2002 Super 8 series ???

Another possible format not sure if it the best possible way of doing it but what about a tennis style format? Say maximum of 5 games against an oponent or 3 whatever so each game would count as a set. There could still be a "cut" say after 8 games of qualifying then top 40 or half the field cut and top seed plays last etc. Makes the final cut smaller and smaller after every stage reducing the game costs etc. Makes every game count in the cut but if you have not got anything to play with on the pair you still have a chance to try and find something and win the next game etc. Just an idea.
Just a suggestion when working out some type of calendar,don't forget to take into account some of the Junior tournaments such as Nationals as quite a few adults attend these and therefore cannot make their own tournaments. I also agree that you have to look at making it more appealing to those that don't make the cut as often as some, at most tournament you can pretty well tell at least half of the people that will make the cut before bowling has even started so some incentive for those less confident will keep them coming back or possibly travelling to other places where they normally wouldn't.

Just my thoughts,
I agree that some different formats need to be tried, but I don't agree with the 12 games pinfall on the SAunday morning then to the stepladder. That was tried at the Manhattan Superclassic and it felt flat. Their was nothing to get the prople into it at all. it felt like another qualifying squad. I felt for one like I hadn't made the cut until I got to the stepladder. It really was quite boring. I would suggest that for the long weekend tournies we should look at the format the PBA uses, ie 6 games matchplay - 3 hour break, condition the lanes, another 6 games, come back next day, have another 6 games of matchplay, THEN cut to the stepladder.

I for one love matchplay, especially the long formats, cos I am fit enuff to go the distance. OK, I admit I don't turn the cover off the ball, so I think this would be a fair compromise - it gives the long format and it gives the guys who give it some the chance to bowl on a fresh condition so their shot holds up (so does mine incidentally).

For the 2 dayers, maybe 2 cuts for the top 20 in 2 divisions 1, 3, 5, 7, to 19th in one division and 2, 4, 6, 8, to 20th in second division, the top 2 from each division make the stepladder. Advantage - short matchplay format that give a sizeable no of bowlers a chance to compete for the top dollars.

Yes, I am a big fan of matchplay and I think it is an integral part of tournament play and it DOES get people in to watch, especially compared to qualifying.
An idea.......

we need formatts tat people like!....we need something new to make teh sport look different and to attract crowds.
Ive been bowling for my whole life and personaly i cant stand to watch 30 games of bowling in a row all day!..... to attract crowds and new bowlers some new formatt should be set up.....im no formatt professional but does anyone have some ideas on this subject.....!
i know tere must be heaps of us bowlers out there who would like to see a kind a formatt that is new extremly competitve and attractive!!!!!!!!!!!

let me hear the tunes of ur thoughts people!
make me dance!!!!!
Yes change the formats.Here's one for you pilko.A format like the world cup in soccer.
Get as many entries as can,short qualifing (6 or 8 games) then cut to top 64.Pool them into 16 groups of 4.Pools would go like (1st qualifier,17,33,49).They would compete in a 3 game elimination lowest game drops out until your left with 16.Then pool1 vs pool16,pool 2vs pool 15 and so on in one game .Then onto 1/4,semies and final.
Its only a very rough idea.I have more but need to work out costs and prize funds.
Tony Hamilton
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by George:
# Having TV finals for all tournaments, doing it the cheap way instead of asking a TV station to fork out a huge expense (there is a way, I"ll mention it later).

George - I think you will find AMF have already been doing it on the cheap - the camera there for the Aus Open weren't a TV crew, and all commentary was done after the event. They then pay a TV station to show the shows. That's my understanding of how it is done.
and people wonder why bowling isn't consider a sport !! just look at the replys coming in guys don't want to bowl more then 8 games because it is to hard the lanes change or they might hurt themself, lets start the days later we need to be able to socialize and see the city.

if you guys want bowling to be consider a pro sport then it is about time you all started to think like pro's , if you go to a tournament to bowl then thats what you are there to do if it means having an early night so you can get to the bowl on time so be it, do u think the guys on the pga tour like tiger woods enjoy teeing off at 6 am and remember they would be there at least an hour earlier to warm up!!

as for not bowling as many games i think all qualifing should be 12-16 games and let the condition change lets bring some skill and talent,fitness back into the game and lets see who knows how to handle the lanes when they break down.6 -8 game qualifing blocks are great for the new equipment and the condition doesnt have time to change so you get lined up and we end up with a carry contest !!
tournaments need to be a test of skill and the best bowler should win not just a carry contest !!

well that should be enough to get me into trouble just remember if you want to be treated like pro's start acting like pro's !!
Here is my two bits!!

