What does this mean??

I understand what you're saying Joe. It's just that from past experiences in the USA, I've found that whenever the proprietors have the deciding vote in running things, it's the bowlers who end being the sacrificial lambs. And the way AMF has treated it's league bowlers, I just don't trust them.

Be careful what you wish for. (go with Wayne here) Roy is AMF's representative on the board, also works for Macquarie. Just who would be controlling TBA? AMF, no because it is owned by Macquarie. Lets just suppose Macquarie gets control. They could turn around and say all state and Nationals will be bowled at AMF centres. Let’s face it he who has the money has control. They require double to triple the corporate dollar back for every dollar they put in.

Lets leave the running in the hands of people who want to see bowling grow and to treat all bowlers with respect. This something that is missing at present and will certainly be missing if a corporation takes control.

This is only food for thought and not to be taken literally.
wouldn't it be nice if the TBAL had the same ideology as AMF to triple the $ they get in instaid of squandering over $100.000 on non performers & trips to ?
wouldn't it be nice with the $ they received they spent it on school programs to promote the sport, lobby the education dept to involve the schools in participating in training sessions after schools
approach bowling centres to perhaps charge a small fee to the bowlers so they can train after school i am sure most centres would be more than willing to be part of this as it would mean more future business in league growth, pro shop sales, cafe revenue, more social play & a lot more
major companies can be approached to fund bowling scholarships
use the rep players give junior clinics
SIMPLY THIS BOARD IS TIRED & LAZY THEY TAKE THE EASY WAY & some of the previous members would be a waste of time THEY HAD THEIR CHANCE BLEW IT & GOT OUT
start fresh don't recycle failed members
So the big question is how do we replace the present board with people who actually might take the sport of Tenpins forward into a NEW era.:rolleyes:
Maybe the TBA (well members) should towards the A League Model.
We have great Aussie bowlers showing the world that we have the talent (as did the Aussies getting into the World Cup).... Maybe the inspiration or remodel should be based on the new ( a fews years old) Football A League board and model!! Just my 2 bobs worth.
I agree there needs to be change here. but from being on committees and seeing changes before the big issues is finding people to fill the board.

Every one preaches for change of the board and a new agenda. But when it comes to people for the new board and standing for positions things generally turn to a ghost town. No one actually wants to put the effort in and be on the board to make the changes. they all want some one else to do it for them.

Thats the issue i see.
I have the time, knowledge, and experience in this game. I'd cherish the opportunity to serve on the TBA board in some capacity.

[wouldn't it be nice if the TBAL had the same ideology as AMF to triple the $ they get in instaid of squandering over $100.000 on non performers & trips to ?
wouldn't it be nice with the $ they received they spent it on school programs to promote the sport, lobby the education dept to involve the schools in participating in training sessions after schools
approach bowling centres to perhaps charge a small fee to the bowlers so they can train after school i am sure most centres would be more than willing to be part of this as it would mean more future business in league growth, pro shop sales, cafe revenue, more social play & a lot more
major companies can be approached to fund bowling scholarships
use the rep players give junior clinics
SIMPLY THIS BOARD IS TIRED & LAZY THEY TAKE THE EASY WAY & some of the previous members would be a waste of time THEY HAD THEIR CHANCE BLEW IT & GOT OUT
start fresh don't recycle failed members]

I want to give you a reply to your post Rambo as I think there is a great deal of misunderstanding by you and others.
There are school programmes running, and in the past I have talked with the supervising school teachers and given them information on getting the students to take part in tenpin bowling as a sport, and how far they can progress. The teachers I spoke to had no idea that tenpin bowling was so competitive.
The problem with after school activities is that 90% of parents with school age children work, and they are not around to do the drop off and pick up required.
Don't you think the proprietors should be the people introducing the school programmes? They are the direct beneficiaries of the income. The proprietors are running a business - they should be promoting the game in every way possible to increase their turnover. I think that TBA are supporting the proprietors and vice versa.
I agree that TBA should triple their membership fee - then they have better funds to provide the services we all think they should be providing. Look around at other sporting clubs - you will see their membership fees are triple what we pay.
I would assume that Government funding is only provided to use in specific areas - like coaching. I am sure it is not for paying for trips overseas for competitive bowlers. Generally speaking the trips overseas are self-funded.
Sure - use the rep players to give clinics after school, but there is a lot of red tape regarding supervision of children these days, ask any coach what they have to pay for themselves to get a "blue card" before they can start coach a child. So while a lot of people might be very willing to share their knowledge and experience, its not that easy. Anyway most of the rep players have full time jobs and are not available at 3pm.
As for "the board being tired and lazy" I think that is a very lame remark to make. With the exception of the CEO, none of the board get paid by TBA, they are all volunteers. Put yourself in their shoes, if you volunteer to help with the administration of our sport and everybody starts to turn against you, making nasty comments and unkind criticism, how would you feel?
Maybe you have just had a bad day at work, you go home to family problems to sort out and the household duties, then you have to do a couple of hours work on the phone or the computer for TBA - its not such a good life is it? A thankless task at present with everybody whinging- not a lot of job satisfaction in that.
I dont see many of us offering to help out - all we do is sit back and criticise. That's why we are "recycling old board members" - no one else has come forward.
Its not just at national level either, the old "tall poppy" syndrome is still out there - alive and kicking at all levels. Its all about ego. Soon as somebody appears on a board or committee - the comments start "who do they think they are? how did they get on the board", etc.
Dont misunderstand me here, I am not on the board and never have been, I am just sitting on the wall making comments like everybody else, but there is always 2 sides to a story and at present the majority of posts are very negative and one sided.
The few TBA board members/volunteers are busy running the Nationals you know, I doubt they get time to read Total Bowling.
I would recommend to TBA that they look across the Tasman and at the structure of TBNZ. The NZ national body went through a complete overhaul a few years ago and are now going from strength to strength.
I reckon that communication is the key - and I dont think TBA has a membership data base to work from. Isnt our membership managed by the centres?
Lets be proactive - not destructive. Can we offer constructive criticism from now on instead of doing a demolition job on our national body and let us see some people stand up and offer assistance.
How can we possibly get sponsorship for anything while we are all seen to be in disharmony. United we stand - divided we fall, and fall we will if we dont get our act together.
what a terrific post Little Weed, it sums it up in a nutshell. instead of criticising those willing to volunteer their time and effort to have a go at making our wonderful sport better we should be getting in and helping by asking what can we do to make there volunteer work easier and as a result our sport better.

