
Hahaha, well i aint good, my average atm is like an embarrassing 163! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Heya guys,

Well my average has been a soring 220 for the past 12 weeks in league and 212 and 205 in my others i've been really accurate lately so i think thats why anyway

But it really doesn't matter what your avg is cause you can always improve on it i have and look at whats happened

catch you people later and see you's in BLACKTOWN for the SHOWDOWN

my averages at the moment are 171 in teams and 170 in junior doubles... improving to my likeing :lol: :lol: :lol:
My average is 171 in Teams, & 176 in singles, & climbing. 176, has been held for about 5 months, only changes about 1 or 2 pins either way.

Good Luck & High Scoring
i average about 189 in doubles.
about 210 in tournies though, i seem to improve in them big time.

Hey everyone,
Heres a good one for you and try to figure this out. Were 3 quarters the way through my winter league, averaging about 182 right, brought up from an abyssmal 159 to start ey. Well, i started the sport league they have over here, non-sanctioned, and im averaging just between 210 and 220 for the first two weeks. I cant bowl on a house shote but torching the sport, i need a swift kick in the arse if you ask me :p Ttys everyone, take care :)


Danny G
hey guys, I havent been bowling much coz i broke my foot but my ave is now, 174..or something. Its around that anyway. So everyone be good! :)

Debra xxoxoxx
hey playmateboob ... a good bowler is not rated on how high their average is ... there is also sportsman ship and attitude that takes into account ... dont put yourslef down just because there are others out there that are averaging 200 ... just keep your head high and bowl the best you can ... i only average 171 in league but i am representing victoria in presidents shield ... anything can happen and if you set your mind to it you can do anything ... give it a go champ
My avgs are 181 and 174. I bowled in the same league last yr and had a 174 avg at the end and since the new league started ive been bowling 580-640 series' and the league has been on for 6 weeks. When will the avgs change??? :?
Lozz ('' said:
....since the new league started ive been bowling 580-640 series' and the league has been on for 6 weeks. When will the avgs change??? :?

Should change after your 4th week (12 games), then weekly after that.
207 at Chadstone. We're only 2 weeks in though, so i'm sure a drop is inevitable! :oops:
204 and 209. I'm done in one league but I'd like to add to my 209.
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