Country Cup 2008

Without any help...HA.... you blokes would have been buggered in the past without the famous Judy giving a hand. She deserves a medal for the stress you lot used to give her;)
We have lanes booked at 2.30 Friday, then retiring to the pub and beer garden next door to the motel. And yes the cards are already packed.

Well thats game over then :whistling:
I wouldnt expect any different! [/SIZE]
This is something i would very much like to see!
Without any help...HA.... you blokes would have been buggered in the past without the famous Judy giving a hand. She deserves a medal for the stress you lot used to give her;)
We have lanes booked at 2.30 Friday, then retiring to the pub and beer garden next door to the motel. And yes the cards are already packed.
She was usually the one leading the charge! And we have lanes booked at 2 or 1.30 i am not really sure so could be a little bit over fun overlapping the times! We also have another practice as 7pm which could be messy by then with 3-4 hours 'FREE TIME' between sessions.:gathering::partytime2::drunk:
Haven't actually seen the draw this year yet -- are we bowling the bye or not this year?

We certainly are: In the event of a bye existing, (which it does) teams will bowl against vacancy scores for points. A vacancy score of 180 for men and 170 for women will apply. (Therefore the scores to win are 181 for the men and 171 for the women.) Where a bye is not bowled, (which it will be) no points will be awarded.

Can be bad bowling the bye for points at times.

good luck to everyone bowling country cup this year and may the best teams win.. I hope to see high score over there in sunny ballarat... GO BENDIGO

Cheers Matt Hagley
Good luck to everyone bowling c/c this year.. Hope there are some high game in ballarat like there was in bendigo 2 years ago.. Good luck and may the best teams win...

Cheers Scott Hagley
Good luck to everyone bowling c/c this year.. Hope there are some high game in ballarat like there was in bendigo 2 years ago.. Good luck and may the best teams win...
Cheers Scott Hagley

Thanks for the thoughts Scott, but personally I hope the scores are not as high as Bendigo.

Now now Jason, don't get jealous of teams who have coaches just cause you don't. If you're nice I am sure Craig, Dr Chris and Wayne will give you some help. :p You bowl kinda funny, your eyes are too beady, all that sort of stuff. ;)
Maybe the coaches could bring their gear and Friday night practice is 'The Coaches Challenge' it used to happen with certain Presidents Shield Teams.
Would it just be three coaches or are there more?

the only advice i can give is

OMG that was more entertaining than anything on tv!! :D

Shepp has been quiet, not sure why? Hey Kev wake up!! Lol. He’s old now needs his rest, plus the pace was probably moving so fast by the time he thought up something to say the moment was gone……lol :p

I have an excuse…been off the net for two weeks moving house. And I can’t believe how much crap, oh I mean banter has happened in the last two weeks.

Now I have to make up for it…

To Chris and Elisha, congrats on beautiful Kaylee. I haven’t been able to catch up with you guys yet, but we will soon. I hope all is well with Elisha and Kaylee. I also have to say I sure hope she looks like Elisha, we don’t want another Chris on the loose!! ;)

The weekend is not far now……any updates Rob?!! Lol

I’m sure the weekend will consist of fun, laughs, drinking and catching up with mates. Did I mention bowling? Well I had better throw that in too!! Although sometimes it just gets in the way lol.

I’ve got my pink hairspray ready, it’s amazing how much of it I found moving house!! And anything else pink I had, I’ve found that too!!

Lisa, I hope you enjoy your ‘tea party’ (I guess that’s what they call it now!!) and you don’t have any gate crashers. I know how you ladies like your ‘quiet time’ just as much as us Shepp women, well half of us anyway!!
Well well well....
look what the cat has dragged in....

Im sure you can find a better excuse for why you havent been on here paige..

moving house... pfffft :p
Nope sorry Trav, stuck with the truth. ;)

The electricians only just put my phone point in to connect up my broadband today!!

Plus the cat doesn't drag me in I walk thankyou lol :p

Moving house is a pain in the rear, and not something I want to do again ..... for a while anyway!! And I must say I had people pack I've only had to unpack!! And I hate boxes!! lol
the only advice i can give is

See Jase, in the book of Chandler that'd be called 'constructive criticism'.
Now you wish your team had a coach huh? Maybe Chopper Read is available.
Nope sorry Trav, stuck with the truth. ;)
The electricians only just put my phone point in to connect up my broadband today!!
Plus the cat doesn't drag me in I walk thankyou lol :p
Moving house is a pain in the rear, and not something I want to do again ..... for a while anyway!! And I must say I had people pack I've only had to unpack!! And I hate boxes!! lol

Dont houses in shep usually have phone lines :eek:
Yes of course they do, but my house isn't in Shepp!!

Plus there wasn't one in the room where my computer lives smartie pants!!
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