Why doesn't a centre bite the bullet and adopt a format from the pba?The whole works,condition,qualifying ,matchplay and step ladder.Oh that's right no-one wants to or most of the tournament bowlers will stay away because of change.As has been mentioned a lot of the skill i use to witness has all but disappeared.Why?Well anyone joe blow can go and buy the latest thing on the market and average 200+.What happened adjusting and finding different ways to the pocket,oh that is right nearly everyone wants to stand in the same spot,throw to their area and switch off.Guess what that is BORING!!!!
To bring back the fringe tournament bowlers the scores need to come back to reality.I sure as hell know that while you need to average 220+ in(most tournaments)I won't be parting with entry fees.My views on the Super Series,Keep it at six(as mentioned earlier ,one every two months gives people time to save for expenses)Have a min.oil length, E.G.double oil to 28ft buff to whatever gutter to gutter.Set up stadium seating for the stepladder finals,It used to be done for the coca-cola classic when it was televised.So why can't it be done in the present?
Till next time
Just a few points for my Queensland friend:

A pro bowler attempts to earn most if not all his income from bowling tournaments.

Bowling in Australia is a social sport for which we have many (but we need many more) weekend warriors as I call them. Buddy I would love to have a pro tour here in Aust but it just ain't going to happen. We need to make tournaments places where more bowlers and spectators want to be to involved, and that includes the chance to sit around and have a couple of beers with them, talk the bowling talk and make people feel special. Bro that ain't happening if we don't finish bowling until 9pm and then back up at 8am the next day. Nobody ain't talking to anyone...thats the problem.

A pro bowler NEVER and can I repeat that, is NEVER subjected to throw the ball 21-24 games in a day. Furthermore he normally would not bowl that many in two days. Mate we are laughed at overseas when told how many games we play in a day. Does that make us more athletic than them. No just plain silly.

See what we have made bowling in this country is a game of who can outlast everyone else. Who has the power to heave the ball down the lane after 20 games. I think it's the Aussie macho image that has dictated this over the past 3 decades. She'll be right mate just throw it harder.

Bowling is a game of rythm, balance and a repeatable swing, coupled with a mental game to work out the mysteries of the lane condition. They don't make clay shooters concentrate for 6 hours straight, nor guys doing archery. The rest of the world has worked out that these componets work together with a lane condition that can only be fair at best for 12 games. The PRO's worked out that these componets only work for 8 game stints.

Just thought I would clarify my earlier post for your benefit.
Hey Every1,

I agree with everything Frawls has said!!

He is right on the mark. There is never going to be a 'Pro Circuit' in Australia because there just isn't enough bowlers or money to establish this. We need to encourage more of the 'part time' tournament bowlers to bowl more tournaments and try to make the tournament enviroment as social as possible to encourage bowlers and spectators alike back again - and more often.

This will only happen thorugh incentives, new ideas and new formats and tournaments that are run well.