there seems to be plenty of people out there willing to kick the **** out of those who have put their hands up to have a go but not too many willing to get in and have a go themselves.

there are thousands of ideas posted by people on total bowling yet how many get in and turn these ideas into reality.

if we all worked together for the common good of this great sport instead of beating up everyone who at least is having a go our sport would be much better than it currently is.

as a sideline, this thread started with a job advertisement for TBA CEO i have it on good authority that Alex's contract is due to expire and the position is open for application by all and sundry including Alex. but given the head kicking he cops i would not blame him for not reapplying.
no disrespect to you little weed, but i do know what i am talking about i have been a manager & a saccessful one, i have been giving my time upto 15 hours a week (no charge) coaching for the past 27 years i have coached several people who have made the highest level in bowling, the present nnsw boys president shield team is made up from the kids i coach except for one, i was the president of the local association for many years & i had reason to communicate with different members of the board
no there are not school programs bowling is a school sport & we as managers do contact the schools to do bowling for sport
the programs i am talking about shoud be initiated by the tbal eg:coaching programs
they are tired & lazy
Apologies if I dented your ego Rambo, I really did not need to see your CV to determine that you are a truly wonderful person.
Incidentally, have a chat to Gail Torrens in Queensland. I am sure she can tell you about the school programmes she has spent considerable time developing. (Queensland is a little to the north of you, by the way.)
I do not wish to bore you with my CV as I have only been bowling for 25 years and my service to AMF was in a lowly marketing type role. I can assure you however that Richlands Bowl did, and probably still does, have a good schools programme supported by TBA certified coaches.
While I have noted that you know your stuff - is it possible your information may be a little out of date?
Give credit where it is due - TBAQ is certainly not needing any remedy for tiredness and they are a branch of TBA. The other states, including NSW, should be following their example dont you think?:p
Anyway, that's enough of that. Let's put the past behind us and move forward.
Gail Torrens has very little involvement with the TBAQ Schools program. Kelly Warren is the driver of Schools programs in Queensland. Gail is the State Coach.
Accredited? Do you even believe in accreditation for coaches Rambo?
I think you have had a problem with TBA for many years so even in 'the old days' you weren't happy with them?
You had the chance to help NSW TBA but came up against some sh** & decided to jump ship..... it can get pretty hot in the kitchen & it is hard to take criticism when you are doing the best job you can & doing it for free... you should know how it feels so i think your criticism is very unfair!
Ok Ok Ok
Some state branches maybe doing school programs but not ALL.
As per TBA Constitution
The objects of the Company are: a) to foster and promote the sport of Bowling; b) to foster good fellowship among bowlers and to advance the mutual interest of bowlers; c) to discourage and prevent practices or activities likely to be detrimental to Bowling or to the interests of bowlers; d) to sponsor, encourage and assist in the formation of Bowling associations, leagues, centres and other Bowling organisations; e) to disseminate information to bowlers, associations, leagues, centres and other Bowling organisations; f) to publicise Bowling; g) to establish and maintain uniformity and high standards of Bowling; h) to represent bowlers and their interests in dealings with governments, public and authorities and other sporting associations and in the community generally; i) to sponsor, promote and conduct Bowling tournaments, contests, matches and exhibitions both within and outside Australia; and j) to establish a club for the purpose of providing recreational facilities for Bowling, social intercourse and literary and other lawful pursuits.

A part from (the wonderful World Wide Web) turning up to my local league for the last 5 years I've personally heard nothing from the TBA except via the local alley that asks me for my TBA subs (registration) every year.

