
  • Thread starter USABowlerPennsylvania
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Sorry bowlers of Australia l must clarify a couple of statements with everybodys man of the moment Derick.

1. That 158 l was talking about was average for ten games on a flat condition at Caboolture on of the easiest centres in QLD.

2. Yes Derick l have bowled at Nerang for many years.

3. This is not a personal attack on Derick.

4. From good sources l hear the lanes are rooted and if only the Gold Coast Assoc new how to measure the lanes and the pins then nothing would be sanctioned AT ALL.

5. It takes great mental ability to bowl 24 straight strikes so congrates on that.

6. Derick l dont think that you average 205 in intercentres that would make you the No.1 jnr on the Coast.

7. Oh l forgot to tell you that l've been in the SQ team before and might l say we WON :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well l hope this answers your problems

P.S/ Derick if you want to match yourself against real bowlers start to bowl against adults or are you too good for use Trent and Nick arn't.

Regards GOHAN
i've never bowled at cabooltrue and i have never set foot in there!!!!! and who said i'm the number one jnr on the gold coast???? that thought has never come across my mind! why is it that my averages arnt legitimate? is it because the lanes are apparently too short or the pins too light? and if this is the case, and you bowl at nerang as you say, would you say that your average is legitimate or not?
well all i can say is Gohan, have you got nothing better to do than bag out other bowlers?
Regardless of what you think the lane condition at nerang is, Derek bowled BACK TO BACK 300's. Thats 24 strikes in a row! How many people can say they have done this? and at 15 years of age??? It is a great effort!
I have bowled a 300 (although i didnt deserve it - a few rough shots) BUT my point is, i was weak at the knees! I have been bowling for nearly 10 years now! It takes great mental ability to be able to bowl 24 strikes in a row!!! Have you done it???
I agree with whoever commented on Caboolutures lanes. For a while there they were 'the easiest lanes around', were any back to back 300's bowled????

Derek, ignore his comments it comes down to one thing... JEALOUSY
To bowl a 300 and back it up with another is amazing. And then to bowl another 3 within a couple of months is awesome! Sorry but their has to be some kind of ability there, whether the lanes were easy or not!!!!!

And why, if he averages 205 in intercentre does he have to be number one on the coast??? It has happened before!

Anyway again Derek, well done and keep up the good bowling. Hope you stick to it and go far which I am sure you will
i am wit froggy all the way, derek you are great you are the only one is aus to do back to back, this is great. gohan grow the F%$k up and stop trying to demote derek, be happy for him he is a great bowler. derek dont worry bout him, he is not a bowler if he cant be happy for you when you are bowling the way you are. keep it up mate and we will show him why you deserve respect.

Well who said l was a HIM :?:

But its good to see all these jnr bowlers coming to your side Derick.

Hey Strazz kiss kiss. :oops: :oops:

Its good too see that you have a lot of friends Derick.

Maybe one day l'll be one of them.

Hey totalbowling fans isn't good to have a bit of good old banter and fun l just did this to get you all wound up, (it worked) my job here is done for now if you believe me :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
ok umm anyways.. this subject is about averages not whether or not if derek makes it for being a bowler or not .. cuz he is just like every one else and his just been recognised... so back on to the averages ..... mines still 165 :roll:
gohan no one would believe the stuff you say after all this, grow up ppl around everywhere will support derek, they dont have to be juniors to know that he has got talent, why are you singleing him out, just becuase you cant keep up with him. he is a great bowler. and kiss kiss wat is that supposed to mean, grow up dude you are acting like a little kid respect ppl for there accomplishments no matter wat you think of them personally.

hey hey ppls this is my averages if you wanna know, 123 131 125, ahahahha jokes, my averages are 205 201 203 and 199, so yeah thats me


One of these days we will join together. Even though me and you basically carry the same averages, you should come to the states and try to take on these condition! LOL, j/p. Strazz, get back online!!!

BTW, silly lil forum we have goin on here! "Averages" do not define a bowler's skill, on the bowler defines his/her skill. "Averages" simply define what he/she are bowling at that particular house/houses.
Derek deserves all the support in the world, throwing back to back 300's and a phenominal series like he did deserves to be commended. Reguardless of the conditions it takes a good deal of mental discipline to string together that many without loosing your cool. Having said that, i think a few people are seriously flying off the handle, the conditions are most definately high scoring, the conditions are leaving you with a greater margin of error. Most people in here would not be old enough to remember (or have not been told) the same debate that occured when reactives were bought into the game. Even recently with a great deal of people complaining that the new proactives were damaging lane surfaces, it always happens. As for the quote about the conditions and regulations, when was the last time you saw a controlling body schedule lane inspections? i remember the topic of it being thrown around a few years back with industry members trying to work out a solution to the evident problem that was occuring with 'walled shots'. Just what is required these days for sanctioning?

I totally agree with you on that. Derek should be commended on his series, a great series at that. I also, myself, shot 2 300's in a row, but was not my highe series :(
As for the lane inspections, our lanes aroudn Philadelphia, Pennsylvania get roudn the clock checks ever month to determine the cubic size of oil blocks, the condition of the lanes for LEAGUE adn TOURNAMENTS, and the house priorities and balances. Im sorry, but i do not have a say in what goes on over there, i really would know know :p
Regulations are very important these days in bowling alleys, especially the wooden ones. Synthetics are jsut as important, but can withstand mahy hits before any kind of dent occurs, and that is next to impossible. Wooden, however, need to be resurfaced once to twice a year. Tedious and expensive job at that.
Well gentlemen and ladies, i will be aroudn checking your forum posts, i hope i have not caused to much babble! 8)
Take care and GOOD LUCK BOWLING.
well back to the averages. :)

My two league averages are 188 and 223. :)

Having an extreamly bad run on my 188 league. Have not bowled over average in the last 8 weeks, bar once, And the fact its a scratch singles league makes it really hurt. Gone from 4th to 12th in 8 weeks. :(
Back to Aveages

Considering the fact this sparks another converstaion within AVERAGES, i will say that HOW CAN U AVERAGE HIGH AND LOW? Its ok though, i knwo the feeling of bowlign inconsistent. AKA, my last tournament (Games=231-175-267-158-169) HAHA, have your laughs. lol. All good. Chucky, what wis wrogn with the lanes on those days?
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