Well to think its only tuesday night and i have 7 pages to read to catch up on.
Firstly i would like to thank everyone that bowled on the weekend, you are all fantastic sports and such a pleasure to bowl with. It was great to catch up with old and new friends since the last time i had thrown on a country cup shirt.
Secondly to my old team Sunraysia, I must amit i was a bit suprised on how strong you guys were this year based on other country cups i have bowled with you guys, but when having said that you guys bowled unreal all weekend and it was a pleasure to have bowled against you all even if i did ride the pine on the second game against you guys, trust me i would of loved to have bowled but unfortuantly its the managers orders. Once again congratulations to you all.
Congratulations to all the men and women that made the allstars, it will well deserved, you all bowled extremly well.
I can go on forever but on wont... Lastly to Shepparton team... I thank you for having the privilege in bowling with you guys, overall its been one of the best weekends so far, i hope its not the last, You are all just great people to be around and will not be forgotten. Congrats to the ladies who once again dominated from start to finish.
Now for some special mentions:
Rob Garioch - MVP and Donating his OTB Ball to Matt from Albury and making allstars
Alicha Garioch - OTB Ball winner and MVP also making allstars
Lisa Garioch - Making allstars
Dean Mckinnon - Making allstars
Ray Martin - Making allstars
Chris Hamilton - Making allstars, Diving down the lane on his first ball realising he left his shoe cover on. But mostly for being putting up with us all... even if you are LE**O :surrender:
Woza - Leaving the 5-7-10
Knickers from Warrnambool - Leaving the 5-7-10 in the last game. I actually same that, great to watch.
Wayne Parbly - Putting up with all the bulls**t all weekend and being a fantastic manager, i actually learnt alot
Kev Wilkins - We did it mate but it wont be the last

If theres anything i have missed.. i do apologise... this post has gone for long enough.
Already looking forward to next year.