1A & 1F are extremely interesting!! Has anyone heard or seen any advertising by the TBA for bowling in Australia let alone a publication? Granted we don't have a million bowlers in the country. Actually how many bowlers are there in Australia? Do the State based associations receive advertising funding from the TBA and if so, why isn't there a major advertsing campaign to get new bowlers? And yes I know that most alleys are privately owned but we (nearly all) pay our subs each year.

Like I said in my last rant - look at the A League structure. Maybe the TBA needs to get someone who isn't associated with bowling but another sport, then a fresh pair of eyes may just deliver the "average bowler" what they want. Which is????
little weed, you haven't dented my ego, i know gail is a wonderful contributor to bowling & has been for many years, i also know the TBAQ has done & still does a wonderful job as i am sure some of the other states do, we are talking about the TBA. i do believe in the TBA & they have a role to play as the governing body & i do support them otherwise i wouldn't be doing what i do every day. please you or a current member of the board let us know of one of their achievements i am sure everyone would like to know
to you potter yes i do believe in accreditation. i'm not sure what you are talking about but i am sure you don't know what you are talking aboUT

sampson 1791 you are very correct
I will say it once again & then be finished....TBA need some help and ideas...not rubbishing.... granted they aren't good with advertising etc.....we never see bowling promoted unless we walk into a centre..... it seems that most of the promotions come from centre managements BUT tba need advice and to listen to the advice ....it is much easier to listen to advice than criticism...there are many critics out there.

RAMBO...? you do many good things for our sport here at home - you do things the way you know how ....but some people don't agree with the way you do things or what you do & you cop some criticism.....you don't like it ..thought you would feel more sympathy for TBA when people are complaining about them!!!

I think it is sometimes easier for all of us to sit on our butts and slag the s*!t out of TBA, easier for some to sit behind a computer too and do it, or even get on the phone to some people and slag them off but then when they want something from TBA they are as nice as pie, when really they are too gutless to post it, or speak up on the matter. I have to say I have never really had much to do with TBA, Ian I have had many dealings with, and can’t complain there at all, but when it comes to asking questions, I needed to ask one, and got an answer in 24 hours, and also got a direction to go with the question I was asking. Yes we pay our money and yes I would like to see us receive a little more than we do, but I am like Robbie, a simple discount with an airline or a motel would do me fine. I think what the TBA need to do is post a little more on TB, and what I mean by that is on there site atm they are asking for 2008 dates for tournaments and you have a cut off date to when they need these by, but if you didn’t go to the TBA site you wouldn’t know, I think things like that, where you have managers of centres, and a lot of bowlers that run tournaments on this site over here, they should help the sport and post them here as well. I think TBA doesn’t post over here because of the personal attacks they have received in the past, I mean we set the TBA forum up and asked you the members to ask TBA your questions, and then TBA would answer them, but it was too hard to control because we had forum members that went and tried to answer the questions for TBA, and that wasn’t what that part of the forum was set up for. Alex tried his best and people may hate this next comment but I do hope he stays on the TBA board. I would have loved to have seen memberships go up, and be put into groups, like some people have mentioned. I think too the managers should encourage all bowlers to sanction, it is the only way we will ever find out how many bowlers we do actually do have in this country. They might not get anything from TBA but managers can give away a free cup of tea to the male and female with the highest game.

As for Rachuig and De Veer, I think the cost to bowl these events is becoming a little high for the people that have families, plus a week off week, all of those things add up. I know it is the pride to bowl for your state and all the rest, but at the end of the day you are away for a week from your family and when you come home, sometimes you have nothing to show for the $1000 - $2000 that you have paid out, I know we should do it for the love of the game, but people change, they want to start a family, they want to buy there first house, so that’s when bowling state is lower on there list. I personally don’t think you can have just two groups for the Nationals, I think then you will have even less people bowl, as I know some people in Qld bowl in the country centres and hold a average that is only true in there home centre, but when they go away they are bowling in heaven and bowl the house apart. Then you go back to the did he or she cheat to be in that grade, the average they entered on was that there true average, all of those things come into it all over again.
I could go on for hours I think we all could, but sorry I am over all the personal attacks on TBA and everyone saying they can do better, well I hope you all put in for Alex’s job and you show us you can do it better. I know I am going to be ripped apart for this post, but these are my thought’s I never asked anyone to agree with me.

Wayne I seen you put this line into your post “Candidate for TBA Chairperson”
So what would you do different to how things have been done. (It’s just a question not a personal attack.)
Here we are.. It's now may 19th 2008 and seven months have passed since the first post in this thread. we have a new CEO but not much else has changed. The dues paying members still have no idea in which direction our leaders are taking the sport.

Hell...I just returned from the AGM where there was an open forum and guess what. I don't know any more now than I did before I attended the meeting. Many posters on Totalbowling have said to stop whinging and step up, become a part of the solution by doing something. I nominated for a director's position on the TBA board the I was in effect told that my services weren't wanted or needed. Even though I was the only one of the two candidates who was actually qualified for the position, I was defeated 15 votes to none.

I ask you..should I remain vocal in an effort to help our sport or should be silent and not care?
start small, deliver good change, work your way up.

you can't start at the top. you have to work your way there.

Seriously though, Keep at it. if you are as commited as you say your are we may start to believe it when we see it.
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