1/4 into the ball.

Went home and iced it most of the night - definetly infected. In the morning I could not get the tip in my ball but luckily Bryce and I have the same span but his thumb is bigger (started with 8 pieces of tape) so I said I would go over and use one of his balls.
I have bowled with some pain before but even dosed up on pain relief for both the fever and pain after the first 5 balls I had sweat pouring off me from the pain but bowling at 23 k's and hitting a target I had managed 5 spares (struggled with spares on right hand side as only had the reactive ball) It actaually took about 8 frames for the pain to be manageable. Got through the first 5 games - lunch time killed me having that break as I was back at square 1 but got through the pain barrier again and going into the last game I only needed 70 pins to ensure that I was on the team - so once I had those I forefitted the last few frames (had no tape in the thumbhole by this stage)
I then spent 5 hours at casualty waiting to see a quack (once I stopped bowling and by this stage my thumb and 1/4 of my palm was swollen, it was rock hard and hot to touch. I was given antibiotics and told if it didnt react to those then I would have to be admitted for IV antibiotics
3 days on I still have a thumb (people who had a look saying that it may have to be cut off) it has reacted to the antibiotics 90% of swelling gone down (still dont fit into my gear)- first day without any panadol forte and most probably wont bowl again for 2 weeks
Who cares bowling CCup (best event going around) at Mildura - bowling in a team for the first time with my son get to see all of my mates and I know for a fact that I make a pretty grumpy spectator
Before Gary gets on here mouthing off about me having '10' on a par 3 on Sunday, I just want to let you all know.........I still beat him by 26 shots, well.......... about 45 actually if we had of counted his airy's and balls lost.

Anyone interested in a game of golf on the Friday of Country Cup, let me know and we will organise a comp of our own :)
Gary will be in the golf draft for any other team besides mine ;)

Hitting a ball as far as you can into OOB because it pissed you off and then using another ball does not count as a shot. Airy's are only practise swings if noone is looking. The only balls I lost were the ones that went too far for your old eyes to keep up with.

And anyway, I missed the water. You hit off into it. Then you cried while I was falling out of the buggy laughing then you hit into it again. Then I was too scared to laugh :)
Fairly early by the sound of it. Might take a bit of time with someone having all of those shots.

Should have at least 4 starter from Latrobe maybe more

Griffo was keen for a hit and if we get a cart Kev said that he will drive the esky around ;)
Before Gary gets on here mouthing off about me having '10' on a par 3 on Sunday, I just want to let you all know.........I still beat him by 26 shots, well.......... about 45 actually if we had of counted his airy's and balls lost.

Anyone interested in a game of golf on the Friday of Country Cup, let me know and we will organise a comp of our own :)
Gary will be in the golf draft for any other team besides mine ;)


Yes please!!

And harden up like you:p:D:confused::rolleyes:


I bowled country champs and masters with a broken elbow, fractured the radius head a two weeks before hand and took al sorts of calcium and stuff to try and be ready for the event, needless to say it was excruciating and still managed third, come to think of it i bowl most of the time with some form of painfull injury!

Should have at least 4 starter from Latrobe maybe more

Griffo was keen for a hit and if we get a cart Kev said that he will drive the esky around ;)
And again YES PLEASE :D
I bowled country champs and masters with a broken elbow, fractured the radius head a two weeks before hand and took al sorts of calcium and stuff to try and be ready for the event, needless to say it was excruciating and still managed third, come to think of it i bowl most of the time with some form of painfull injury!

:violin: Could not find the bleeding heart smiley, so had to go with the violin instead.;)

Yes please!!

I bowled country champs and masters with a broken elbow, fractured the radius head a two weeks before hand and took al sorts of calcium and stuff to try and be ready for the event, needless to say it was excruciating and still managed third, come to think of it i bowl most of the time with some form of painfull injury!

And again YES PLEASE :D

i'm having these visions of motta lining up to throw a shot, in the condition of the black knight out of monty python and the holy grail
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