Just my two bobs worth ....
Off the format of tournaments for a minute.
Gerald Cox mentions that to bring back the fringe bowlers that scores need to come back to reality. At the moment most tournaments cuts are between an average of 210-220 and the 180-190 average bowlers are still out of the top 30 (some might be lucky and make a cut). I'am not saying that it has to be done, but if you make the condition harder which the tournaments cuts drop to between an average of 200-210 then your fringe bowlers (the 180-190 averages) will drop in average and still be out of the top 30.
The fringe bowlers need to improve their game in both the physical and mental game areas.
For them to improve they need to enter the tournaments reguardless of what the condition is, to gain experience so they can learn how to read different conditions and bowl under pressure.
The more tournaments they bowl, the more experience and knowledge of the game they will gain.
There are bowlers out there that continue to soldier on tournament after tournament, trying and trying to make that cut. The fringe bowlers need to be coached and to practice and practice in gaining to make that cut.
A stupid suggestion..... Wildcard entries, take the top 24, and put 4-8 extra in to make a 28-32 cut with wild card entries, wether you base it on highest score out of non-cutters, or just random choice, maybe this could convince bowlers to go to these torn's who have the 180-190 odd average, knowing that they could make the cut, and possibly have a good run.... I know I have had a good run before, fluking an entry into our centre open masters when I had an average of 160, and managed to hold a 199av during qualifing.....

a suggestion... think of it as you will
Jeff, I would have to disagree with your comments totally, how can you expect conditions to hold up for 16 games of qualifying with the equipment that is around today. Frawls hit the nail on the head by saying that tournaments these days are not won by ppl with the most to offer but those who can outlast the others whether that be somewho can pelt the living ****e out of a ball down the lane or a lefthander. You state that we should have formats like that pros do, can you imagine holding a tournament running over 4-5 days every couple of months? I dont know many ppl that could afford to have that time off work. Besides that point, do you really think that they would play anymore than 8 games a day? and if they do they might play 8 in the morning have approx 4 hour or so break n then play another 8, even their qualifying is in 6-8 game blocks b4 reoiling. Do you honestly think that by bowling 16 or up to 24 games in a day that it will be the condition that dictates who wins and not the bowlers? How could anyone expect the oil to hold up for that amount of games. Frawls is also correct in the fact we get laughed at for bowling such long formats. You go overseas and ppl ask, why would u want to bowl so many games for? Straight out, they think we are mad. You go and look at the formats for any top rated tournament in the world and find one where they play ten gazillion games a day.

Back to the original topic, I think the 6 should stay as 6 tournies for the year, but spread a bit better. There are still many other tournies to enter if bowlers wanted to. I do think some different formats need to be explored. But I guess if AMF listen to anything at all, it would have to be a collective effort of ideas from actual bowlers. They listened when we said we wanted fewer tournaments with more money involved. I also believe that if we can get shorter formats happening it can help to eliminate the poor conditions we face at the end of a tournament. I for one thought that for NSW, the shot, scoring wise for both sides was consistant. But over 50000000 games on the day it was always going to be another lefthanded victory.

best be going so adios.
I spoke with Tony Goodwin at NSW Open and the situation currently looks like this : a Super Six for 2002 - with the tournaments being spread out over a wider period. AMF are unsure at this stage whether the same 6 events will be held or whether one will be dropped.

I will talk with Tony again at SPC and hopefully he will have more answers (there is an AMF meeting this week)
hi mick i think you missed the point i was trying to make , i dont won't the condition to hold up let it break down lets bring skill back into the game , the best tournament this year has been koolfoam i think , alot of people will disagree but i thought the condition was fair on both sides and the bowler with the most skill and talent won!!!
BFCC, I don't think Mick missed the point at all. Koolfoam condition was a mistake and since then has been corrected at both the NSW and Canberra Opens. Koolfoam was a speed contest, the winner bowling on an untouched side with no revs and a mild ball. There is nothing challenging about bowling at 35km/h, IT IS RIDICULOUS. Don't get me wrong, on a long oil pattern Cara still probably would have won.

Using the the word "FAIR" for the Koolfoam condition is technically correct because both left handers and right handers had to bowl on the same condition. However, the pattern layed down was a problem. It forced people to bowl twice as fast as they usually did which does nothing for the sport except cause injuries.

Hence why the formation of companies such as " Foundation 300 ". They are developing conditions that are fair and playable for both sides all through out the world. You can ask Tim Mack what he thought of the lanes and I'll bet you he'll say they are the driest lanes he has EVER bowled on anywhere in the world.

Let me see if I understand what you are trying to say

* Koolfoam was a fair condition
* The conditions as the Koolfoam were playable
* We should all bowl 20 games per day because the sport is about fitness and skill and the ability to adjust during 20 games of bowling 8 hours.

