Country Cup 2007 - Sale

Round 1 – MEN – Summary of previous results head to head ( I only have team records for 1981, 89 - 91, 93, 98 – 00 and 02 – 06……….. a total of 13 years of results)
Sunraysia Vs. Ovens & Murray
Played – 12 – Sun 10 wins – OM 2
Ave Pts - Sun 4.67 – OM 2.33
Shepparton Vs. Ballarat
Played – 25 – Shep 11 wins, Ball 14
Ave Pts – Shep 3.42 – Ball 3.58
Latrobe Valley Vs. Albury
Played – 27 – LV 14 wins – Alb 13
Ave Pts – LV 3.43 – Alb 3.57
Colac Vs. Warrnambool
Played – 48 – Col 30 wins, Warr 18
Ave Pts – Col 3.94 – Warr 3.06
Bendigo Vs. Geelong
Played – 25 – Ben 7 wins – Geel 18
Ave Pts - Ben 2.67 – Geel 4.33

Seven male bowlers have bowled every Country Cup since the last time CCup was in Sale in 1996. Five are from Colac -- name the other two (both are listed to bowl this year)
Correct --- You are no fun Woza -- or was that just too easy!!

(trying to get things happening on here -- only a couple of weeks away and all has gone pretty quiet - everyone must be too nervous to talk?)

What are the lowest individual games recorded Male and Female (i won't mention any names)

How about "highest game by a lefty?"
How about "highest game by a lefty?"

Sale....Bill Guarantini........289

I think memory's a bit hazy
I have a better Quiz Question for ya gary

Which Centre and Bowler holds the record for most cans drunk on the bus to a Country Cup...( BY Rumor Only Of Course)
Well here it is the unofficial, unofficial Friday evening welcome to Sale for dinner and:drinking: . Opps i dont think were allowed that are we?
The venue: Star Hotel
Prices range from $16-$25 meals, and real good tucker at that.
Please let me know by end off week how many want to come from your centre, if you dont want the managers to know PM me or invite them too.;) :rolleyes:
The sooner I get the numbers the earlier I can make sure we get enough seats.
See ya all there
Top of the class Mattie - well done

Kev - don't have stats on that one - but i am guessing it would be a long trip -- probably Mildura to somewhere.....

Stephen Hay would have gone close last year -- he was in bed by 7.30pm last year after a 9.30am start.
80 For the men !!

Come on Gary who was it, actaully was it a sale or ballarat bowler ?

Stephy did'nt look good on the Saturday Morn Did He
It was both Ballarat and Bairnsdale in 2003 i believe!!

and the 77 from a female was a latrobe vallian!!!

is that right gazza???
With two weeks to go, I'll try and start a sub-topic.

Last year (on the Sunday of Country Cup in Bendigo), we decided to award two balls to the high average for the tournament.
We also pledged to sponsor the tournament for five years. The original award has been revised to a point score champion. This is a combination of points won and average. If you average 200 and win 10 games, you get 200+(10x4points for each win)= 240 points. a 192 average and 15 wins = 192+(15x4)=252 points.

Point is, you can win this award without making all stars.

So to all the fearless predictors and statisticians. Ante up guys. Who will win this award in Sale?

We are donating trophies and two Columbia 300 Wrath SF Balls.

I'm interested to see who's name gets put up.

Good luck to all.
David McEwan
It was both Ballarat and Bairnsdale in 2003 i believe!!
and the 77 from a female was a latrobe vallian!!!
is that right gazza???
Spot on Mattie -- very good memory -- although i doubt you "remember" the 77 because it happened in 1981 probably before you were even born!
Sorry guys but Natalie Shelley isn't bowling Country Cup. She was selected in the team but will be on placement for uni in Sydney and can't get the time off.

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