Would you like to see a Hall of Fame and Dinner presentaion on Monday Night

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Where is the fun in behaving Rob??!! Let's just say we had an interesting night Christmas Eve.... Kev's ambition was to christen the pool table.....But Suz wouldn't be up for it :)
Well watching you that day the 2 things you lacked that day was 1) Being to much of a individual and 2) Heart.

Well watching you that day the 2 things you lacked that day was 1) Being to much of a individual and 2) Heart.


two things I didn't do, that others did...

1) go out drinking the nihght before bowling, thus destroying any slim chance their team had of winning.

2) go for individual glory by bowling in the number 2-3 or 4 spot in the lineup.
My scores wouldn't have improved any, that's for sure. I'm making no excuses for my scores, just stating the facts...We(Bendigo bowl's team)did finish in first place though and really when it comes right down to it..NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
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