It's the rest of you who don't have a sense of humour. I know a joke when I hear or see one.
It is the same old story Wayne, Americans have a different sense of humour to Australians. Or am I not allowed to make light of a situation simply because I'm not a "mate" as Rob put it.
You can make light of anything you like but you must also expect reprisal for some of your comments
And Rob..I never assumed anyone was gay..
I think you might have or you would not have posted it. I did not notice the post in which you stated that Rachuig should have had LGTB associated with it because statistically they have more participants than Country Cup
just pointing out the statistical probability that says gays, lesbians and bi-sexuals make up at least 3 out of every 100 people..bowlers included. For the record, I have many gay friends (after all I did grow up in San Francisco which has the highest gay population of any major city in the USA. Nothing wrong with living that lifestyle
totally agree, so don't assume I meant it as an insult.
Maybe if "LGBT" was involed with the name of the tournament, someone would assume that the majority of participants would be that way inclined, not just your statistical 3%.