averages and how long you have been bowling

hey hey it patrick here..
i been bowling for ages now.. since umm... decemberish 92. i am currently rockin it on a 161 average!! LOL but i have held a 205 average for over 6 months not too long ago.

but wot does every1 think? does it really matter what your league average is? i was averaging 160 when i went to the schools roll offs and still averaged 200ish in the tournament... for some reason league just doesnt interest me anymore, but as soon as i hit a tournament.. watchout!

anyway shuddup patrick... hehe cyas
Sorry bout my last post, wasn't really with it. my bday is in august, not march.
Hey all...
I've been bowling for about 1 and a half years now but my average is only 175 or something around that...
heya well i have been in bowlin ever since i can member...my mum started when she was 16 den got me sis into it den when i was nearlly 5 she put me into my 1st leauge i had about a 40 ave...im 14 soon n i love bowlin i have just started fingrtip after doin east coast yr..so my aves have dropped i can thanks cameron jenkins 4 that hehehehe he is my coach!! my ave at keon park in bout 162 werribee 163 and sunshine hahah (153)!!!
bye bye!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hercules:

but wot does every1 think? does it really matter what your league average is?

I agree Pat
League isn't that exciting, I usually go better at tournaments.

But it goes both ways. Some people average 200 at their home centre easy and bowl 170's away but others average 170 at their centre which may just be a hard centre and average 30 more away. So in conclusion i think NO, League averages don't mean much.

lol. Hows that Pat?

heya jess and pat
i agree wif ya's too
i usually bowl betta when im away at tournaments
but i think ur league average helps you out though
if you bowl a high league average then you know you can make that in a tounament and it makes you work harder if ur dropping inder that

does that make sense??
cheers luv shellby
I think everyone bowls better in tournaments because the lane conditions are totally different to what they're like in league. My highest average at the moment is 166. Which is pretty disappointing considerin I started the year with a 171 average. My highest series is 593. Which was last year.
hey. well ive been bowling moast of my life, but only seriously for about 6 years. i hold an average of about 180. 195 in touraments though.

catch ya later
1998 first started on a 71ave finshed with a 99ave.
2001 finished with a 192ave and now in 2002 so far a 204ave.
1998 i was 12years old, now i am 16.

Craig Mccloskey Caboolture
well i've been bowling for not even a year yet lol, my current league average is 144 which is an improvement on last seasons average of 113
hehe my highest game is 176 and by the end of the year i hope to have bowled a 200 game lol good luck to me haha
luv Em
you'll make it there easy em, just dont try and force it to happen just let it come itself and you will do it easy
Well I have been bowling since I was 5 and now I am 22 this year.......so that makes it 17years this year.

I currently hold an average of 198
I started bowling in 98. My first average was 55 (hehhee) but I ended the season with a 142 ave. Now it's about 175-185.
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