Country Cup 2008

congrates to shep onthe win well done so what did happen to that great team from sleepy hollow

At least the players representing sleepy hollow were prepared to invest their time, effort and money to give it a crack! It is not their fault the "great" players choose not to represent! Why not come down next year and give it a go yourself or do you not consider yourself a "great" bowler?

Congratulations to Shepparton. Sunraysia you bowled awesome also.

Finally.......Standing sheet and averages
I've been trying for the past 30 minutes to upload them.
Obviously not enough sleep and too many JDs



  • CC Standings.pdf
    962.8 KB · Views: 74
  • CC Ladies averages.pdf
    722.9 KB · Views: 79
  • CC Mens averages.pdf
    998.9 KB · Views: 111
WOW..looks like Rob isn't enjoying the 'best tournament in Victoria' this year.
What's wrong Rob...tell us so we can understand your anger.

My problem is you are a fair dinkum tool.

I hope you do not bowl Country Cup next year or ever for that matter.

I also wish you would remove the signature from your profile because I would not like to see you in that position for the sake of our sport.

As Pat said I am there for the team and would gladly trade my 3 allstars medals for a single Country Cup win.

Ok anger pill wearing off, still tired from arriving home at 6am this morning.


PS... Wayne , please do not send me a PM as it will not be read or replied to.

PSS...Will post about the weekend later
If what I saw in Rob's post wasn't intended to be portayed as anger...then I am indeed a tool. But you know what? Rob decided to post what amounted to a grumpy and rude answer to a bowler's simple question.

I am a sarcastic sonofa*****..but I'm an honest one! Which is more than I can say for some of the current TBA board members, so the signature line stays...
Well, what can I say? The highs and lows of Country Cup have once again been endured by all.:cool:

This is the Best Tournament in Victoria and I enjoyed it immensely and cannot wait until next year to try and help my team redeem ourselves.

Well done to both the Men’s and Women’s teams from Shepparton, awesome effort by all those involved with those teams. That 4 pin was looking a bit thin for a while Hamma.
Congratulations to those that made Allstars and Alicia for her MVP effort considering how sick she was Saturday and Sunday.

Huge effort by and thank you to Maree, Shannon and all the staff at the bowl from front counter, to volunteers, to snack shop and also the backend blokes. Great effort that made the whole weekend very memorable for all those involved. (Shannon I am sure the machines will behave a bit better now that I have left town) FORE. And Maree please leave the computer alone.;) Furthermore a big thanks to Peter, Aline and their committee, very smoothly run tournament.

Thank you to all the sponsors for the support. A big thank you to Dave and Sandra from OTB for their continued support of the MVP Awards with trophies and bowling balls that you donate each year.

I would also like to congratulate my men’s and women’s teams on a huge effort. A big thank you to Craig for his effort and support over the weekend with not much sleep. Well done guys, we will have to step up a notch next year to beat the Pinky’s not only in the 2 match day games but the end result.

Ahh the memories, strange as some of them may seem:confused:

Appreciation must go to Deano and Hamma for their antics. They kept a lot of us very amused at times. Very cheeky Chris. Go the L:surrender:
Latrobe must have been impressed with Motta, staying at his own motel all weekend and not straying. And half a Woza leaving the 5, 7, 10 was special. I think knickers from Warrnambool left one as well.

Huge effort by Di and Andrew from Albury for turning up again, at home next year so I am sure you will both front up again.

I wonder how many Crownies Mr Big Mouth Farky had last night?

There should be some interesting stats come out of this year for Gary to get his teeth into, keep trying the tape mate.

Gee, I could go on for ages. No wonder they use sleep deprivation as a torture, it makes a person ramble on.

Finally well done to all the bowlers that turned out this year to make this weekend not just a tournament but an event. One that we all can not wait to come around again next year.

Congrats to Shepp on their clean sweep.
Congrats to Selina Threlfall and Jason Way for topping the allstars, and in fact all the bowlers who made allstars, Sunraysia having 5 All Stars (3 men, 2 women - 3 Garioch's) is pretty impressive.

OTB MVP Ball winners were
Men. Rob Garioch - generously donated to an up and comer from Sale - Matthew.
Women. Alicia Garioch - generously donated back to me (haven't told her yet! lol)

Both MVP winners were not the highest average, therefore (in my opinion) our system rewards the truly most valuable player, not necessarily the highest average - which I have copped some criticism for in the past.

Runners up in MVP - Men, Jason Way (1 point behind Rob), Women Selina Threlfall
2nd Runners up - Men Dean McKinnon, Women Kelly Jones.

My congratulations to these players, Jason almost grabbed the threepeat.
Great result, great bowlers. Well done.

If what I saw in Rob's post wasn't intended to be portayed as anger...then I am indeed a tool.Agreed But you know what? Rob decided to post what amounted to a grumpy and rude answer to a bowler's simple question.

The question of allstars should not appear until the end of any team tournament. Those bowlers that think of this accolade prematurely can and do cost their teams valuable points. It was not grumpy or rude just the the way I feel about the allstars in the middle of a tournament.

Maybe I should have been more diplomatic like your good self.

The question of allstars should not appear until the end of any team tournament. Those bowlers that think of this accolade prematurely can and do cost their teams valuable points. It was not grumpy or rude just the the way I feel about the allstars in the middle of a tournament.
Maybe I should have been more diplomatic like your good self.

I am afraid I share your thoughts on All Stars Rob, I have CCup All Stars medals and Rachuig medals - guess which ones take pride of place on the shelf.

Nothing against CCup, those who know me know what I think of the tournament. I too would give all personal accolades back for team success - nothing beats it.