I'm sorry Jeff but you are losing the plot, this is not what the sport is about at all. How about you research some International Tournaments and see how many games they bowl per day.

I know this is a forum and you are expressing your opinion, I choose to vehemently disagree with you.
Just a few questions.
1/Which tournament in recent history has had 20 games in one day?
2/Why does everyone seem scared to bowl more than 8 games in one day?
3/Why does it seem that no-one wishes to be challenged by a lane condition?
One last thing I didn't see Bfcc mention anything about bowling 20 games in one day,in his post!!!!!!12-16 was the amount if anyone had bothered reading the post.
To csp yes I do practice, no I don't need a coach (video camera is good enough),no I cannot enter tournaments just for the hell of it.Lastly if the scores were brought back to reality the bowlers who were averaging 180-190 would probably fall back to their actual average,THEN they would be able to see where their game needs improvement!Just something to think about!!!

Am I missing the point, or is your first question meant to be a "trick" question?

The Mens' Division of the 2001 New South Wales Open bowled at Bankstown just last weekend had at least 21 games on Day 2 (August 5) for all 16 bowlers who made the Matchplay cut. This was comprised of 6 games in Stage 2 Qualifying plus 15 games of Matchplay. Matt Francis (1st) then bowled a further 3 games in the Step Ladder Final, bringing his total for the day to 24 games. Andrew Lloyd (2nd) and Ron Voukolos (3rd) bowled 23 and 22 games, respectively, for the day.

Closer to home, the 2001 Koolfoam Queensland Cup also had a minimum of 21 games on Day 2 (February 25) for the 16 bowlers (2 Ladies and 14 Men) who made it through to Matchplay. Scott Sadler and Billy Gardiner, who finished second and third behind Cara Honeychurch (22 games), lifted their Day 2 tally to 23 and 22 games, respectively with the Step Ladder.

The 2001 Australian Open at Sunshine involved 19 games of Matchplay for the 20 Finalists on Day 3 (April 16). Brenton Davy (2nd) then fronted-up for another 3 games in the televised Step Ladder Final (a total of 22 games for the day) and Rod Stewart (5th), Michael Little (4th), Christian Purdue (3rd)and Cara (1st) each lifted their tally to 20 games for the day.

The 2001 Canberra Open, also involved a minimum of 21 games on Day 2 (May 20) for the 16 Matchplay Finalist plus two more for Jarrod Lean (2nd) in the Step Ladder and one more for each of George Frillingos (1st) and Brenton Davy (3rd).

Frankly, I think that bowling 20 plus games in one day is far too much, regardless of how physically and mentally fit a bowler is.

I don't think "anyone" can answer your second and third questions because both contain an incorrect proposition.

It is simply not correct to claim that "everyone seems scared to bowl more than 8 games in one day". Many of the guys and gals that actually get out and bowl in the big National Tournaments are quite happy to bowl 12 games in a day, and some have no problem with 16 games a day. There is, however, a big difference between 12 games and 21 games and that, inter alia, is what many of the National Circuit Tournament bowlers are complaining about.

Nor is it correct to imply that "no-one wishes to be challenged by a lane condition". Most, if not all, of the National Circuit Tournament bowlers relish the challenge, PROVIDED a proper condition has been laid down to begin with. I agree with George, the 2001 Koolfoam (Mt Gravatt) was NOT a proper condition and neither was the one used for the first two weeks of the Junior Nationals at Mt Gravatt until Andrew Frawley "fixed" the oiling machine.

Finally, what BFCC wrote was that "all qualifying should be 12-16 games". The biggest concern many bowlers have with the present Super 6 arrangements is the excessively high number of games that have to be bowled in the Stage 2 qualifying (what Frawls calls the semi-final) AND/OR Matchplay on the "Money Day".
No it wasn't a trick question.I probably didn't word it properly,was in regards to qualifying.Maybe the format for matchplay needs to be changed???
My other questions still stand in regards to the posts made in reply to bfcc's.I only used the word "EVERYONE" as a broad analysis from what i have read here on the forum.
till next time
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