Also, like you Rob, nothing bugs me more than an individual looking beyond the team, particularly when the team is in a close race (like you were). I would've reacted exactly the same way as Rob did so if that is wrong - well I'm wrong.

Anyhoo - just my thoughts.
Team comes first, you do your best and if individual rewards come your way, well and good.
wow one simple little question leads to a massive argument. ah well. I was only looking at getting a glimpse on the high averages that were being bowled. Not looking at anyones personal glory.

On a positive note though, Congrates to Shep on the overall! And well done to Bendigo Ladies coming second, and to Selina for making allstars. :D
wow one simple little question leads to a massive argument. ah well. I was only looking at getting a glimpse on the high averages that were being bowled. Not looking at anyones personal glory.
On a positive note though, Congrates to Shep on the overall! And well done to Bendigo Ladies coming second, and to Selina for making allstars. :D

Not a massive argument Rik, just a passionate discussion ;)

Sort of makes you realise what winning Country Cup means to a few people huh?
Congats to everyone who bowled I'm sure you all gave it your best.
Well done to everyone from SHEP the new dominant force in the Country!

Hope things go well and will be back to take you all on again soon!
Well done again
David C
Congats to everyone who bowled I'm sure you all gave it your best.
Well done to everyone from SHEP the new dominant force in the Country!
Hope things go well and will be back to take you all on again soon!
Well done again
David C

Do I detect a comeback?
Congrats to Shep for the clean sweep. :)
Shame the boys :surrender: were a little worried about their supper star (COUGH) to put him back in against tim :mad:, would have been very good viewing!:)
Cant hide him for ever through KEV
Also well done sunraysia guys, i know it hurts at the moment but it will just make you even hungrier for next year.
Unfortunatley with us it was a one man show with Jase killing it and having no helpers, me included :(. Just shows how good he is though, just keeps plugging away.
A curious note: Any one here of a complaint against poor little me over the weekend?
I thought i was quite well behaved actually!:p
Best moment of the tourny for me was rob giving the ball away (actually sent a bit a tingle up the back:)
Just goes to show that even after we get beaten or grudge match we are all still mates at the end of the day and want to encourage younger ones coming through, as with out the new eventually we all go a bit stale.
Thanks to woody, dan, latrobe boys for what should happen more often a bit of a chat and a couple of bevs and catch up with mates (one of the reasons i will always try my hardest to make it back for the next year even if i have to bowl with a toddler strapped to me. is that legal ?
Any way thanks every one! :D
Well.... what a weekend!!!!

Where do i start..

First and foremost, id like to thank those in the sunraysia team who busted their asses for our team for the whole tournament.. I wont go through everyone but ..
Leash, big congrats on your performance knowing how sick you were, top stuff kiddo :p
Rob and dean were awesome leading us game after game. very impressive guys. You bowled your asses off.

Was extremely hard to go down the way we did.. and it will take some time to get over, but i know it only makes us stronger for next year and we will come back better than ever you can count on that.

Craig, You did a great job mate, i know how little sleep you had for the weekend but you gave it your all, thanks for the advice and tips through the tournament, and for the time you spent with the whole team. :beerchug::punk::thumbup:

Thanks to all the other bowlers for their support through the tournament.

Congratulations to the shepparton teams on the wins!

And Rob, was a great gesture donating the ball you won to the young kid from Sale, Im sure he is stoked!!!

Enough about that....
Well its finally good to meet a lot of you guys in person, putting faces to names. And good to catch up with those i have met previously.

Hamma great to meet you mate, we had some laughs :wedgie: and im sure it will continue next year, oh and I hope your chest hair grows back :rofl:
I will say it was a pleasure to bowl my highest game for the weekend against you for a win.... what can a say.. you bring out the best in me LOL ;)

Kev kev kev, Im glad you finally paid craig for the little wager, sorry to beat you but when you call me out before the game i cant let you get away with it :p

I know we dont have much to brag about from the weekend seeing we arent the ones holding the trophy but the highlight of the weekend was beating shepp 7-0 in that first game between us, that was a great game, I know craig will keep that memory for a loooong time to come!!

Woza... That 5, 7, 10 mate.. pure class :rofl: Its funny barely anyone saw or noticed Nicks in the final game, but yours will be remembered for some time.. :p

I must say though, being only my 2nd country cup (first was back in 2002 cant remember much lol) it was a fantastic weekend and it wont be my last.., to everyone that participated, well done!

Thanks to the Ballarat Bowl staff for their hard work all tournament.:groupwave:
Congrats to both the Shep teams on their respective wins; pretty impressive, and commiserations to the Sunraysia men, with such a tight finish a rolloff would have been a great result.

Huge congrats to my STAR captain Selina Threlfall for topping the womens all-stars, she has been around the mark for ages and finally cracked it! Great effort by Alicia who was sick all weekend, and her mum Lisa (who had crap to deal with right from the start) Super effort by Rob, Deano and Ray to make allstars as well, not as good as a win but a huuuuuuuge effort.

Lastly to the Bendigo ladies who tried hard all weekend, always the bridesmaids; we will have to change that for next year. Their attitudes and maturity make for a great team to play in.

PS: Apparently even the bye beat the Bendigo mens team, Dave is very sad!lol

PPS: A point of interest for next year( in more than one opinion) could be a split between bowling at Albury and Wodonga for the tourny as it it such a long day. What do other people think?

Big thankyou to the Ballarat Staff especially Maree and Shannon who are by far the two most helpful and professional people running a bowl that I have met; super job girls!!!
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